Turning 26

So by the time you are reading this, I am 26. Every year that passes after 21 is somehow a blur, am I not still 21? How do I even have a 5 year old child??? No idea.

So here is the 26 things I want to do this year...

1. Apply for Midwifery at Uni.

2. Keep on top of my TV shows, it sounds so pointless, but I love TV, and I need to keep on track!

3. Reach 1000 bloglovin followers.

4. See AJ read, he is doing so well!

5. Move. I want a bigger place with a garden. I hope I will be out of the flat next year sometime :)

6. Stop buying things "just because"

7. See AJ ride a bike... no stabilisers.

8. Pay off the Credit Cards.

9. Finish Paying off the MacBook.

10. Loose 25lbs.

11. Reach 8,000 views in one month.

12. Continue to work with incredible brands.

13. Complete my College course (with good grades)

14. Go away on holiday (even just to Haven)

15. Read.

16. Paint my living room, decorate.

17. Learn to Bake

18. Spend as much time as I can with AJ.

19. Elf on the Shelf. Every Singe Day.

20. Look after my Car - you know - CLEAN IT ERIN.

21. Make time for friends, be a good friend.

22. Have the confidence to reach out to my favourite brands.

23. Continue to build up Snapchat - I love it.

24. Theme IG the way I want to theme it, it doesn't all have to be WHITE.

25. Take AJ Camping on a beach (hopefully in Kinloch Rannoch)

26. Build a snowman.

Which things are you looking to do in the next year? How did you celebrate your last birthday? :)

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too)


  1. Danielle Alexa6 November 2016 at 10:26

    I hope you had a lovely birthday!
    I like to set myself goals on my birthday, but then I always have a little tinge of guilt the next year when I haven't reached them all!

    Danielle xx

  2. Victoria Pease6 November 2016 at 12:36

    Hope you had a good birthday Erin, love your mix of big and small goals - that's totally the way to do it. If you need any help with number 17 gimmie a shout!


    1. yes we should so do a blog collab, I suck at baking lol! :)

  • Shireen L. Platt6 November 2016 at 14:15

    Happy birthday, Erin and hope you have a great celebration! These are really lovely goals and I hope you achieve all!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  • Happy Birthday you beautiful lady! Love these goals, it's alway so important to understand what we want to achieve, no matter how big or small! You'll absolutely smash 1,000 BL followers love, you're already nearly there!

    Hayley xo

    1. Thank you lovely :D 150 away, but its creeping forward! Will be so happy when I hit 1K! :)

  • I hope you've had a lovely birthday. I want to move this year too, although I say this every year!

  • I hope you had a good one! I must say, our goals are quite similar - though I don't think I'll be moving out anytime soon, as I suffer from clinical depression and my mom looks after me :)

  • I love that these are all/mostly practical goals, except maybe keeping up with TV--there always seems to be a new show to watch, never enough time for all of them! Have an amazing birthday x


  • Ooh! Happy Birthday. I'm loving Snapchat also. :-) x

    remie's luxury blog

  • This is a fantastic idea! I'll have to give it a go! Happy belated Birthday :) X

  • Loved reading this post :) Lipstick reviews are great and all, but more personal posts like this are super interesting, because, y'know... I'm super nosy. Hope you had a great birthday! By 23, I wanted to have bought my first car, got out of my crappy job and have lost 3 stone. I'm only two months in and have just bought my first car, quit my crappy job in favour of a new job as a legal assistant and have lost 11lbs, which I'm thrilled with. So, I now have ten months to lose the remaining 2 stone, 3lbs. Good luck achieving your goals!xx

    Laura's Beauty Binge

  • I hope you had an amazing birthday! Best of luck with your to do list :)

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  • I really loved this! I can relate to a lot of your goals and I feel inspired to make some of mine now even though it is not my birthday! Happy belated birthday to you and I hope you are achieve all you have listed and more!


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