Yankee of the Month: Pink Dragon Fruit

Another month, another candle. April is definitely feeling fruity, dragon fruity to be exact :)

Another one I managed to get on offer - 30% off, I think I am now determind to not pay full price for a Yankee for a solid year - think that is achievable at this rate lol. 

Anyway, the Pink Dragon Fruit yankee smells exactly how it is names, very fresh and fruity. Perfect for this warmer weather.

So which candle are you burning at the moment? Let me know - I do love a Yankee :) 

As for the last jar, it is now being used to hold all dirty brushes. If only it washed them too, boo lol.

How do you reuse your yankee jars? let me know in the comments below :)

You can buy the Pink Dragon Fruit Yankee here for £21.99 (Or go to Ponden Home and get the 30% off) 


  1. mmm, the sound of this is amazing! I must definitely go in store to smell this one, although I don't remember ever seeing it around in my store

    Kathy x

    1. I have seen it every few times I have been in, it smells really sweet. I really love it :)


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