Forgotten Everyday Favourites

Everyday Essentials

I think that there is products that all of us overlook, not because they aren't good - in fact quite the opposite, they are just a bit... meh.

 These are the things we rely on being good, the things we are comfortable with - the hype is over and we just repurchase them because we trust them... here are those things for me...

Everyday Essentials

1. Mitchum Deodorant £2.99-£5.00
There is no way you can sweat through this stuff, and if you somehow manage it - it will smell good. Mitchum is just king of stink, it knows how to work and it does it well, so well I don't buy anything else now.
Repurchased roughly 6 times 

2. Wilkinson Sword Intuition Razor £7.50
This one is actually relatively new to my routine, I have been using this about 6 months. I did have my panic moment last week though when I run out - and instantly repurchased. This is fantastic just for the lazy factor, no need to bother with shaving foam, its all built in! 
Repurchased Blades Twice. 

3. Original Source Mango Shower Gel £1.00 
My favourite is the mango one, but anyone will do really. If I am needing Shower Gel and don't have anything fancy to use, I always have one of these to go to. They are just reliable, smell incredible and always on offer. They just work. 
Repurchased around 15 times 

Everyday Essentials

4. Garnier Micellar Water £2.66
Every now and then I think, oh I will try something different... then instantly regret it. This is the favourite for a reason, I love the classic Garnier Micellar, it just works, every time without fail or fuss. 
Repurchased Roughly 4 Times.

5. EOS Lipbalm £6.50 
The first Lipbalm I have EVER used up without loosing it first. I think I deserve a medal! 
Repurchased Once

6. Boots Nail Varnish Remover (£3.00)
This pot is the best thing ever. So so quick to remove polish, just makes life a total breeze. Why did I ever bother with the pads?? why?? 
Repurchased Twice 

7. Lush's Ro's Argan Body Conditioner (£16.50)
So this one gets its spot because I hate moisturising, give me a bottle of it and I won't use it - I hate my hands being sticky, I hate feeling sticky when I put my clothes on - I just hate it all. BUT. Ro's Argan you apply in the shower. Then you wash off the sticky feeling. Ultimate winner to me, and I will continue to repurchase their body conditioners now.. will not use anything else. 
Repurchased 5 Times

Everyday Essentials

8. YesTo Cucumber Wipes (£3.99)
I have been using these for about two years now, I started using them when I seen Ingrid use them on YouTube, and I have been obsessed since. They just remove makeup gently, without making my face ache. 
Repurchased Roughly 6 Times

Not Pictured 
9. Batiste Dry Shampoo (£1.99) 
Every girl's best friend. And there is nothing in comparison. I tried Colab and it was as much use as a chocolate teapot. 
Repurchased 20+ Times 

10. Huggies Baby Wipes (£1.00) 
I have used these since AJ was a newborn, something I will never go without now. I use them to remove makeup swatches, I use them to clean the floor, table, toilet seat, AJ's face, AJ's hands, my hands, I could go on and on, the minute you become a mother these become a cult item, something you just cannot live without. Even if you then need to clean things properly afterwards, its just what mums do. 
Repurchased 300+ Times

Which things do you rely on and completely forget about? Anything I have mentioned? Let me know in the comments below :)

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  1. Erin | herlittleplans.com26 November 2016 at 08:56

    I love Garnier Micellar Water too! Bioderma is just too expensive for me x

  2. Love these products! Thank you! Wanna follow me too?

    visit me too: (and enter my giveaway please!)

  3. I love Garnier Micellar Water no others compare! I know what you mean about baby wipes there is nothing they can't clean!!

  4. I love the overlooked products. We share a love for quite a few of the same products as well. I'm
    panicking as I'm nearly out of my eos.

  5. Those shower gels are amazing, they always have the best scents! I recently rekindled my love for Micellar water too!
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky


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