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All About Paige Toon Books...
I very quickly fell in love with Paige Toon's writing style, her characters and her books. To the point I've read them all in just over a month. So I thought I would give you the low down on which ones should be at the top of your reading list.
Paige Toon's books are all romance novels, so if you don't like them these probably won't be your cup of tea, but if you are in the mood for a romance that will have you hooked from the first few pages these are the ones for you!
My absolute favourite part of her books is that they are all connected somehow, the characters reappear - they live in the same world, and will cross paths. It's exciting knowing you might just bump into a familiar face. (Something I LOVE about Sherrilyn Kenyon's books - my Favourite Author).
I've summerised the books (badly), and given a brief conclusion of my thoughts, but if you would like to know more just ask!

My Top 3! (Well 5).
The Best of the Best. The *Must Reads*
The Last Piece of My Heart ★★★★★
Brief: Bridget is asked to be a ghost writer for a famous best selling author who died before finishing her next book, she died shortly after giving birth to daughter April, leaving her and husband Charlie to grieve. Bridget moves to Cornwall to finish the book...
Setting: Cornwall, UK.
Links to: The Longest Holiday & Thirteen Weddings
I LOVE this one, I love Bridget, who we met in "The Longest Holiday", then "Thirteen Weddings", I felt like Bridget was due a book, and wow was it worth the wait. This one had me crying, had me feeling all the feels, and I completely fell in love with her story. This one had me hooked from a few chapters in, and I just loved their story.
Johnny Be Good AND Baby Be Mine ★★★★★
Brief: Meg moves to LA to be a PA for rockstar Johnny Jefferson. He is a typical bad boy rockstar, smoking, drugs & drunk. While there she meets Christian his best friend... *all the drama*.
Setting: LA
Links to: Chasing Daisy, One Perfect Summer (And a whole load of books have reference to Johnny's Music).
(On a side note here: I have also read the 3x YA Jessie Jefferson books which are the follow on from the short story in One Perfect Christmas, they were fab, but I don't have physical copies. Definitely worth reading them if you need more from Johnny & Meg)
So good they needed two books. I LOVED Johnny & Meg. This book made me realise how messed up I am in terms of falling for the wrong guy - but at least I am not alone here, who doesn't love a rockstar bad boy *sigh*. I stupidly read Baby Be Mine first without realising Johnny Be Good existed, I then re-read Baby Be Mine (cause it really was that good). Overall, obsessed. These were the books that had me hooked on Paige Toon's books - and I definitely want me a Johnny Jefferson.
One Perfect Summer AND One Perfect Christmas ★★★★★
Brief: Joe and Alice had a holiday romance as late teens, fell head over heels in love - then were seperated. The book watches Alice grow and mature, while longing for Joe along the way....
Setting: Dorset & Cambridge
Links To: Baby Be Mine, The Longest Holiday
Okay, this is a top-three but only with the additional short story read as the true ending. I LOVED this book, it broke me in a way none of the others has. Joe was utter perfection - especially after meeting him with Meg in "Baby Be Mine". I HATED Lukas, really, really hated him, but that wasn't the biggest issue with this book.... the ending just isn't enough - I was majorly butt-hurt. I huffed, I complained... but it turns out since finishing, Paige Toon admitted it was lacking - so she finished it off for her readers in One Perfect Christmas. The extra chapter just finished the story for me, and since then it has stuck with me, and I can't deny my love for it.

