BLOGMAS: Baby, Toddler & Child Gift Guide (From a Parent Perspective) Christmas 2016

This one is a long one, so sorry in advance, I let AJ help me choose items for this, so hope you enjoy it! 

#1 Nothing big, nothing that cannot be tidied away, nothing that doesn't fit in a storage system, and no - just because you are an aunt sister does not mean you are the exception to this rule, it works, and every parent out there will thank you for it - no one needs an unexpected huge gift on Christmas day.. we are stressed enough :) 
#2 If it "Requires Batteries" Please either reconsider or supply them with the gift - or chances are it won't be turned on till June - especially if its a remote control car - those things need 8 different batteries. 
#3 Make sure it has an OFF button. So so important, and no stupid noisy toys. We will want to throw them at you, and no - it isn't funny... tell it to AJ's drum kit which hasn't seen the light of day since boxing day 2015... 

Even Toddlers love getting new
Shoes, AJ, 2013 (Age2)      
1. Clothes (In a big size) - I will never be unhappy with clothes as a gift, they grow so quick that clothes of any variety are a bonus - just don't buy the size they are in now - unless they desperately need some and you know - but go for 6-7 if they are 5... or if they are a few months old - get next years winter coat in 12-18m! I always recommend next they are incredible for kids clothes - and if you are stuck on what to get, a voucher will come in handy for the 6am sale on boxing day ;)

Our Favourites:
For Girls: Next Ochre Cat Appliqué Jacket (Yellow) £31.00
Red Cord Pinny £12.00
For Boys: Next Coated Anorak (Yellow) £26.00
Multi Stiped Stripe Crew £12.00

New Shoes! And a new coat.
AJ 2013 (age2)
2. Clarks Voucher - Kids feet are ALWAYS growing, why not think about a Clarks voucher? The whole process of getting new shoes as a little child is so fun, getting your feet measured and getting to pick shoes, then walking out wearing them - its a fun experience you can go along to. Their parents will love you for it!
Our Favourites:
For Girls: Iva Pip £30.00
For Boys: Softly Tom £32.00

3. Books and Board Games - Anything Julia McDonald is a winner for me, anything to read is a winner come to think of it. Why not track down your favourite book as a kid? Amazon have SO many, same with board games, we love Frustration, Snakes and Ladders, and you get board games for tots now too, Orchard Games are awesome!
Our Favourites:
Chicken Nugget by Michelle Robinson £5.09
 Pizza Pizza (Orchard) £8.50

4. Duplo & Lego - Any child ages from 0-14 will appreciate a lego set - even now at 26 I am happy to build one! It seems a child can never have enough of it, I am yet to meet a child who doesn't like it.
Our Favourites:
Duplo: Number Train £9.49
Lego: City Van & Caravan £17.09

5. Tech - in this day and age Tech is consuming life, and as much as I disagree with letting kids use tablets from a young age - there are certain things I am willing to accept as a winner. Anything that kids love and make adults life easier is also a bonus.
Our Favourites:
For Toddlers: GroClock (Sleep Trainer) £23.74
For Kids: JVC Kids Headphones £10.00

AJ Loving his Happyland Toys.  2012 (Age1)

6. For Babies - Babies are pretty easy to buy for, go for sensory toys, or bath toys and you will be winning...    
Our Favourites:
Rylie the Racoon £11.99
Oball Wind'n'Swim Turtle £6.99

7. For Little Hands - ELC just win at toys for little hands, my favourite range from them is HappyLand, so sweet for boys and girls, and they always have offers on. (They also don't need batteries)
AJ, Aged 5, 2016
Our Favourites:
The HappyLand Bus £22.00
The HappyLand Cottage £40.00

8.For Bigger Kids - the best way to find out what a bigger kid wants for Christmas is to ask them. AJ comes out with all sorts, but he knows what he wants better than anyone - just make sure to check with their parents to make sure they don't have it already. But most kids will say "I like Ghostbusters" so will be happy with anything across the range... most kids will do the same :)
AJ's Favourites:
Ghostbuster Dress Up Set £16.78
Ghostbuster Scooter £19.99
Ghostbuster Lego £39.99
Ghostbuster Skateboard £9.99

9. Arts, Crafts & Educational - we can never have enough pens, pencils, colouring in books, painting stuff. This rule does not apply to play doh though, that stuff is evil and will ruin your carpet/couch/anything it comes into contact with. 
Our Favourites: 
Collage Toolbox £15.00
Hand Painting Art Case £12.00
AJ after Christmas (before a clear out)
Age 3 2014

10. Money &/Or TimeSometimes when parents say "Oh they have enough" it's true.. I mean look at that, its horrifying... Sometimes the best gifts are those of time, trips away, or a night sleeping over at your house is enough to excite them. AJ loves a movie night - with sweeties and crisps too of course! 

But also things like Car Seats are SO expensive, especially if you want a good one which rear faces as long as possible... or things like School shoes, clothes, School trips, the list is endless... or even just to put into their savings.. it is a lovely gesture and sometimes it can really be put towards something extra special... and doesn't leave toys pilled up! 

Advice from a Parent & What I buy kids: 
The best gifts AJ gets, and what I typically go for is very standard.. something to wear, something to read, and something to play with. It's a flawless approach and just gives something a bit different. This is what I would recommend :) 

Have you had to buy for a child this year? What did you go for? Let me know in the comments below :)

FAQ: AJ's Correct & Full name is Andrew James, so he does have one - we just don't use it, he won't answer to Andrew :)

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  1. First of all, I love your new header, so festive! I always have a hard time deciding what to get for my god-daughter (she is 6) and this year I asked her! She said she wants a nice pair of boots and I will be taking her with me so she can decide herself what she wants!!!


  2. Oh my word look at all the toys! I always think dress up clothes are great I knew how much I loved dressing up when I was little!

    Corinne x


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