2016 Favourites

So with the end of 2016 now here, its my favourite post of the year. Yearly Favourites, mostly super obvious, but hey - I love reading them, and think they round up the year nicely! 

Haul: What's New

Yes I hauled the week before Christmas - and it was fab! lol Space NK sending me emails and MAC taunting me.... 

I really hope you all had a fab Christmas, and you were spoiled of course, we don't really do Christmas on a huge scale, so I ended up buying bits the week before Christmas...here is what I got.... with swatches of course :) 

December Favourites

December favourites are often forgotten about - with the 2016 favourites often taking priority, so I thought I would take the time to round up this months favourites, before I go into the full year :) So here are the things I have been loving this month! 

BLOGMAS: Entire MAC Lipstick Collection + Swatches

Entire MAC Lipstick Collection + Swatches

Since January this year I have said once I hit 1000 Bloglovin' followers I would share my MAC lipstick collection, and as of 21/12/16 I have reached my goal... I have no idea why I picked this post - probably as it is one of my favourite posts to read - but still, here is is, 2 days before Christmas, but I promised myself.... and hopefully it will come in useful for the next time you are passing a MAC counter... 

BLOGMAS: The Best Of Christmas

I love Christmas, everything about it... but here is my top picks, everything I love about the festive period! 

BLOGMAS: Making Christmas Warmer Campaign with Cotton Traders*

So last month Cotton Traders contacted me with a opportunity I simply couldn't refuse. With Christmas approaching The Cotton Trader's aim was simply to spread a little Christmas Cheer, especially in busy working environments this close to Christmas. 

BLOGMAS: The Ultimate Guide To Urban Decay Palettes + SWATCHES

Have you ever stood at the Urban Decay counter and wished you knew what you wanted? Yeah me too. Picking a palette is HARD! 

So here is a swatch guide to the most popular palettes. Here you will find the Naked 1, 2, 3, Smokey, Basics, Ultimate Basics, Moon Dust and Electric... and I promise by the end of this post, you will have more of an idea of what you are looking for. 

BLOGMAS: What You NEED From Lush (Before It's Gone!)

It's almost panic time, the doom of boxing day approaching where we know our beloved snow fairy will be discontinued until next year. But which bits will you be picking up in December? Storing away until October 2017....

BLOGMAS: 2016 Empties

Have you ever wondered how much someone can go through in a year? Wonder no more! Think it's fun just to see how much I use up. Safe to say my candle & toiletry use is on par at the rate that I buy them.... but the makeup.... well I need to start using more and buying less. 2017 resolution maybe?

BLOGMAS: December Empties

December Empties feels very final, and no wonder, end of the year and all, so here are the things I have used up over the past month - candles included as always :) 

BLOGMAS: To Me, Love Me: How to Treat Yourself This Christmas

Free makeup, points, tesco, boots

One of the big perks of spending money on other people, is how quickly points will begin to add up on your loyalty cards.

Here are my top picks for which ones to go for - and the items I have bought using points alone! - Who doesn't love freebies? :)

BLOGMAS: A Day In My Life

So there was an article in the Sunday Times style magazine this weekend - mocking the blogging/youtube community using a day in the life format (if you haven't seen it already - its on twitter) It was badly done, and LilyPebbles was majorly pissed off.. so was everyone else really. 

One thing I am constantly asked about my life is how I juggle Work, College, Parenting and Blogging at once, and to be honest I really have no idea - I wish I had some sort of secret answer for you - but there isn't one.... most of the time it is just good luck! 

So between the bad article and the question of how I juggle my time, I decided to do a day in the life for myself... this is a typical Friday by the way, something a bit different - but I hope you enjoy! 

BLOGMAS: For The Love of Packaging & The Blog

Have you ever looked at a product and thought - oh wow, that packaging is just perfection? Well that is exactly what happened when I seen MACs new launch with Mariah... To be totally honest - I really was not a fan of any of the actual products... I found the highlighter way too gold for my pale skin, the eyeshadows were alright - but nothing to be shouting about - and the lipsticks were all a bit "meh" but for some reason - I just couldn't put them down.... 

BLOGMAS: The Hungover Post

I hate missing a day, but I totally forgot yesterday...

BLOGMAS: The Unrealistic Christmas Wish List

I loved this post idea, Adrienne from the Sunday Girl posted this on her blog last week, you can view it here and I loved it, who doesn't love dreaming of all the things we would dream to just be given, but wouldn't ask for - and probably wouldn't just go out and buy for ourselves..

BLOGMAS: The Ultimate Christmassy Nail (Seventeen)*

Have you ever seen nail varnish so Christmassy? Seriously they are so beautiful, so so beautiful.

If you are thinking "I can never get my nails that glittery, or ick, what a nightmare to get them off though" Check out this post. It will solve all of your glittery nail problems.  

But here is my ultimate Christmas nail for this year, for every year probably, and will see you right the way through til January.

