Highlighter Collection

So here is all my highlighters.

I do love a highlight post. There is just something so stunning about them, the way they shine. It has my favourite items to swatch. They are just so pretty!! Seriously i'm like a magpie *OOOO SHINEY* smh

Anyway! here is my top picks out of my stash, if you want to know any of the others, just ask and i'll tell!

1. The Balm Mary Lou-Manizer (£17.49) Mary Lou and I are the best of friends. She still loves me even though I dropped her.Without a doubt my favourite highlight, I cannot get enough of this one. The perfect champagne glow. It's a pale girl's best friend.

2. MAC Bare Study (£16.00) Although not a highlight, I love it as one, I use this on days I am looking for a more subtle glow. You can see my post on it  here

3. MAC Pearl Blossom (Limited Edition - Sorry!) This is one of these shades that MAC release every year as part of a new collection, I seen it out recently in a store. I love it. MAC class it as a "Beauty Powder" I deem it somewhere between blush and highlight. Definitely can be used instead of both for a sheen on your cheeks which is just incredible. Can see it on my cheeks in this post here

4. MAC Oh Darling (Limited Edition - Sorry!) This was the hype of November 2015, it came out on my birthday, so it was the first thing I bought. I must admit it is beautiful, but please don't go buying it on ebay, it is beautiful, but there is lots of doupes out there. The closest one I have found is actually Urban Decay Half Baked, they are exactly the same.

5. Soap & Glory Glow All Out (£11.00) This is the perfect summery peach highlight, it really does make you glow, but in a much more subtle way. Something different for your collection, and definitely worth checking out.

So there is my top 5 from my stash, which ones are your favourites? Do I just need champagne pop? I think I do! lol Someone convince me please :) Let me know in the comments your favourites!

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  1. wellwellgirls24 April 2016 at 12:04

    wow you got such a huge collection (compare to mine haha

    jess x | wellwellgirls.blogspot.com

    1. haha I thought it was quite small too, oops!

  • I'll convince you: Champagne pop is amazing! :D I don't even like to use highlighters that much but the Becca one is just so pretty!!! <3
    Other than that, I've been using Mac's Lightscapade a lot, since it's so subtle :)
    Pearl Blossom looks so cute!
    Emma xxx


    1. I have had my eye on Lightscapade for so long too, aaaah the trauma!

  • Jasmine Stewart24 April 2016 at 16:03

    I broke my Mary Loumanizer too :'( luckily managed to fix it with rubbing alcohol and you can't tell too much. I really love that No7 Bronzing Highlight too - it's beautiful xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. Mary is so delicate. I fixed mine too, but didnt do a very good job, poor thing is wrecked lol. Thank you lovely.

  • These are all so gorgeous, you have quite the collection! I have Moonstone, not Champagne Pop, but the formula of the Becca highlighters are incredible so you'll probably love either one x


    1. I really need to just get one already! :)

  • I love highlighters, am gonna have to have a little look at all of these. I think im the only person left who hasn't tried Mary Lou, I fail as a bblogger lol. x


    1. haha you really do, you need to try it - it will not disappoint!

  • I'm so glad I found this, I've been wondering which highlighter to try for a while (I'm late to the trend, as usual). I think I'll give the Mary Lou-Manizer a try, may I ask where you got it from?

    Hannah xx

    1. Mary Lou is amazing! I got mine from Superdrug :)

  • Its such a shame about your Mary Lou-Manizer! I absolutely adore highlighters, I'm drawn in by them all the time! I love Benefit's High Beam and also MUA's own highlighter is fab and has lasted me a while!

    I love these outfits, especially number 2. And that primark duffle bag is definitely something I'll be keeping my eye out for, I've been wanting a bag like that for ages now!

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


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