Items So Good - I Bought Them Again

Items I have Repurchased

I think a true statement to how good a product is - is when you run out and buy another. Either the minute it's done, when you realise nothing compares or when you simply cannot handle the thought of being without it - even for a second... here are the bits I have picked up more than once, and why...

Items I have Repurchased

1. Bourjois Happy Light Serum Primer £10.99 
just such a lovely finish, no silicone, easy to use pump and moisturises without leaving you oily.. I could never find anything I liked as much, so I have gone through two of these now. 

2. Seventeen Wet Look Liner £3.99 
I am yet to find any liner to beat this. Every now and then I try something different, then automatically regret it and go back to this. It just doesn't move, it is super black, and so easy to apply. If you haven't tried this you really need too! 

3. Chanel Chance Eau Tendre £49.50
This is just my smell. I love it, if I could afford to wear this daily I so would - but its a tad expensive lol. Luckily I do tend to get a new one every Christmas, but it is something I aim to have at all times... it just makes me feel good. Everyone needs a perfume that gives them that feeling :) 

4. Seventeen Long Lash £3.49
Something I thought wasn't going to be groundbreaking yet it just WORKS. No fuss, no drama, it just does as it is supposed to do. Without the effort. Plus with it's tiny price tag replacing it every 3 months isn't really that much of a bother (I always replace Mascara every 3 months) 

Items I have Repurchased

4. Seventeen Wow Highlighter £5.99
 I used this all flipping summer. I practically bathed in it. THAT GLOW. Yeah I was obsessed - still am, check out how I use it here, but I am now close to finishing the first one.. so I now have a backup! 

5. Essence All About Matt £3.00
Now this isn't easy to get a hold of up here in Scotland - it is now only sold in Wilkos. So worth the effort though, I just love it for setting my face. I actually have two unused ones waiting to go, I just don't want to be without it now - and not interested in finding an alternative lol 

6. Spectrum Brush A06 "Shady Lady"  £4.99
To me I just think this is the perfect all rounder brush, fab for packing on product, blending, crease, it is the one I take when I cannot be bothered to take 6. This just does the job of them all. I got so fed up of it constantly being dirty though so I bought a second.. and thinking I might need another one now too lol

So there are my top picks, what things do you find yourself repurchasing when they run out? What items are you loyal to? Let me know in the comments below :)

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  1. I love essence makeup so definitely will have to try out this powder :)

    Lotte |

  2. I'm yet to try a Chanel perfume but I think I'm definitely going to have to get my hands on Chance!

    Anika |

  3. The Seventeen Wow highlighter sounds brilliant. Seventeen have some really amazing products right now.

  4. There are a few products that I keep repurchasing and I make sure that I always have them in stock. My trusty perfumes, foundation, mascara and of course some skin care products are on that list.

    Ela BellaWorld

  5. Gorgeous makeup, lovely products!

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  6. I love the smell of Chance, I need to get around to buying it! Wish we got Seventeen products in the US, that eyeliner sounds amazing x

  7. seventeen have some great products, I love the skin wow highlighter!

  8. I always go into stores and smell the Chanel Chance perfume but never commit and buy it!
    Kathy x

  9. i love the essence powder! Very affordable too! Unfortunately, we don't have the brand seventeen in Canada! i have always heard great things about it!


  10. I love Chanel Chance, it's one of my favorite scents! Great post Erin <3 Missed reading your blog!

  11. mmmm.Chanel Chance the best parfume ever :3 also how that highlighter looks on skin? :)

    amber necklace for babies

  12. thank you for such a great post. I repurchase the seventeen tattoo me liquid eyeliner again and again.

  13. I love the Chanel Chance, it is a great everyday scent, especially in the summer!

    Danielle xx

  14. The Chanel Chance has been my scent for so long and it's something I'll always repurchase. Need to try the rest, maybe they'll be as addicting.


  15. I really need to try that Seventeen eye liner! I am always repurchasing my Rimmel one (love it!) but I know what you mean, sometimes you go ahead and try something new - and it's a complete disappointment.
    Love the rest of your beauty bits and pieces/essentials. I always make sure I have a stock of my faves <3
    xox Nadia

  16. The Makeup Aficionado27 November 2016 at 21:58

    I wish seventeen makeup was easy to get in Australia. I've been eyeing that bourjois primer for a while now, i definitely need to pick it up! I too love that essence face powder.

  17. I've heard amazing things about the 17 highlighter and I think I'm going to pick it up soon. The idea of it seems similar to Soap & Glory's Hocus Focus but it's only half the price! I love the Essence powder too, I have mine at the boyf's but I really need to get a second one. It's so perfect with a big kabuki brush - sets everything in place and doesn't leave me cakey! xx


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