BLOGMAS: All About Me

So I have been blogging for 2 years now, but I thought today I haven't ever really done a get to know me post... so I figured now would be a good time to do one, give you more of an insight to me and my life - if you care that is! :)

BLOGMAS: How To Make Your House Smell Amazing (For Less than £5)

Blogmas Cheap Christmas Candles

I think I have read and seen one too many candle videos/posts which feature a certain £210 candle from Diptique  sure it is beautiful, and would I accept it as a gift? Hell yes... would I walk into a spaceNK and fork over £210..... no. Why? I am poor and I cannot spend £210 on something I am literally going to set on fire. I was tempted by the smaller cute jars like the green Le Roi Sapin one... but again common sense over ruled and told me no, you do not want to spend £48 on a candle Erin, it's just not going to happen. Plus I burn them ALL the time. I would be bankrupt within a month if I needed luxury candles. So here are my top picks this Christmas, all coming in at under £5, and will have your house smelling like you spent £210 - just remember to hide the packaging.

BLOGMAS: Top Picks From Boots 3 for 2!

So as you all probably know already - boots 3 for 2 xmas gifts have started! They very kindly sent me their top make up picks, and I have also been in store spending my own money - so I thought I would share them with you....

BLOGMAS: How To Apply (And Remove) Glitter Nails Without Fuss

If you are anything like me you will look at glitter polish and think *oooooo so pretty* then hate the applying and removing so much you decide not to bother? Well here is how to apply it opaque - then remove it with zero fuss of hassle. 

BLOGMAS: Too Faced Palette Show Down - Which one? Review + SWATCHES

Too Faced peach, semi sweet chocolate bar palette swatches review

Have you ever just felt so over whelmed by a brands palette selection that you don't even know where to begin? Well this is the one for you. This is a full review and swatches of 3 Too Faced palettes. I am skipping the bon bon, because I don't have it - and really just don't like it... but each to their own. 

Here is my top 3, and which one comes out top. I would also like to note that the Sweet Peach palette is Limited Edition, but is being relaunched in time for Christmas, you should be able to get your hands on it if you are fast! So lets get to it :) 

BLOGMAS: Teen Christmas Gift Guide 2016

Beginner Gift Guide

Teens I think are a dream to buy for, especially when it comes to makeup... so here is my top picks for the bits I would pick to give to a newbie to makeup, the bits that maybe they haven't gotten themselves yet or are on their wishlist already. 

BLOGMAS: Baby, Toddler & Child Gift Guide (From a Parent Perspective) Christmas 2016

This one is a long one, so sorry in advance, I let AJ help me choose items for this, so hope you enjoy it! 

Welcome To BLOGMAS 2016


Who's Excited? I'm excited. I'm also slightly terrified. Lot's of pressure, but also a lot of good content I cannot wait to share with you all. 

November Favourites

November Favourites 2016

Who is excited for December?? MEEEEEEEE. Ok calm. It's still November today, so here is what I have been loving this month :) 

Trying Out New Lashes with @WeLoveLashes* (20% off Code Too!)

It's very hard to find someone who doesn't love lashes now, every time I wear them I always feel 10x better about myself. So when I was contacted by FalseLashes.co.uk about trying some out how could I refuse? 

This website is lash heaven, seriously every type you could think of all on one website, there are hundreds of options! All with free delivery too, so you can buy as many as you need without worrying about minimum spends or postage costs - they always put me off spending!

Too Faced Semi Sweet Chocolate Bar Palette Review + SWATCHES

BONUS POST. In preparation for Blogmas, and due to my inability to control my spending when it comes to makeup... so there I was in Debenhams, and there it was - before I knew it I was out the door palette in hand. 

So here is the lowdown on the Too Faced Semi Sweet palette. 

Forgotten Everyday Favourites

Everyday Essentials

I think that there is products that all of us overlook, not because they aren't good - in fact quite the opposite, they are just a bit... meh.

 These are the things we rely on being good, the things we are comfortable with - the hype is over and we just repurchase them because we trust them... here are those things for me...

Items So Good - I Bought Them Again

Items I have Repurchased

I think a true statement to how good a product is - is when you run out and buy another. Either the minute it's done, when you realise nothing compares or when you simply cannot handle the thought of being without it - even for a second... here are the bits I have picked up more than once, and why...

Product Review: Foreo Luna Play

Luna Play Full Review

So I have been using this funky little device for almost 6 months now, I very luckily won it through The Sunday Girl and her blog.

I have been loving this little thing, I leave it in the shower next to my face wash, its like a little added face massage/wash with my morning cleanser.

Make Up: The Autumnal Edit

Its almost winter, I can feel it in the air, freezing me, making me not want to leave my house, hide in bed under the covers!

So here are the things I have been loving recently, love love loving, all through autumn to be exact. My stand out bits, the bits I love for this season...

November Empties

Another Empties, this one is surprisingly filled with Make Up, all finished at once... was an expensive month for repurchasing lol.

