BLOGMAS: The Ultimate Guide To Urban Decay Palettes + SWATCHES

Have you ever stood at the Urban Decay counter and wished you knew what you wanted? Yeah me too. Picking a palette is HARD! 

So here is a swatch guide to the most popular palettes. Here you will find the Naked 1, 2, 3, Smokey, Basics, Ultimate Basics, Moon Dust and Electric... and I promise by the end of this post, you will have more of an idea of what you are looking for. 

Naked 1 £38.50
The biggest complaint from this palette is the packaging.. to use this one you need to get over the velvet effect top, something quite a lot of people just cannot deal with. But for me the shades make it worth it. This palette is the most diverse out of the lot I feel, warm, golden, smokey, this is your best friend if you love a warm gold glitter eye. 

Naked 2 £38.50 
This is the one that the girls on the counter recommend the most out of the four to beginners, it seems to be an all rounder, and is definitely next on my wish list (I borrowed this one from a friend for this post) I love how it is a mix of warm and cool tones. 

Naked 3 £38.50
The naked 3 is for those of us who prefer a more natural pink toned eye. This is the palette I reach for when I don't want to look like I am wearing too much make up - and perfect for anyone working or still in school. 

Naked Smokey £38.50
This is my least favourite out of the four. I just find it a bit much, for for some this is what they are looking for. What I would say is the matte shades in this one are beautiful. If you love a bold black smokey eye this is the one for you. 

Ultimate Basics £38.50
*heart eye emoji* Yeah this is beautiful. But I do hate how it doesn't fit in with the shape of the others... odd I know, but still, it frustrates me. The colours however forgive it - it is stunning. Those warm red/brown tones. Give me it. What I would say is that I don't see this as a starting palette, more of an addition to a stash - unless you have a serious love for matte, then this will tick all those boxes for you. 

Moon Dust £35.00
This is the one for if you already have all the others, or you are a party goer and in need of some glitter. What I would say about this one - is that the pigment is stunning when using your fingers or a wet brush - but the pigment doesn't transfer overly well on a brush, so keep that in mind before you go for this one :) 

Electric £38.00
The daring one. This is the one that is perfect for anyone who is obsessed with stepping outside the box and rocking a bold eye. I do not use this often, but when I do it tends to be for events or nights out. The silver is perfection! 

Basics £23.00
My most used. The dullest out of the whole collection, but I use this for my brows, brow highlight and eyeshadow base every day. It is my trusted friend, and I couldn't cope without it now. This is the one you get and think *meh* then reach for every time you do your makeup. Trust me, it is worth getting. 

I am not going to say which one you should get - because I don't think one is better than any other, so I hope this guide helps if you are struggling to make the decision - I feel your pain! Which ones stand out to you? Do you have any already? Let me know in the comments below :) 

If you loved this post check out this one - The Too Faced Show Down + Swatches 

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  1. Oh the Naked Palettes, how I love thee! I think my favorite has to be the Smokey palette since I have a darker complexion and tend to do smokey eyes more than cut creases/nude/subtle looks! The Naked palettes really never disappoint though and all the eyeshadows are always so buttery and beautiful.

    xx Heather |

  2. Ah so much palette envy! I have the naked basics I never thought to use it for my eyebrows such a great tip, thank you! x
    A Blushing Beauty Blog

  3. I have the Naked 2 and Naked 3, but I don't reach for Naked 2 because when it was shipped, Blackout was broken :( I had the Electric palette but returned it. Now this post is making me want to do an "Ultimate Guide to Too Faced Palettes" since that's what I have a lot more of! lol!


    1. you should! I did one on the three I have here:


  • Sarah SoBeautyStuff18 December 2016 at 09:47

    Great review. I've got the Naked 1 and I think I'm going to get the Ultimate Basics. Such a useful guide, thank you! X

  • Class and Glitter18 December 2016 at 15:07

    They're all so pretty!!

    Parie x
    Class and Glitter

  • Naked 3 is my favorite! I don't think I could live without it.

    The New Old Fashioned Girl

  • I actually love the Velvet top on the Naked 1 palette, it's so unique and pretty! Great guide x

  • What a great post! I have the original naked,the naked basics and the ultimate ! Since I have so many earthy shadows now,i'm thinking about getting the naked 3 next :D


  • I've really been wanting to try out the Ultimate Basics palette, it looks incredible! Who doesn't love matte shadows!
    xx Dany | The Queens Empire

  • This is such a good definitive guide, Erin! I actually only have the naked smoky, I think the next on my list is the naked 3, I think the shades are such beautiful tones! Also love the naked 2! Love this post hun!

  • You got some great collection here! I think UD is a winner when it come to eyeshadows. :)
    I love the original Naked palette (the Virgin shade is the best inner corner highlighter).

    Michelle Morchella

  • The Makeup Aficionado20 December 2016 at 10:10

    The urban decay palettes would make an awesome gift idea. Lovely post.

  • There are so many Urban Decay palettes, i really need at least one in my life x

  • This is such a useful post, all the main palettes and their swatches in one post. I've got the Naked 1 and 3, the first being my absolute favourite. I really want to get the Naked Ultimate Basics palette for Christmas, I only have a few matte eyeshadows here and there so this would complete my collection perfectly.

    Julia x
    Last post: Throwback to my Christmas Posts |

  • I have dreamed about having an Urban Decay palette ever since I descovered the world of make up and eyeshadow. I think the two I like the most are the first and third Naked palette as the colours look so amazing and right up my street. Such a lovely and detailed post, hopefully this will be the year I finally get a palette!

  • I'm really enjoying your blog so I've just followed your blogloivn. I love the Naked palettes, I have Naked 2 and it's beautiful. I definitely want the Ultimate Basics as I don't own many matte shades. Would be great if you could check out my blog.

  • Megan Elizabeth25 December 2016 at 20:06

    This post is such a good idea for people that don't know what they want. I adore my Naked 3 palette but I got the Naked 2 for Christmas so we'll see if that overrides my favourite palette. I really LOVE the moondust palette but I can't see me wearing any of the shades much at all... maybe one day :( x


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