April Favourites

 I love the end of the month, something nice about rounding up the end of every month with a favourites post. Neat and tidy. Plus it has to be one of my favourite posts to read. So make sure to leave me your links at the end, so I can catch up with yours.

On a side note, what is definitely not a favourite this month is the snow, seriously... go away. It's almost may. Thanks. 

1. Make Up Geek Eyeshadows (£5.00 Beauty Bay) post here
I am obsessing over these at the moment, constantly planning my next spend with Beauty Bay, but right now my stand outs are Chickadee, Creme Brulee, Frappe and Grandstand. So basically them all, yeah.

2. Make Up Forever Palette (£5.50 PAM) post here
The home to my latest obsession. MUG shadows are held so perfectly in here, I love how huge these palettes are, and I love how you can have whatever you want in them, it really is the perfect friend to MUG. (and beats Z-Palette in every way in my opinion, but check out my post for more)

3. Nyx Lingerie Liquid Lipsticks (£6.50 Boots) post here
I love both embellishment and Ruffle Trim equally, but in totally different ways. Embellishment is a dusty purple shade, but not enough to be hard to wear, its the perfect shade if you want something different, but not too out there. Ruffle Trim is terricotta, warm nude, stunning colour (especially with a golden brown eye)

4. Real Techniques Sculpting Brush (£9.99 Boots)  post here 
This is very quickly replacing the Real Techniques Buffing Brush as my favourite "everything brush" The brush that really can apply everything from foundation to bonzer. I love it. Highly recommend, everyone needs this one in their stash! 

5. MAC Bare Study (as a highlight) (£16.00) post here
 I cant believe how much of this I have used in just a month. I have worn this month, and cannot see myself stopping all summer, it really does just give the perfect glow to your skin, love it.

6. Lottie London "Buttercup" Nail Varnish (£5.99 Superdrug) post here
This has been on my nails so much this month, its basically the Nyx Lipstick in nail varnish form, I do love a warm nude! 

7. H&M "Best Day Ever" Jumper (not online - £6.99)
This Jumper is just perfectly me. Grey too, only thing it is missing is a starbucks mug. But for £6.99 it is a complete steal. LOVE IT! I also cannot seem to take it off, wore it constantly since I bought it.

8. (Light) Sweet Chilli Sauce
Being on a diet sucks. But this sauce is making it bareable. Really low in calories and makes a bowl of veg interesting! Really worth trying if you like sweet sauces. It also tastes amazing with philadelphia and crisps - yeah sounds awful, but tastes good. Philly'n'chilli as my mum would call it.

9. TV Favourite
I have been watching Awkward on Amazon Prime this month, really been enjoying it - worth watching if you love a bit of trash TV every now and then!

10. Random Favourite post here
Stobo Castle wins this one without a doubt. So obsessed, and desperate to go back, especially with their £99 deal on at the moment! I will go back soon, you can see why I am obsessed in my full post.

 You have until midnight tonight (30.04.16) to enter my giveaway for a chance to win a MAC lipstick, make sure you have entered here.
I will be contacting the winner at 12 noon on sunday, so keep an eye on your twitter inbox! :)

Let me know what you have been loving this month in the comments below, I would love to hear, and make sure to leave me your links :) 

would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too)


  1. I love that H&M jumper! I've been wanting to try NYX makeup for a while so i'll definitely be having a look at the liquid lipsticks :)

    Caz | This is Caz

    1. MakeErinOver2 May 2016 at 14:20

      Thank you, you really should! The Nyx lipsticks are just fab! :)

  • I used to love Awkward, I should probably rewatch it! The MUG shadows are beautiful, too, I hope they fit nicely into my MAC pro palette whenever I place an order!


    1. MakeErinOver2 May 2016 at 14:31

      you should rewatch it! It's fab! :) I'm afraid they dont fit into a MAC palette with the insert though, but will fit wihtout it :)

  • I love your favorites posts! I need to go to H and M today and find that jumper, its so cute! My partners on a diet and currently covering everything in chilli sauce so I will check this one out for him. xx


    1. MakeErinOver2 May 2016 at 14:47

      you should that jumper is so cool! I love it so much lol. That chilli sauce is fab too, worth getting! :)

  • I'm SO relieved the brighter/sunnier weather has magically appeared today out of nowhere - hopefully that's the last of the freezing cold springtime weather?! Ruffle Trim sounds like the perfect lip shade, I'm definitely going to be picking up some of their shades soon to try out after reading so many glowing blog reviews!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice | Twitter | Instagram x

    1. MakeErinOver2 May 2016 at 14:51

      Yeah they really are incredible. Worth picking up! :)

  • Ohhh I love that sweet chilli sauce! I should get some because I keep using houmous which is high in fat but that would totally make more since! I'm going to buy some tomorrow. Woo!

    Corinne x

    1. MakeErinOver2 May 2016 at 14:55

      Haha I did that a few months ago! Should definitely swap, my calories (and weight) have gone down since! :)

  • Huge fan of the NYX lingerie liquid lipsticks as well! They're such great lippies... Ruffle trim is my fav colour as well!

    1. MakeErinOver2 May 2016 at 15:01

      Glad you love them too, they are so good! :)

  • MakeErinOver2 May 2016 at 14:52


  • Charline Steuckers2 May 2016 at 17:32

    U just discovered how good MUG shadows are and I'm totally obsessed! I must also try out those Nyx lingerie lippies as I keep seeing the everywhere!

    Love, Charline | Charline Has a Blog

  • I have been dying to try out some Makeup Geek Eyeshadow and the NYX Lingerie Lipsticks! x
    Louise | helloteddy.co.uk

  • Edye Nicole3 May 2016 at 02:11

    I love those Makeup Geek eyeshadows, so pretty!! Hope you have a wonderful week <3 xx

    Edye | Http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com

  • Loving that H&M jumper, it would be perfect for me too, the only thing missing is pizza! :) April in terms of weather has been terrible here in Croatia too, we've had so much rain and I really can't stand it anymore. Thankfully, last two days have been amazing, it's so sunny and warm - feels like summer! :)


  • That jumper is totes adorable!!


    Laila xo

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