Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette Review + Swatches

Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette Review + Swatches

I feel like I have been waiting on Urban Decay to release a warm palette for AGES, I mean I did a whole post on it here back in January, and I must admit I was on the right track. I am in love with a warm eye, so I couldn't say no to this pre-release. 

This went live on their website at 11am on Tuesday, needless to say everyone was online buying them, like a bunch of crazed bloggers, so I know a fair few of us managed to get our hands on them. I was on the phone to Angela from BeautyByTheBunny at the time, we got ours together, then Caitlin from Bath'sBeauty got her hands on one too! 

So many of us managed to get one, so I am so happy Urban Decay sorted it out so if you wanted one, you could get one! So it will be nice to see lots of reviews from people who have bought it, rather than PR samples! :) - good move Urban Decay - I see what you did there! ;) 

Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette Review + Swatches

The first thing I noticed was the change in cardboard packaging, its now like a little drawer, really nice to open, and the packaging of the product is very similar to the Smokey. Sturdy and well made. Definitely what you would expect from Urban Decay. 

What I wasn't expecting was the change in Brush. I was expecting the brush from the usual Naked palettes, but this one is different, it now has a more fluffy end for blending, a welcomed addition. (even if the brush from the Spectrum palette is still the best) 

Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette Review + Swatches
Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette Review + Swatches

Ounce The highlight shade in this palette isn't as strong as what I would like it to be, but still a pretty shade. I'm sure it works much better on a darker than paper skin tone like mine, but still it is pretty. 

Chaser This shade barely shows up on me, simply because its the same shade as my skin tone, but if anything that makes it perfect for blending out any mistakes. 

Sauced I LOVE sauced. It is my perfect transition shade, it just blends beautifully. 

Low Blow low blow will be the best friend to anyone darker than myself. It is stunning. 

Lumbre this is easily my favourite shade. I love the pinky warm tone too it, I reminds me a lot of MAC melon, and I love MAC melon! 

He Devil The perfect matte warm terracotta which has made me buying the ultimate basics off the table. I love this shade, and I think it will be a forgotten favourite. 

Dirty Talk This is the one shade I think I will never use, it just doesn't stand out all that much to me, and I think if I could change it I would swap it to Half Baked. Because I feel like it is missing a golden colour. 

Scorched AAAH this swatches so beautifully but doesn't apply in the same flawless way. Maybe it was my application but I feel like I had to wet my brush to get this to apply in the way I wanted it too, I just hope this was a bad first impression. 

Cayenne Again a stunning warm matte shade, it is so pretty I love it. 

En Fuego This doesn't swatch well at all, but it is beautiful when used, it blends well and I like using it to deepen a look. 

Ashes A darker version of En Fuego and more purple based. Perfect again for darkening the look. 

Ember  Ember is another that swatches so beautifully, but I don't think it belongs. When you blend it out it looses its warm tone and turns more grey dirt coloured. Think it will be better wet. 

Here I did one eye bolder than the other. The lipstick is Urban Decay Hitch Hike! 

Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette Review + Swatches

Overall, I am happy I bought it - I would have had serious FOMO without it, and it is a stunning selection of colours. But I don't think it is worth as much hype is it is getting. I strongly feel it needs a gold, half baked would have been beautiful in it (and I know its already been in 2 palettes, but it is the best shade ever lol) 

I also feel that (OMG Urban Decay don't hate me for saying this...BUT) the Violet Voss Holy Grail palette is nicer, and if you have that, you don't need this - unless you have FOMO like me then GET IT! lol 

What is your thoughts on it? Did you get it? Do you want it? Let me know in the comments below :)

The UD Palette is available here for £39.50 Via UD



  1. Victoria Pease15 June 2017 at 13:57

    I've been so intrigued by this palette but I have absolutely no idea if the colours would suit me at all what with pale skin and silvery grey hair! I only have Naked 2 and only really bother with it on the weekends so I doubt it would be a good investment for me but my the colours are pretty! I like the subtler look that you did in the picture - its so gorgeous!


    1. MakeErinOver18 June 2017 at 08:37

      Thank you lovely! You never know it might just really make your eyes pop with your silver hair, I bet it would look stunning :)

  • Yessss this looks so pretty! I've been so unsure about whether to get this and then I saw Lady Writes post yesterday and was like I need it! Now I've seen yours and that you've compared it to the Holy Grail which I already have! But then I get FOMO too! I just can't decide :(

    Ellie x


    1. MakeErinOver18 June 2017 at 08:37

      FOMO is such a nightmare! Nothing worse! I do like it, but I love the Holy Grail more! :(

  • I didn't get it! I totally had FOMO but stufk to my guns. I'm surprised by the colours actually as I thought more had a little red or pink undertone to them but they're all just warm browns. Look really nixe though and I'm still drooling over it!

