Anastasia Beverly Hills (ABH) Subculture Palette Review + Swatches

Anastasia Beverly Hills (ABH) Subculture Palette Review + Swatches

*oh my lord isn't it beautiful* 

I know, its only just arrived, so I cannot do a full intense review, but I find when it comes to new palette swatches is what everyone realistically wants, so here is the swatches and first impressions for each shade! I hope enjoy - and I hope you have found it helpful if you are looking to purchase it :) 

Anastasia Beverly Hills (ABH) Subculture Palette Review + Swatches

Cube. Every palette has a dud, and this is that for me, I mean I can't even see it on my skin tone. It does have a pink shimmer, but its just MEH. Not interesting. 

Dawn. The perfect transition shade. I love this shade for blending out a warm eye look, and to use as a base. I used this today and first impressions are fantastic. 

Destiny. I also used this one today, and it is the perfect Khaki green! I have been looking for a good khaki that isn't patchy, and this on is stunning - even better than the J* one!

Adorn. This is a foiled type shade, stunning swatched and applied wet, but difficult to just apply using the brush. Reminds me of MUG Grandstand I think it is :) 

All Star. Stunning burgundy shade. Perfection, warm toned and stunning. I love how this applies. I cannot wait to use this one. 

Mercury. The perfect Grey tone for eyes, its on the fence between warm and cool, definitely not either, and works with the warmer shades and the cooler ones, I can see me using this shade a lot. 

Axis. This shade of blue is so hard to get right. and I am shook at how pigmented this is. Truly insane amounts of pigment. I cannot wait to be brave enough to use this! 

Anastasia Beverly Hills (ABH) Subculture Palette Review + Swatches

Roxy. This is the perfect on the fence shade between pink and orange, beautifully pigmented. I used this one today - as I was most curious about this one (see below) and I was impressed, it blends beautifully. 

Electric. This is another shade I just won't use. I just don't like the look of it, but never know. But I just don't love the shimmers. 

Fudge. warm brown perfection, I love the look of the shade too, it is just needed to complete a palette like this, it is stunning with roxy. 

New Wave. The perfect in-between orange and yellow, warm stunning perfection. This is the warmer yellow in the palette, it is stunning - and totally unique to my stash! 

Untamed. This is the lighter teal, definitely cool toned. I cannot wait to try this out with edge. I love the idea of a yellow/blue eye. 

Edge. The cooler yellow in the palette is just so unique and nice! I love how this one blends and how different this shade is. 

Rowdy. I love how they went for a dark purple rather than a black, it just works so beautifully with the palette, I used this today and it worked beautifully in the outer V. 

Anastasia Beverly Hills (ABH) Subculture Palette Review + Swatches

Overall, the mattes are BEAUTIFUL. Honestly cannot get over how smooth and pigmented they are, cannot believe how buttery they are, and how easy they are to work with. I now understand the hype around ABH shades, and this palette is so new and unique to the market at the moment, I don't own anything else like this, so it is 100% worth adding to your collection. The shimmers really aren't the best, but with only three in the palette it isn't the biggest issue.

To Address The Drama, there has been a video showing huge fallout with the shade roxy, and I can confirm that mine isn't like this. I don't know if the girl had a truly terrible batch, or if it was done to create views, I'm not sure, but if you are waiting to hear about this I can confirm that my roxy shade is perfect, and won't be crumbling away like the video was showing - no idea what happened there.

If you love the palette I will be doing a follow up post later this month with a full review and looks I have created using the palette, as a different palette like this can be intimidating with the shade range.

Have you looked at purchasing this yet? Do you like how different it is? Do you think you would use it? 

Edit: My Batch Code is P7E19




  1. Admittedly I had concerns about the palette due to the fall out in that shade Roxy but so glad yours wasn't like it. Love the different variety of shades inside x

  2. This palette is so pretty! It looks perfect for fall!

  3. Cassandra Myee1 August 2017 at 04:03

    The shade Adorn looks amazing! I'm not so keen on the palette though as the reviews are SO mixed!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  4. beautyqueenuk1 August 2017 at 07:22

    It is a really pretty palette and I loved your description of cube!

  5. I have this on my birthday wishlist so will hopefully have it next week! Some shades are a bit out there but I think I'll still love it! xx

  6. This is one ABH palette I haven't been excited about. I don't know what it is but the shades don't stand out to me. Lovely swatches!

  7. fashion for lunch1 August 2017 at 08:34

    These shades look so nice, I wasn't impressed at first but they do look cool

  8. Nikita Rajkumar1 August 2017 at 08:47

    All Star and Adorn are literally the two most perfect shades ever! I like the look of the Modern Renaissance palette more but this one is beautiful as well if the shades are more up your street xx Nikita

    BLOG//Jasmine Loves

  9. Back To You Beauty1 August 2017 at 09:12

    Do you know what? I'm just not so sure to. E honest! It's a bit.... flat for me. Great review though

  10. I am not fussed about this one! Your swatches are are so good though, I'm torn x

  11. My daughter wants this palette but was put off by that video, I'm so glad you haven't experienced anything like that, I'll be showing my daughter your post :) xxxx

    Zoe ♥ MammafulZo

  12. These look so colorful and summer appropriate!
    Have an awesome day,
    xx Kris

  13. Michelle Croft1 August 2017 at 11:06

    Some really cute colours in here. Maybe I need to get my hands on this one.
    Michelle xx |

