BLOGMAS: For The Love of Packaging & The Blog

Have you ever looked at a product and thought - oh wow, that packaging is just perfection? Well that is exactly what happened when I seen MACs new launch with Mariah... To be totally honest - I really was not a fan of any of the actual products... I found the highlighter way too gold for my pale skin, the eyeshadows were alright - but nothing to be shouting about - and the lipsticks were all a bit "meh" but for some reason - I just couldn't put them down.... 

So out of the lipsticks there were 5 to choose from, all nudes, all cream sheen or metallic, but I just had to have one... I HAD to. Why? The packaging. I mean look at it... then I told myself something that I don't think I had done before - to buy something I probably don't really want to use.... 

"It's for the blog"

What then made it worse was my lipstick was not perfect - the inside had been marked by the machine which made it - so I then had to out myself to my local MAC counter as a blogger by saying "It's for the blog" when I took it back to swap it. 

Hard times. 

So thanks to a certain MAC limited edition lipstick... the whole of MAC Dundee now know I am a blogger, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing yet... I suppose we will see....

So, now I am left with a stunning lipstick... but you may have noticed there is no swatch in this post like usual... because I couldn't bear to actually use it. Well done Erin, you have bought something you are horrified to use... *urgh*

I can honestly say this is the first thing I have bought just to photograph it.. I will use my blog as an excuse when I really want something too... but this is the first one I have bought with little intentions to love....

The shade I went for is Mcizzle... which is still in stock here for £17.00

Have you bought anything before simply for the blog or instagram? Or just because it looked pretty? Which item? Let me know in the comments below :) 

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too) 


  1. Erin | herlittleplans.com12 December 2016 at 08:53

    The packaging is to die for! It's beautiful! xx

  2. That looks so pretty! I also buy things with cute packaging for my blog haha :)

    Sarah | What Sarah Writes

  3. Oh my GOD that packaging is legit to die for.. how beautiful?! Babes, I honestly can't tell you how many times I've bought stuff 'for the blog' or for props haha!

    Hayley xo

  4. I completely agree the packaging so pretty but I'm not even bothered about the shades themselves, it's just the packaging I want!

    Lauren Ashleigh xx

  5. The packaging is just stunning, so I don't blame you for purchasing it because of that. Haha. At least you haven't used it yet! Maybe once it's all sold out in stores, you could sell it ;)

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  6. That packaging is fairly nice not going to lie, I would of done the same as you and bought it for the blog haha!
    Charlotte //

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The packaging is gorgeous, never seen one like this!!! I would do the same thing, I am a sucker for cute packaging and purchased lots of things only for this or they looked nice for photos!!


  9. mac have done some really cool packaging!


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