Natural Vs Full Glam #FaceOff Selfie*

I love when a package makes a surprise arrival, and thats exactly what happened here. Boots were very kind and sent me a package with some goodies inside.

This is to celebrate their new social media campaign #face off, celebrating natural make up vs a more glam approach. You can read all about it here. But here is my take on it - using the products within the goodie box :)

Brows: Soap & Glory Brow Archery* - on the natural side, I filled in the blanks, on the glam side I shaped and defined my brows... I love this tool, its becoming a staple favourite.

Eyes: Sleek Goodnight Sweetheart Palette* - on the natural side I went for the pale pink shimmer all over the lid, on the glam side, well its a bit of everything in the palette. I was really impressed with the pigment in this palette, it all blends beautifully. I mean it looks fab!

Contour, Blush, Highlight: Rimmel London Kate Blush Bronze Highlighter Trio* - On the natural side I went for just a bit of blush and warmth on the cheeks, on the glam side I did a more contoured and sculpted. Oh and enough highlighter to glow from space.... as always. Ha.

Lips: Maybelline 207 pink fling* 
& Maybelline Vivid Matte Liquid Lipstick "Electric Pink"* - I typically am not a bold pink lipstick kind of person, so I must admit the liquid lip really isn't my taste, but I did love the softer natural option. 207 pink fling is really easy to wear, super moisturising, and just lovely on, one I will definitely be using more often.

Which is your favourite side? Which look do you prefer to use? Let me know in the comments below :) 

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  1. You got some great goodies. Love the look you created. I've got so lazy when it comes to makeup, I usually go for a really simple everyday look. Cannot do eyeliner the way you do!

    Love Hannah xx

  2. Shireen L. Platt12 October 2016 at 15:10

    You got yourself a great box of goodies! I love the glam look for a special night out but for day to day, I prefer the more natural look.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  3. I love the glam side, your brows look amazing! This is such a cool idea x

  4. I love both sides :) Your brows look great on the glam side

  5. Both sides are really pretty, but I like the natural side a tad bit more. Great post :)

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

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  7. Kate] Kate's Closet13 October 2016 at 08:58

    I'm a natural girl all the way but you look great glam xoxo

  8. Eeep I love both sides, depends on my mood which side I'd wear! But I am loving the eye make up on the glam side!

  9. loving the glam look!
    style frontier

  10. That lippie is just pretty!


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