MAC Nutcracker Sweet Haul & Swatches

Every year MAC releases a HUGE limited edition collection, this year it is themed on the Nutcracker... and I must day I do like the idea, so here is my top picks from their new range.

Now I will say this, every year the items are VERY popular, I got these in store on their launch date (03.11.16), so if you want something - look quickly... because they are sold out online :)

Now, so far the most popular item I have seen is the Face Compact, everyone is obsessing over it - thanks to the revival of Whisper of Guilt. It was actually in stock when I was there this morning - I know a few of you will be screaming at the screen, WHY DIDN'T YOU GET IT.... well I am too pale. A gold highlighter just doesn't look good on me. Plus I got "Oh Darling" last year - which was a near enough doupe, which I never use.... so here are the stand outs for me...

The first thing I did note was that the second peach highlighter face compact is much more suitable for me - but I hated the packaging... the fabric rounded corners - not for me, so I decided to pass.

I also loved the look of the Red Gloss Kit, but I would have preferred to buy a gloss separately, rather than having to purchase all 4.

I then spotted the blush in Sweet Vision... OH MY. They only had two into the store, and one swatch and it HAD to be mine, it is stunning. So SO pretty. I couldn't find it anywhere on line, but if you can find it in store, get it!

To finish I love getting a lipstick from the limited edition collections, I love the whacky packaging, and this purple one in Leap Of Delight is stunning for this time of year. A true deep purple, Matte finish... perfection.

What do you all think of the new MAC collection? Have you picked anything up from them? Let me know in the comments below!

I personally think its all a bit too pink for this time of year, no one wants a vivid pink lippy for christmas... they need to do a Santa themed collection - now that would be something worth splashing out on :)

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too) 


  1. Victoria Pease4 November 2016 at 09:36

    I'm actually surprised, I'm not a massive girly pinky make up girl, but that packaging is stunning! The blush you picked up is very pretty but I'd rather a really nice red christmassy lipstick!

  2. The blush in Sweet Vision was such a good purchase, the packaging (star print) alone looks super gorgeous and I can imagine how lovely this will look against your pale skin :)

  3. Claudia Wright4 November 2016 at 12:20

    The packaging is SO PRETTYYYYYY! Whenever I go into MAC I tell myself I'm gonna try something new but I always end up with another nude lipstick!

    Claudia xx

  4. The packaging is just stunning for this collection! That's a very beautiful blush :)

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  5. The new range looks amazing, you picked up two amazing things! Can't wait to get my hands on some of the products:)

    Emily xo

  6. This entire collection is so beautiful, especially that blush! I wasn't originally going to get anything but dang that is a pretty product x

  7. The Makeup Aficionado4 November 2016 at 22:02

    Mac always comes out with very cute collections.

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  9. Cate // 35mminstyle.com4 November 2016 at 22:21

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  10. Wow, really need to try this one, my perfect palette for fall.Thanks for sharing <3


  11. Kate] Kate's Closet15 November 2016 at 11:43

    The blush is super pretty love it xoxo

  12. I had the chance to visit a MAC counter yesterday (the nearest one is an hour away...) and omg the packaging and products are so pretty! Unfortunately Sweet Vision was already sold out but I ended up treating myself anyway and got the pigment gift sets. I got one last year too and love them! :)x

    Anu♡ | Based On | bloglovin

  13. Oh my goodness, that lipstick looks gorgeous! As soon as I saw the packaging in your photos I fell in love. Need to get on board the Mac train at some point as their products are just beautiful! :D



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