A Christmas Candle Showdown: Diptyque Vs Jo Malone

Gulp, the great showdown. 

I honestly cannot believe I have both. It seems to odd to look at them both, in all their glory. I am very lucky this year to be the proud owner of both pine scented candles from the big brand candles - well amongst us bloggers anyway. I feel like we all covet both Jo Malone and Diptyque, and both set you back around £50 they aren't the cheapest - a definite treat moment. 

I had the Jo Malone one last year, I talked about it in this post. So for this year, I opted to get the Diptyque one to try something different. Rebecca then surprised me for Christmas and got me the Jo Malone one *eeeeeek*. Love them. 

So considering I have both, I thought I would take the opportunity (because let's face it - it won't happen again) to compare the two and discuss which one I prefer. 

Sapin De Lumiere 190g £53.00 

First of all, the box. I know it's just packaging, but let's be fair here - it's GLORIOUS packaging. The patterned green limited edition packaging is what made me want this one. It's beautiful. What I will say was an epic disappointment - was that it is a sticker on the glass. Now, I know the Jo Malone one is a sticker too, but that detailing and pattern, I just thought it would be on the glass, which it wasn't. Maybe I had unrealistic expectations, but for me - it was upsetting, I wish I had known. 

Buuut, it is beautiful. Really beautiful. I cannot take that away from it. It has been burning perfectly. To the sides, not too quick. The scent is subtle but beautiful. Definitely no bleach pine scent, this straight up smells like Christmas Trees, which is why I originally wanted it. 

Plus, it made for a BEAUTIFUL blog prop throughout the Christmas period. There wasn't a photo of it I didn't love - especially on Instagram. 

Jo Malone
Pine & Eucalyptus 200g £47.00 

The holographic packaging really was a beautiful touch this year. The shine on the label was just something completely different for them, and I will forever love the Jo Malone lid. I HATE dusty candles, so for me having a lid to seal in fragrance and avoid dust build up is exactly what I need. It means I don't panic burn them, and really save them for those moments I deem special. 

The burn as always is beautiful. They always struggle on the first light to reach the sides, but it really isn't problematic after that point. The scent payoff is incredible, the scent itself is stunning... like Christmas Trees with a fresh twist, and it fills your house in minutes of being lit - and long after it is distinguished too. 

My only issue with this one this year is sometimes the label is hard to photograph with it being so light reflecting.. but that really isn't much of a complaint... 

Final Results 

Both are beautiful, and you definitely don't need both.. or either... or any... or if you want both get both, you do you... but they are very similar. If I were to pick between the two I would repurchase the Jo Malone one. Diptyque definitely win on packaging, but Jo Malone wins on scent payoff, the lid for longevity and the overall slightly better value at 200g at an ever so slightly lower cost. 

Both are definitely not something you *need* to have. But if you or someone you love appreciates candles and luxe goods, it is definitely a very special, lovely treat to have. Everything from the purchasing process to getting scented tissue, the box beautifully wrapped and decorated. It's all very extra. I mean the Jo Malone one has Bougie on it - how accurate. But with the lid, it really can last you as long as you want it to, and it can double as one hell of a beautiful instagram/blog prop too. 

Would you splash out on a Luxe Candle? Have you had one before? Let me know in the comments!


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