#MACWeek: Make Over With Fraser (Dundee, Debenhams)

I swear there is no better feeling than getting your makeup done by someone you admire and look up to. Fraser is that one person locally for me, he is SO talented, and loves makeup just as much as I do.  His makeup is always flawless, unique, bold. Everything I wish I could do on a daily basis, just total #goals. I think it shows a lot when your local counter and staff are enthusiastic about makeup, about new trends, about influencers and most importantly, what their brand is doing and what could be coming - Fraser is good at all of this, so he is my go to when it comes to MAC. 

So, I decided to book in with Fraser for a wedding, usually I do my own makeup, but with MAC offering a full face of makeup when you spend £40, I thought why not..#treatyoself 

I let him make the decisions when it came to my makeup, I didn't want a basic smokey, I wanted something bold, so he decided on a blue half cut crease, and it turned out beautifully. 

I would begin to list everything he used, but honestly I only know half of it, and I would spend the whole day here attempting to figure it all out. When in doubt, ask in the comments! 

The lipstick he used was Peach Stock, and he used a whole load of blues and the new silver pigment on my eyes. My base is Studio Fix :)

Overall I had SO much fun getting my makeup done at MAC. I would highly recommend Fraser in Dundee, but the whole team there is fantastic - run by Sadia above, so kind and helpful, and so so talented. I loved how much time they took to understand what I wanted and to talk through what he was using and how he was applying it, it really does make you feel fab! 100% recommend.

You can find the Dundee MAC Team on Instagram at @myartistcommunitydundee, and Fraser @frasermua_ 

You can buy MAC Makeup from Debenhams here

So this is the start of MAC week, a whole week of MAC on the blog and on Instagram, I was in the mood for something a bit different, and I am obsessed with MAC at the moment! :) So let me know your favourite MAC products in the comments below! :)



  1. Your makeup looks incredible! It is so well done. You look stunning erin x

  2. Looking forward to reading more posts in this series this week! You look fab! I've only ever had my makeup done professionally for my wedding! Xx

  3. beautyqueenuk7 August 2017 at 06:26

    I absolutely love that eye makeup, what a stunning shade of blue x

  4. The blue eye look is stunning on you'

  5. Heather Nixon7 August 2017 at 07:47

    It looks great! I've only had my makeup done st a counter twice now x


  6. I got my make up done at MAC a while ago and they did such a good job. Love the blue x

    Jenny | LuxeStyle

  7. Your eyes look gorgeous!!! I love it x

  8. theblogsocial.com7 August 2017 at 08:07

    That blue icy look is just gorgeous!!

    Beauty Candy Loves

  9. Back To You Beauty7 August 2017 at 08:29

    The look really suits you! Makes your eyes pop

  10. They did such a great job! I really want to get my make-up done at a counter one time soon. xx

    Lucy | lucy-cole.co.uk

  11. fashion for lunch7 August 2017 at 09:50

    Your eye make up look increddddds!!!! So many skills!

  12. That blue really brings out your eyes! Have a great day!

    Gemma x

  13. I love this look so much! Fraser is incredibly talented I dint think I could go anywhere else to get my make up done now!

    Caitlin || BathsBeauty

  14. Wow your makeup is gorgeous!


  15. That colour looks so pretty on you!


  16. Victoria Pease7 August 2017 at 13:51

    I love your make up but Fraser's red lip is on point! Love it!


  17. The Sunday Girl7 August 2017 at 14:53

    You look stunning and I love the orange-y smoky eye the other girl in your photo is rocking! x

  18. Allure La Vie7 August 2017 at 15:03

    Wow you look gorgeous! Xxx

  19. You look so gorgeous! I'm in love, haha x
    Lauraconteur ♥

  20. I really love that lipstick shade! MAC face products are some of my favourites too.


  21. This is such a good idea! This look is beautiful and I bet you came away with some great advice.

  22. This eyeshadow looks lovely on you! I don't use much Mac makeup apart from their lip products.

    Rachel | Hey Rachieface

  23. Is it bad that I am tempted to go and get my make up done at the MAC near work on my lunch break now?

  24. Lauren Catherine7 August 2017 at 23:09

    Your makeup is all kinds of gorgeous, love a good cut crease. Looking forward to see what Mac week has install, Mac is one of those brands that everyone loves xx

  25. I absolutely love the blue eyemakeup. It looks gorgeous! I've never had my makeup done in Mac but would love it! X

  26. You look stunning Erin, that blue is beautiful on you xxx

    Zoe ♥ MammafulZo

  27. I love the Selfies you got going on! Flawless x

  28. Cassandra Myee12 August 2017 at 00:01

    Wow those blue tones are amazing on you!

    Cass | CassandraMyee


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