Lush Snow Fairy Body Conditioner (My Must Have This Christmas)

Lush Body Conditioner Snow fairy review

 have you ever used a product and though *wow* NEW FAVOURITE. Lush seems to be quite dangerous for that, especially at Christmas Time.

Well this is what happened with Snow Fairy.

What I Got For My Birthday 2016

Another year, another birthday... the 26th one to be exact. I must admit my 6th one was much more fun - they always are! The older you get the less exiting birthdays are, but here is all the things that I was very luckily given. Everything from shoes and makeup, to a very cool duck named Vincent. 

Items I Wish I Used More

I think we all have items like this, items you look into your stash and think *I LOVE YOU, but why don't I use you more?* These are those things for me, and my hope of using them more over the next few months. 

Battle Of The Cleansers

best cleanser review, super facialist oskia cleansing gel balm clinique

I do love a good quality cleanser. It really can make the difference between a spotty face, and a pretty one ;)

So here is my top picks at the moment, the ones I am using the most - and what I like about them :)

Turning 26

So by the time you are reading this, I am 26. Every year that passes after 21 is somehow a blur, am I not still 21? How do I even have a 5 year old child??? No idea.

So here is the 26 things I want to do this year...

MAC Nutcracker Sweet Haul & Swatches

Every year MAC releases a HUGE limited edition collection, this year it is themed on the Nutcracker... and I must day I do like the idea, so here is my top picks from their new range.

Now I will say this, every year the items are VERY popular, I got these in store on their launch date (03.11.16), so if you want something - look quickly... because they are sold out online :)

My Birthday Wishlist

I love the first 5 days in November, simply because it's my birthday on 05/11.

Birthdays are no where near as good as they used to be as a child, but even now as an adult there is still excitement around them, so here are the bits and pieces on my wish list this year... and shockingly there is no makeup...

October Favourites

I always hate the end of October, I hate how it feels, the start of the cold approaching, the end of the pumpkin spiced lattes... and for us parents the panic over Christmas.

But here is the things I have been loving this month...

Halloween Makeup - For when you Hate getting Dressed Up.

Does anyone else love halloween but hate all the dressing up? Just me? Oh well. Here is what I typically do for halloween, because I cannot handle all the awful quality outfits... It just isn't my thing anymore! 

So here is my top tips for rocking a halloween outfit, without having to spend a penny (You don't even need the black lipstick) 

3 for 2 IS BACK! Superdrug HAUL

Who doesn't love it when Superdrug do their 3for2 offer? Seriously it's AMAZING. Just makes buying makeup so much easier... ok so that is the downside....

So if you didn't know already, Superdrug occasionally run a promotion where you can pick 3 items from any brand across brushes, makeup, lashes and accessories and get them for the price of 2... it's dangerous for bank balances.

How to Maintain a Flawless Nose (With Glasses or a Cold)

As a glasses wearer, my nose is a constant issue. Do my makeup flawless, and boom - 10 minutes of glasses wearing and its RUINED. Not to mention a cold, how many of us have tried to maintain a flawless look then one blow of a nose and its over. End up looking like Rudolf, and no - that is never cool, no matter the month. 

Top 10 Shows/Movies I REALLY Wish Netflix Had

Do you ever remember a show, think oh god I so wish Netflix had that!! Well this is all this is... a collection of things I wish Netflix would allow me to binge watch already. Don't get me wrong, I love Netflix, but I always want more, and these being added would keep me happy... at least for a few months anyways... 

Autumn Lipsticks (Without Being Bold)

Just incase you missed it.. Autumn is my favourite season - without a doubt. Typically I associate a dark plum lip with these months, but more recently I have been reaching for something a bit different. I cannot decide what this colour is even called, but I am going with a burnt orangey, nudey browny colour. Ha, That'll do.

October Empties

Another month, another empties post. Happy to say the end of a few make up items too, I seem to be finishing a lot all at once... which isn't so good for my bank balance - as it is often the perfect excuse to replace. Oops! 

Bullet Journal: Keeping Track of Your Stats (Graphs)

I have shared sneaky snaps of my Bullet Journal on twitter before, people seem to love them.... love my geeky graphs. So I thought I would finally put it into a blog post, and show you which things I use, what I document and why I love my graphs. So welcome to my bullet journal :) 

Hourglass Surreal Lighting Palette Review + Swatches

Hourglass Surreal Lighting Palette Review + Swatches

The palette everyone is swooning over just now on instagram. The stunning marble, baked and all round perfection of a palette that is the Hourglass Surreal Lighting Palette.... but do you need it? Now that is the question

Natural Vs Full Glam #FaceOff Selfie*

I love when a package makes a surprise arrival, and thats exactly what happened here. Boots were very kind and sent me a package with some goodies inside.

October: Wishes & Regrets

October, dang I do love Autumn, and this month is just everything Autumn. Here is everything on my mind this month, the things I am after, and which things I wish I hadn't bothered with!