Definitely Worth A Read
Pictures of Lily ★★★★★
Brief: Lily meets Ben at age 16, but Ben is older, engaged - and definitely off limits. Their story watches Lily grow, mature and find out what she really wants (and who).
Setting: Sydney & Adelaide, Australia.
Links To: Lucy in the Sky.
Lily and Ben are very much forbidden love. The love that shouldn't be. At first, I really wasn't loving the direction this was going in, but I soon fell in love with Lily as an adult rather than a teen. The setting is complete perfection, the Koalas especially. This book had me desperate to visit Australia, especially to find a Ben of my own. Pssst, Lily & Ben also have a short story in "One Perfect Christmas" where they meet Alice & Jo - which was the icing on the cake. LOVED it.
The Sun In Her Eyes ★★★★★
Brief: Amber is married to Ned in London, but after her Dad suffers a stroke - she needs to fly home to Australia to see him. There she reunites with her teen crush Ethan.... *all the drama*
Setting: Adelaide
Links To: Pictures of Lily, Thirteen Weddings
This one was unlike any of the others - and I loved it. The twist was perfection, and it was great to see Amber be so flawed and make mistakes. I also absolutely loved having a midwife character (I feel like she should get her own book!) This one won't be to everyones tastes, but I really enjoyed it despite the events.
The One We Fell In Love With ★★★★★
Identical triplets: Rose, Pheobe and Eliza all fall in love with the same boy - Angus - as teens. All three have their story to tell, from their perspective...
Setting: Sale, UK.
Links To:
I loved the shock factor from this: Each time you switched triplet you thought you had an idea where it would be going, and wow were you proved wrong. It had me on my toes, in the best possible way. This book had me in tears, and definitely had me hooked from the beginning.
If You Could Go Anywhere ★★★★★
Brief: Angie has never known her father, but was instead raised by her grandparents after her Mother passed away after she was born. Angie has never left Australia, but dreams of travelling - soon she has a ticket to Italy to meet her father, and while there she meets Alessandro too...
Setting: Rome, Italy / Australian Outback.
Links to: ??
Allessandro had me swooning from the beginning not gonna lie about that. But, I think Angie is my favourite Paige Toon Character. She was kind, loving, sweet, passionate. Perfect. I loved hearing her story, and would happily hear more about her life in another book.
The Minute I Saw You ★★★★★
Brief: Hannah and Sonny meet and there is instant connection - but neither is ready for a relationship. Sonny is going through a difficult time and Hannah is forever dealing with her past... *all the drama*
Setting: Cambridge
Links To: ??
This was the first book I read from her, and I finished it within a day and loved it. In hindsight Sonny definitely isn't my favourite man - due to the way Sonny is with his ex *grumble* but, its still a fantastic read. That TWIST. SWOON. The setting was also perfection - I love her Cambridge books, the canal is just the perfect addition to the overall feel of the books, but this was fantastic - I loved their stories together.

If You Want More...
Chasing Daisy ★★★★★
Daisy works on the F1 circuit and quickly falls for driver Will - who has a girlfriend. Team mate Luis is determined to make her life that little bit more complicated too... *all the drama*
Setting: Worldwide.
Links To: Johnny Be Good, Baby Be Mine & The Longest Holiday
I LOVED Luis. I think he is a firm favourite of all the men in Paige Toon's books, sign me up for some Luis. Daisy was fantastic too, she had me hooked - especially with best friend Holly. This one is heavily linked to Johnny and Meg, so definitely worth a read if you loved them too!
The Longest Holiday ★★★★★
Brief: Laura runs away to Key West, Florida after a bad breakup. She quickly realises she doesn't want to go home with them, and instead chooses to stay. She soon falls for Cuban Diver Leo, and quickly learns she doesn't want to come home.
Setting: Key West, Florida.
Links To: Chasing Daisy, One Perfect Summer and The Last Piece of my Heart
This is another book with one hell of a twist, one that had me SHOOK to the core. I didn't like Laura in previous appearances, but she quickly became loveable. Leo was cute, sweet, everything you would look for in a breakup - and the holiday setting was a dream.
Thirteen Weddings ★★★
Brief: Bronte hates weddings, but quickly finds herself photographing them - throughout the process she finds an old flame Alex: who is engaged. Soon she also meets Lachie, the cool musician.... *all the drama*
Setting: London, UK.
Links To: Pictures of Lily, One Perfect Summer
I just found this one lacking.... it had a big twist coming, then felt anti-climatic. Alex was irritating, therefore Bronte was infuriating being utterly infatuated with him. Also the ending? Not quite terrible, but not great either. It just wasn't as good as the others - and definitely not a favourite.

The Bad Apples
Lucy in the Sky ★★
Brief: Lucy meets Nathan on holiday in Australia - while engaged to James. *Love triangle awaits*
Setting: London, UK and Sydney, Australia.
Links To: Pictures of Lily
James was a twat. But then so was Lucy. She seemed to be incapable of making an actual decision, then her hand was forced to make the choice, and even then she didn't really choose. She didn't deserve Nathan (who was pretty damn amazing btw).
Five Years From Now ★★
Brief: Nell and Van met as kids and seem to run into one another every five years. Their chemistry is unmatched, and just attract one another. The book starts at age 5, and skips forward to each meeting.
Links to: NONE.
It's been a while since I've been this angry at a book. I threw it... accross the room. In a fury. I LOVED it, I loved every second of it.. up until that ENDING. It's lucky it's still on my bookshelf finished like this, I actually still feel hurt by it. Van was a personal favourite, their story was perfection... but that end. Just NO. NO NO NO NO NO. No one won in that ending. It made sense, but no. *cries*.

(Her books, in order)
Have you read any of these yet? Which one grabs your attention? Let me know in the comments below.
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