3INA MakeUp: The Bestsellers*

This week I had a surprise parcel through from 3ina (It's pronounced Mee-Nah btw lol) and it had some pretty amazing goodies inside, they decided to send out their best selling products for us to try, and I am so glad they did - because these are best sellers for a reason... 

I am ALL about the cream eyeshadow, it is so so pretty, I really cannot wait to use this all the time, that colour is perfect for a one sweep all over the lid kinda look, it is incredible just blended out using a fluffy brush and so quick and easy to use. 

The Highlighter is more subtle than I would typically go for, but it is beautiful non the less. On me this shade is more of a glow, which is really pretty on less makeup days. 

Without a doubt my favourite part though is the matte liquid lipstick. The shade is STUNNING. Some lip shades just make you look like you have Kylie Jenner fillers, and this is one. My lips are pretty big anyway, but this colour just emphasises it. I love it so much, new favourite, and for its tiny price - it is well worth picking up! :)

The easiest place to buy 3INA from is Asos, but you can buy directly from their website too. But I would just pop them into your next Asos delivery, well worth picking up :)

Highlighter 201 Beige £10.95
Cream Eyeshadow 313 Nude £8.95
Liquid Lipstick 503 Beige £7.95

Have you tried anything from 3INA yet? Would you? Let me know in the comments below.


 *These items were sent to me for review, but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own, unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!) 

 Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)


  1. Nikita Rajkumar6 August 2017 at 04:16

    The cream eyeshadow really is beautiful and so convenient! The highlighter shade is also really pretty. I love gold highlighters because they look the most natural in my opinion xx Nikita

    BLOG//Jasmine Loves

  2. GirlGoneDreamer6 August 2017 at 05:16

    Oooh these look pretty. Are they cruelty free do you know hun? Xx

  3. The liquid lipstick looks fab! As does the cream eyeshadow. I'm so glad you've said how to pronounce it, as I've been wondering lol x

    Jenny | LuxeStyle

  4. The lipstick is so beautiful! I need to pick this one up for sure x


  5. I got this package too - I'm so glad you told me how to pronounce it because I've been clueless hahah! I adored the cream eyeshadow - it was so creamy!!

    Lucy | lucy-cole.co.uk

  6. fashion for lunch6 August 2017 at 08:54

    The highlighter looks lush!

  7. Heather Nixon6 August 2017 at 10:11

    I haven't tried anything from this brand but it looks interesting x


  8. Oft that cream eyeshadow is beautiful! I really need to try this brand.

  9. Ooooh so pretty! Love the swatches.


  10. These picks look so so fab! X

  11. The cream shadow is the only product that I'd actually buy, as pretty as the other items are! xx


  12. I didn't know you could buy this brand on Asos! Gonna have to get myself some of the cream eyeshadows! x

  13. All of these look so pretty! I especially like the look of the cream shadow, it looks like such a gorgeous colour!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  14. These seem such a good brand, I've seen a few good reviews on their products, I love the cream shadow it's lovely xxx

    Zoe ♥ MammafulZo

  15. These colours are all so pretty

  16. Lauren Catherine6 August 2017 at 18:08

    I've been seeing this brand all over, that cream eyeshadow is absolutely gorgeous. Never even knew Asos stocked 3ina either xx

  17. I love the look of the highlighter and cream shadow!


  18. beautyqueenuk6 August 2017 at 22:31

    I love the 3ina cream eyeshadows and the highlighters are also amazing x

  19. I've been hearing about this brand on social media from quite a few people now and it looks lovely! I'm going to have to give it a nosey. It's really affordable too, which is an added bonus!

    Jade x | www.simplyjadey.co.uk

  20. I love the look of the cream shadow, it's so pretty x

  21. All of these look really nice! I haven't tried anything from this brand before, but their packaging looks fab!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  22. Back To You Beauty7 August 2017 at 08:26

    I am really enjoying this brand right now

  23. Love the look of these! The cream eyeshadow is absolutely beautiful xo

    Laura | Blush and Bronze

  24. Allure La Vie7 August 2017 at 15:09

    I love the cream eyeshadow it's stunning. Xxx

  25. I would LOVE to try out that cream eyeshadow for sure.. It looks perfect?! x
    Lauraconteur ♥

  26. Great review! I was so shocked at how creamy the eyeshadow was and it's such a pretty colour!

    Rachel | Hey Rachieface

  27. I'd never heard about 3ina before so this is a great discovery! The products you received seem great, especially the liquid lipstick - the shade is indeed beautiful and looks great on you. The highlighter also sounds exactly how I like them, with more of a glow than actually shimmer. I'll look up the brand on Asos! :D

    Julia x
    Last Post: Balboa Park, San Diego | http://juliaspeaksbeauty.blogspot.fr/2017/08/balboa-park-san-diego.html

  28. Cassandra Myee12 August 2017 at 00:02

    The Liquid Lipstick looks right up my alley!

    Cass | CassandraMyee


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