The blogging community can be pretty amazing at times, all supporting one another and appearing to be the best, most supportive network out there, but is it as incredible as it really could be? I know I could really do with upping my support game, especially on twitter, but is everyone proving their worth within the community? Helping and supporting each other as much as they could? Or even at all?
Recently I have seen a few bloggers who simply don't support. At all. Years of supporting, commenting, liking, responding, and not so much as a heart, a comment, anything in reply. Nada. I see YouTubers *cough*Gleam Crew*cough* who admit they don't watch other YouTubers within their niche, who don't read others posts and seem to only really speak about people in their exclusive gang.
Now I can completely understand forming little groups and friendships with other bloggers and be supportive of one another... but when does it become unsupportive to the community? I have seen influencers expecting others to read their content, watch their videos, comment on everything and like it all, but to expect a reader or watcher to do all that, with nothing, ever, in way of acknowledgement in return, is it right? Or is it fair? Should it be expected? At which point does an influencer get to stop giving back to the community?
Should there be a time where influencers think they are "too big" to read others and support other bloggers? I think some people fail to realise a bulk of the people who read blogs and watch videos, are bloggers and youtubers themselves. So it helps to be social back, outside of your own little bubble. No blogger in my opinion, should ever feel like they are above reading and commenting on others posts, especially if they expect their content to be looked at... maybe thats just my opinion?
So here is the things I strive to do, and the things I have always set as a priority. Because I don't want anyone ever, feeling like they always support me, but don't get anything back.
B L O G S / Y O U T U B E
- Find and follow 5 new blogs/Channels a week. Give them a follow on Bloglovin' (Check out this post for Top tips on using Bloglovin' - because it is SO GOOD) Comment on their posts/videos, no "Great Post" BS, leave a real, genuine comment - they will really appreciate it!
- If you only have time to comment on your own blog/YT replying to everyone on your comments, consider checking out their blog instead of leaving a "Thank you so much" reply. 9/10 it holds a lot more meaning and will have them returning to check out your content more, it's a win, win situation.
- Comment on as many posts as you can, not including pods. Make it meaningful, share the love.
- When buying a product you were recommended by from another blogger, tag them in the post, say *...* wrote a post here, I loved it. (And use their link to buy it - helping out always!)
- Write a post/Make a Video celebrating all your favourites, don't be shy about the posts and blogs/YT you love, say hey I love this post here, and I like their pictures etc. Being kind goes such a long way!
- Comment on 5 pictures per day, not including those within pods. Leave a genuine comment, share the love. It always makes me smile getting a lovely comment.
- Find & Follow 5-10 new people a week, show them some love. I think an issue with IG just now is that no one is following anyone, it leaves accounts stagnant, and I think its part of the reason why we are all struggling growing IG, share the love, find new accounts you love and tell them how fab their pictures are, chances are they will really appreciate it, and probably check our your content too, then taaadaaa, new friend.
- Share new accounts you find on your story, its so easy to do, and it really does make someone smile.
- Find & Follow 5-10 new people a week, show them some love, comment, reply, retweet!
- Retweet the posts you have read, Retweet the posts you loved, share share share. It's always appreciated.
- Recommend others to follow and check out, recommend smaller bloggers, new bloggers, big bloggers, all bloggers :)
- Don't start drama and subtweet, or "Call out" it doesn't help the vibes.
- Heart, or love all the mentions and comments you get, try to reply to them all, someone has taken their time to leave you a comment, it helps to do the same, and will have them interacting with you again :)
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Remember Guys, its not a competition, its a community, being supportive will get you much further than being a huffy pants - or in the words of Nikki (LoveLaughsLipstick) an utter COCK WOMBLE. See what I did there ;)
What do you think of the support in the blogger community? Do you love supporting other bloggers? Or do you disagree? Let me know in the comments below :)
*These items were sent to me for review, but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own, unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!)
Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)
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I would love it if you could leave a comment, I love reading them! I also love it when you leave your own blog links so I can go check them out too - But please make sure your clickable link is working - or I do need to delete the comment :(