Dundee Overgate Event #FashionLive (+Mini Haul)

I spend far too much of my time window shopping, I can be found at least twice a week wandering around my local city centre browsing while AJ is at nursery.

From 9.20-11.19  you will find me debating Costa vs Starbucks in The Overgate. The Overgate has to be my favourite place to shop, its local, the shops are fab, and its all indoors, warm and friendly. Can't really ask for much more from a shopping centre.

My favourite part has to be the Debenhams Beauty Hall (Stocks MAC, Too Faced, Urban Decay + more) it has gotten to a point where they all know me... I think I should ban myself. No wonder I am always poor. Today they were launching the new summer bronze & highlight range. I am so in love with Sin, can see this being added to my collection soon.

Other best bits have to be the Next, Paperchase, Lush, Tiger, Topshop, Primark, Yankee Candle and loads more. All within a short walk of each other. Can't really ask for more (well apart from a SpaceNK...)

So, when the Overgate PR team contacted me asking me to come along to their #FashionLive event I knew I would have to have a wander along. They are celebrating the launch of the 2016 spring/summer collection with master classes and presentations from their stores.

I knew I would definitely be checking out the Urban Decay one, the staff are amazing from this branch, and there is always something new to learn from them, they did a workshop at 13.30 on contour and highlighting, was great to see their new products in action. You can check out the highlight (£19.00) here  and the Contour (£20.00) here

I must admit though I spent most of that presentation admiring these shoes (£24.99) from Quiz, they are beyond beautiful.

Next up was the Topshop collection, I have been obsessing over this blush coat (£85.00) now for far too long, it is so beautiful. This dress (£55.00) really caught my eye too, I love a white dress. (if only I could loose a stone (or three) to be able to pull it off haha)

I then went for a wander around, picked up a few bits and pieces. The overgate kindly gave me a giftcard to get myself some lunch, so of course I had to have a coffee and cake. I opted for a Caramel Machiatto from Starbucks with a rocky road tray bake. Not gonna lie, they are pretty amazing.

So I went for a wander around the shops coffee in hand. First stop was to lush to pick up some Bubblegum Lip Scrub (£5.50), I swear I want to eat this straight out the tub. But I think I will be able to control myself.... maybe.

Next I grabbed this pair of New Look Sunglasses (£5.99). I have been eying them up for weeks now. I decided it was officially spring so why not?

Last was three Lollie London Nail Varnishes (£5.99) from superdrug. I got the shades Buttercup, Blogger Babe and Rainy Day. Blogger Babe was a must.

So the overgate kindly invited me along to this event, and they had arranged little blogger gift bags which held items from various stores in their centre. I must say it was such a cute bag, filled with goodies... I am really looking forward to trying out the Benefit Bad Gal lash, and I am already using my new drink flask, how cute is the unicorn? :) Thank you overgate. You can check out their website here, really is worth visiting
Does your local shopping centre do events like this? Have you ever been to something similar? Or have you tried any of my new products? Let me know in the comments below.

*Items within this post were given to me for free. I have listed the items I have paid for, all others were part of a goody bag.

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