Let's Talk About Thick Hair + Undercuts (With Fin&Co.)

*In Collaboration with Fin & Co. (Gifted Service, No payment). 
Let's Chat About Hair

Over the past year, my hair and I have been on one hell of a journey. It's been long, it's been short. It's been blonde, brown, red? It's also changed in terms of how I get to wear it. Which has been the main difference to me, and something that ends up on my mind on a daily basis. 

My hair is super thick. Super, super thick. So thick it takes forever to wash, hours to dry, ages to straighten. It is a commitment. One that I fail on - regularly. To full circle wash, dry and straighten my hair - in a hurry, I'm looking at 1.5hrs. 

Because of the volume of hair I have, I steer well clear of any form of "volumising, uplifting, boosting" hair products. That to me is a recipe for disaster. Instead, I do everything possible to get rid of the volume. I straighten my hair, I use smoothing products. I had a Kebelo Treatment (See This Post). I also need to be careful on length. Long is fine, but if I go too short my hair does this mushroom thing which isn't cute. 

Basically, my hair is a nightmare. 

T H E    U N D E R C U T 

The undercut has been a staple for me for the past two years. It was suggested when I was at breaking point with my drying time. I saw an instant improvement. To me, it was such a relief to have less hair. I really wouldn't recommend them to everyone though. You need to have thicker hair to begin with, You should be able to wear your hair down with it, and not look like you are missing hair from the back. For me it makes my hair sit better at the back when it's down too. 

I've seen girls with thick hair never show their undercuts, I've seen girls show theirs all the time. I'm definitely a somewhere in the middle. I liked to be able to show it when I wanted to - and hide it when I didn't.

I haven't had an issue with it until now - until placement, having to wear my hair up all day, every day. Being unable to hide it comfortably. Being tied to styles. It doesn't help that it needs constantly shaves to stay looking good. I loved the red we put through it at my last appointment - it looked SO cool! But it grew out within two weeks. The majority of the time now it's longer, needs shaved, and just becomes problematic when I'm attempting to make my hair look nice while up.

So currently I am considering growing it back out... but does the benefits outweigh the cons? I have a feeling I would grow it out, then shave it straight back in when I realise I have more hair to deal with. 

F I N D I N G    A   G O O D   H A I R D R E S S E R

My hair has been brown since September, and now Summer is here - I must admit I am missing my lighter shades... 

When it comes to colour, thick hair means longer appointments. Each step is longer. The bleaching, dying, drying. It can often end up being more expensive - so a good hairdresser who understands thick hair, your struggles and the length of time it is going to take is a must. You want them to treat you like everyone else - and not be the hassle client who makes them late for their other appointments.

This is why I love Fin and Co. My stylist Ashleigh has thick hair - and an undercut. She just *GETS* it. Pam, the owner of Fin and Co. strives to match people with their ideal stylist, and this works beautifully.

I don't need to explain to Ashleigh why I only wash my hair twice a week, why my undercut can drive me insane, or why having thick hair SUCKS. She is already there, prepper for the long haul of getting my hair back into shape. Finding a good hair dresser who knows how to help you with your hair troubles can make all the difference in the world, and why Fin and Co are championing experience as well as incredible hair - something I cannot praise enough. 

You can find them here, and on IG here, or at:
1A High Street,
Tel: 01241 852321

Pssst. How funny is this picture of Pam & I? :)

I highly recommend checking out Fin & Co. If you are local, I love going to see them - and definitely need to pop by again soon. Do you have Thick hair? Would you consider an undercut? 


*PR Sample & Links May Be Affiliated - Disclaimer 

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