    Amina xx | www.AliandHer.com

    1. MakeErinOver18 June 2017 at 08:38

      AAAAH good on you being able to resit, I cannot handle FOMO, I am wishing I had skipped it now to be honest :(

  • Tips Capsule15 June 2017 at 15:17

    This is such a beautiful palette, I remember it being released and all the out of stock dilemma. But it's so pretty and completed worth it! I absolutely love the look you created although Sorched was a little pain, its super pretty!!


    1. MakeErinOver18 June 2017 at 08:39

      It was such a nightmare to get a hold of, was honestly such a pain! lol

  • It's a gorgeous palette. The shades are very me! Just a shame you didn't like it as much. The Violet Voss HG palette is my fave to this day x

  • Mine should arrive tomorrow but looking at the swatches, I think I have most of those shades covered in my collection already!! xx


  • Mine is arriving tomorrow and I'm so excited! I actually like that it doesn't contain Half Baked, on me I find the shade a little stark. Maybe I just need to play with different ways of applying it/combinations. What are your favourite shades to wear with Half Baked? Xx

    Tania | When Tania Talks

    1. Ok, I take that back. After playing with my palette, I completely agree that it's missing a gold and I think that I'm going to get way more use out of Half Baked with this palette than I do with the Naked Original and Naked 2 palettes. Xx

    2. MakeErinOver18 June 2017 at 08:42

      Awww NO! I feel so bad everyone is saying it needs a gold now lol, I LOVE half baked! You can use half baked with everything (I do) honestly it with a warm eye or a brown eye is just perfection, try adding it into the centre of your lid when you have used your heat palette and I promise you will LOVE it :)

  • Wow - new reader here and the way you write your reviews is awesome! This palette looks exactly like what I need to add to my make up collection, if only it was easy to get in New Zealand!

    Talia Jayne xx

    1. MakeErinOver18 June 2017 at 08:43

      oh my goodness thank you so much! That really does mean so much to me :) Im sure it will be out in NZ soon? :)

  • I cannot wait to get my hands on this beaut palette. All of the shades are so me. It's stunning! X

  • I can't wait to get this this palette, the colours are so pretty. Love your makeup look! Xh

  • Chloe Harriets17 June 2017 at 20:45

    Oh I really need to get one, I've beeb waiting for Urban Decay to do a warm palette forever! x


  • The shades all look perfect, especially Scorched.

  • I agree, I love that they did the pre-sale so 'regular' bloggers had a chance to get their posts in at the same time as the people who get PR samples. I love your swatches! I'm not sure whether I'll buy this one but it looks amazing

    Laura Wardrobe

    1. MakeErinOver18 June 2017 at 08:45

      It's so good isn't it? The PR samples haven't even been sent to the bloggers yet, so its good to see we have the advantage for once lol

  • This is an absolutely stunning palette and I'm such a fan of the warm shades and the look you've created with this! Definitely getting fomo haha!
    Kathy x

    1. MakeErinOver18 June 2017 at 08:46

      Haha don't get FOMO over it, nothing worse! :)

  • The Girl In The Tartan Scarf18 June 2017 at 17:37

    Ahh I have major FOMO!!!! This looks beaut! I agree about Half Baked it's amazing!!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  • Jasmine Stewart18 June 2017 at 19:56

    You're right - it does need a gold lid colour! I gave this a miss as I'd heard a few mixed things but the shade selection is right up my street :)

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  • When I saw the first shots of the palette I thought I'd get it straight away, but now that I've seen proper swatches, the shades like En Fuego and Ashes look way too brown compared to what they look like in the palette. I was expecting more warm reddish/pinkish shades from the official photos, and that's what I liked about it, but I'm not sure anymore - I'll have to swatch them myself and see. The look your created is lovely though, and I really like the lipstick too!

    Julia x
    Last Post: How Much is my Makeup Worth? | http://juliaspeaksbeauty.blogspot.fr/2017/06/how-much-is-my-face-worth.html

  • Cassandra Myee18 June 2017 at 23:13

    I can't wait to get my hands on this palette it looks beautiful and the shades are GORGEOUS!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  • Such a pretty palette! I might have to buy it :)


  • Such a beautiful palette! I'm swooning. I need this palette in my life!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  • The Sunday Girl19 June 2017 at 13:38

    It looks amazing on you but I dunno if I'll use it enough - helpppppp x

  • I got this palette too and I absolutely adore all of the shades. The only thing I think it is missing is a stronger highlight shade, I keep reaching for another palette or eyeshadow.

    Kristy | www.thevioletblonde.com

  • Beauty Drama Queen20 June 2017 at 19:32

    It's a stunning palette but I just feel like I can't justify another warm toned palette. I have so many now lol! Thanks for sharing x

  • This palette really suits you! I love the shade Lumbre x

  • I've been a UD fan since the early days of when I started getting into makeup and I have been waiting for so long for them to release this and when they finally did, I was so excited. I'm really feeling the same way that you do; the colors are gorgeous but I feel like I can't make a full look out of this palette unless it's completely monochromatic and I don't normal do that. Thanks for the review!

    Raechel | raediancebeauty.com

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