Lush Snow Fairy Body Conditioner (My Must Have This Christmas)

Lush Body Conditioner Snow fairy review

 have you ever used a product and though *wow* NEW FAVOURITE. Lush seems to be quite dangerous for that, especially at Christmas Time.

Well this is what happened with Snow Fairy.

"Pop your cherry; rich, hydrating washes await. Cherry infusion meets candy floss water to evoke all the fun of the fairground" 

I have used Ro's Argan for about two years now, it is my typical go to body moisturiser, I use it about twice a week. It is so easy to use, quick layer over yourself while your are shaving your legs, then wash it off once you are done, no fuss, no stickiness and waiting for it to dry, just soft smooth skin (which smells incredible too)

Lush Body Conditioner Snow fairy review

Now, who doesn't love the snow fairy scent? Want it to last all day & night? You need this in your life. The shower gel can move over, this is the one you need to be getting this year. It is incredible.

I showered with this at about 10am, I was still smelling it in bed at night. It is the perfect scent for this time of year, and why would you ever want to smell of anything else? This will not only leave you smelling incredible, your skin will be super soft too.

Think I might need to bulk buy this one before January!

If you haven't tried this yet - you really need to. I promise it will not disappoint.

You can pick it up here for £13.95

Have you tried this yet? Do you love snow fairy? Let me know in the comments below, also let me know which Lush products are your favourite? 

Hope you are loving my new blog layout as much as I am, let me know if there is any problems with it - its all very newww! :) 

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  1. Oh my god I didn't know they were doing Snow Fairy as a body conditioner! I had it last year in the shower gel and it smelt amazing ��

  2. This sounds so good, I love scents that last all day.

    Zeynab x
    The Beauty Load

  3. Kate] Kate's Closet14 November 2016 at 11:32

    Ooooo this sounds so good xoxo

  4. lifeinpicturesbylu14 November 2016 at 12:12

    It looks so cool🙂🙂

  5. Charlotte - Nichole14 November 2016 at 12:35

    This looks and sounds amazing! Love the colour!
    a life of a charlotte

  6. Ahh, this sounds so nice!

    xo, Liz

  7. I really want the shower gel for xmas because it smells gorgeous!

    Lauren x |

  8. Now I know what to pick up at Lush next time :)
    Nati xx

  9. I love the shower gel in this scent, can't wait to pick this up!

  10. Lauralouiseellis14 November 2016 at 22:50

    That even looks like it smells amazing! Definitely going to try this! :)

  11. I absolutely adore Lush products, definitely one of my favourite brands!
    I have tried the snow fairy shower gel and loved it so have to get onto trying this! x

    Liz | LotsofLoveLiz ♥

  12. I wish they sold Snow Fairy all year round, I really want to try this one next!

  13. Sounds very interesting! Haven't been in lush for ages!

  14. This looks so good - thanks for sharing!
    Love Emina

  15. Ah Snow Fairy... I love it and I have to check this out! How beautiful it looks and I'm sure it smells divine! I still haven't checked the new Christmas releases :O The new layout looks good :)

    Ela BellaWorld

  16. Ooo this stuff sounds amazing! I might just have to get this one soon! :)

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  17. Jasmine Stewart15 November 2016 at 21:22

    I had no idea Lush did a product like this and it really isn't Christmas without a bit of Snow Fairy so I need this in my life :)

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  18. This sounds incredible. Snow Fairy is one of my fave xmas scents xx

    Tiffany Tales | Lifestyle & Beauty

  19. The Sunday Mode16 November 2016 at 02:57

    Oh my god I didn't even know this existed! I've been so out of the Lush loop lately :(

  20. I bought this a little while ago and I love it. I can't get over how soft my skin feels after using it. Im definitely going to stock up before it disappears!

    All About Z ||

  21. Megan Elizabeth18 November 2016 at 12:14

    Ooh this sounds lovely! I love the shower gel so I think this will be next on my list to buy x


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