  14. This palette looks like it will be perfect for Autumn! I'm glad you didn't suffer with the fallout like some people have!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  15. Toni Robinson1 August 2017 at 11:37

    These shades look more appealing to me than the Modern Renaissance did. This palette has caused a lot of controversy so will look forward to hearing your thoughts. Xx

    Toni | sheergloss

  16. Heather Nixon1 August 2017 at 11:37

    Such a gorgeous palette! It looks very autumnal to me x

  17. The shades look gorgeous for Autumn time! I definitely want to get my hands on this at some stage!

    Emily xo

  18. This palette surely does look beautiful! A mixture of 'safe' and out there shades.

  19. I love this palette, it's so pretty and so different from everything that's in the market right now! But I won't be purchasing it because I know I won't use these colors on a regular basis. Great little review!

  20. theblogsocial.com1 August 2017 at 12:51

    OMG this palette just looks amazing, the eyeshadows are super pigmented.

    Beauty Candy Loves

  21. Adorn, Allstar and Electric are gooooorgeous shades. This looks so amazing!
    Jen, Velvet Spring x

  22. Omg isn't it beautiful?! I think I'd actually get more use out of this one than Modern Renaissance. I'm so relieved to hear that they aren't all like the bad batch I've seen reviewed recently because I really want to add it to my collection.

  23. Curated by Kirstie1 August 2017 at 16:39

    I've not heard great things so far, but your swatches look fab. Love the look of Adorn and Axis. Can't wait to see what looks you come up with, deffo try the yellow and blue - so on brand!

    Kirstie |

  24. I'm glad you referenced that video, I had a lot of questions about Roxy! At first I wasn't drawn to this palette but those swatches....dang, they're stunning!

  25. Thank you so much for creating a post like this! I wanted to purchase this palette, but when people said the fallout was crazy, I was super nervous to invest in it! The colors are beautiful, and like you said, nothing like I ever owned. I can't wait to add this to my collection! Thanks Erin xxx

    Melina |

  26. omg 'adorn' is to DIE for! I'd plaster that all over my face day in day out if i bought this palette haha.

    katie xx

  27. Such an amazing palette! Great to see your swatches - I like a lots of the shades but I'm not sure about the dark green / teal and the yellows for me

  28. Alice May Snell1 August 2017 at 20:26

    The palette is so pretty. I was really put off by the YouTube video you mentioned but your post has restored my faith! Love the shades.

    Alice May Snell ♡

  29. Allure La Vie1 August 2017 at 20:50

    The shade Adorn is just ahhhhmazzzing. X

  30. Lauren Catherine1 August 2017 at 21:24

    Look how stunning this palette is, looking forward to your follow up post xx

  31. I like the fact they put more unusual shades and tones together rather than the normal safe shades we keep seeing. This reminds me I still have the ABH Mario Im still yet to open! x

  32. It looks beaut! I need to get my hands on it so glad you posted a review as I've been in two minds whether to buy it or not after seeing things online about it. I need New Wave in my life!!! xxx

  33. So glad you addressed the drama, I was a little nervous about how this would go down. I'm still not sure about this because I don't know if I'll get a lot of wear out of it but damn, adorn is such a beautiful shade!

  34. The shimmery shades look gorgeous! x

    A Little Treat | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  35. Jennifer_q85 @ Little Corner of Mine2 August 2017 at 17:19

    This is a palette that doesn't inspire me. I'm not sure what to do with some of the shades. I'm interested in seeing some looks. Maybe then I'll have a better idea, if i'll like it.

  36. This palette is soooo beautiful, I love all the greens you get in this palette, it's so unique!! It's a shame about the shimmers but the other shades are too nice to dwell over
    Charlotte / Charlotte's Picks

  37. The Girl In The Tartan Scarf2 August 2017 at 19:42

    Oh wow, all the shades (other than cube) look so beaut!!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  38. Danielle Alexa2 August 2017 at 20:02

    The swatches look so stunning, but I really don't know whether to buy to after all of the reviews I've seen. I will probably end up buying it though!

    Danielle xx

  39. This palette looks gorgeous, I can't believe how pigmented it is!

    Lauren x Huggled

  40. Wow these colours look incredible! I would love to try this palette

    Gemma x

  41. Could you let us know what batch number you got? That we might be able to figure out if the ones that end up in stores are from a good batch.

    1. Edit: My Batch Code is P7E19

  • Mine came today and i can't wait to use it. I had a little swatch and i did find some of the shades super powdery but i'm hoping they will perform well on the lids xx

  • These swatches look really good! I honestly am holding off on this palette because of all the controversy around it. Your post was very reassuring though. Glad to hear not all palettes have that fall-out problem!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  • This palette is just so pretty!! x

  • This palette looks so good! Love the look of Adorn.

  • There's so many mixed reviews about this online, but I love this palette! There is a fair amount of fall out but nothing out of the ordinary and it's super pigmented.

    Rachel | Hey Rachieface

  • Victoria Pease9 August 2017 at 13:30

    While subculture looks incredible and very autumnal, I was very put off by Jamie Genevieve's videos on it. While she managed to create a pretty plummy smoked eye look the second time around, for a total beginner like me it just doesn't seem like its worth the money - I'd rather get modern renaissance! Looking forward to seeing your in depth review!

  • Such a simple and elaborated review.


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