Let's Talk: Things That REALLY Annoy Me About (Big) YouTubers

I love YouTube as much as the next girl... but every now and then it drives me absolutely bonkers, here are a few of the things that annoy me the most... now I am not naming names, and I am not saying they are all like this, but there are a few who annoy me a little too much, and here is the things that drive me batty...

1. Not Putting in the Effort (Content)
This has been an issue with the gift guides, its very obviously for some *this is all the things I have been sent* rather than actually investigating a worthwhile video of things people would actually give as a gift. Or look into what is actually new out.. not just what has fallen into your PO Box. Sometimes seeing the new bits which PR have sent is great, but sometimes seeing a little more thought into something is the best way to go about it.

2. Not Putting in the Effort (Posting)
Bang on and on and on about how YouTube is their life and job... yet struggle to post even once a week. Poor show, and for the amount you are being paid, the fact that you have no other job - I expect more than a 6 minute video once a week. #justsaying

3. Not Knowing When to Quit
I have seen a few admit to just not coping with what comes with life as a YouTuber, hating the online lifestyle, watching them become unwell by doing it... yet they don't stop, its an ongoing cycle of them being really unhappy with their life, yet not wanting to just STOP.
This also applies to a certain Brighton YouTuber who bangs on and on about wanting privacy and how its not fair... tell you what isn't fair, getting paid minimum wage, working full time and still not being able to pay your bills, I would give up my privacy for a couple of million a year... no doubt... which leads onto.....

4. Letting Money Overrule Common Sense
A few months back I witnessed a big YouTuber buy a £400 handbag that she cannot fit her phone into. She didn't check it before she bought it. Just splurged. No Thought. Done. Then laughed about it on YouTube... I am all for spending their money however they want, but don't put your stupidity on YouTube, it horrifies us.

5. Forced Collaborations
This refers to all collaborations you see on youtube which are SO awkward, you know the ones where they have the same managing company, and they are doing it for the follows.. go check them out - they are great, yeah sure they are - but I don't believe what you are saying when you say you watch them daily...

6. Not Understanding Their Audience
awww so a £210 candle you find worthy of being in a gift guide, but not once have you set foot into a home bargains... you haven't lived! And lets face it, we are all guilty of loving a bit of home bargains... why wouldn't you relate to the people who are actually watching their videos. I am tempted to send them the £2.99 Home Bargains Gingerbread candle with a different label (and a £100 price tag) and see how quick they all rave about them.

7. Not Being Genuine 
*OMG I LOVE THIS PRODUCT* em no. I don't believe you, no one does. I do however believe that they paid you a fair bit of money, kudos to you - but just say that... yes I'm talking to you audible.
Sometimes its just simply saying they love another YouTubers low end product... when the rest of their stash is very much high end... it isn't genuine... which leads onto....

8. "Supporting Each Other" 
YouTubers are always talking about Supporting one another, but sometimes its just all so fake and wrong. Yes we should support each other, but when you don't like a product you should say it - and just because it has another YouTuber's name on it - does not make it automatically good. My example of this is Co Lab, it's no where near as good as Batiste... and don't even get me started on the books.....

If you liked this post check out this one on media influencers I did a few months back :) 

Does anything annoy you about YouTube? Let me know in the comments below, please tell me I am not alone :) 

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