ok, so I am slightly ashamed to admit how many I have, I mean there is no need for anyone to own this many for personal use - but I have a serious soft spot for a MAC lip... and well, as you will see, a certain even bigger soft spot for a MAC nude lip, sure no one needs them all, but this is my collection, the good, the bad and the "why the fuck did I buy that"s. Enjoy :)
The Nudes

Calm Heat (Limited Edition Shade & Packaging) Matte "Mid-Tone Nude"
Unfortunately this nude is a little too pale for me without a darker liner, but still very beautiful shade. I just don't often reach for it as it is effort to make it work at the moment.
McIzzle (Limited Edition Shade & Packaging) Cremesheen "Warm Beige"
Totally bought it for the packaging. Not even ashamed to admit that. Packaging whore. But it is so SPARKLY!
Fleshpot Satin "Pale Muted Pinky Beige"
Again very pale, but this one is a slightly easier undertone to work with. This one was a free product for lipstick day.
Honeylove Matte "light beige toned with rose"
100% my favourite lipstick. My most used. My perfect Nude. LOVE it. It will be the first lipstick I ever finish. I am excited to see the end of it, just so I can rebuy it of course lol
Peachstock Satin "creamy beige peach"
This one is so new to my collection, but quickly becoming a favourite. The undertone is perfectly peachy, not too much, but so so flattering. This one was recommended by Fraser :)

Velvet Teddy Matte "Deep Tone Beige"
This is SO hyped online and for good reason too. I love the shade, it is the perfect nude. This shade flatters almost all skin tones, and seems to look different on everyone.
Viva Glam II Satin "pink beige with shimmer"
This one is the one I reach for when I don't have a full face, but still want a nude lip. I love the look of this on quick makeup days - and its definitely not shimmery.
Kinda Sexy Matte "Neutral Pinky Rose"
I don't know why this is described as pink because on me it is definitely more warmer toned, this is very close to the others but has a more warm orange look on me, I love it.
Whirl Matte "Dirty Rose"
Again, no idea why this is called dirty rose to me and on me it looks brown. Really dark. This looks stunning on everyone, but for me it is a bit dark. It's definitely a bold lip on me.

The Pinks

Mehr Matte "Dirty blue Pink"
This shade is so so so beautiful on, and seems to make everyones lips look bigger and fuller. It looks so pretty with a basic look. I love this in Autumn.
A Sprinkle Of Magic (Limited Edition Shade) Frost "Warm coral with a pearl finish"
This one for me is a summer essential. It is such a pretty coral shade without being bold, its so lovely on - such a shame it is limited edition.
Please Me (Limited Edition Packaging) Matte "Muted rosy-tinted pink"
This is about as pink as I am happy going to. I don't wear it a lot, but it is really good to have if I am feeling like a girly girl...
Only You (Limited Edition Shade and Packaging) Cremesheen "Warm pink with a natural finish"
Only you is my perfect not wearing foundation but want to wear a lipstick shade. I wear this one surprisingly quite a lot. I love how similar it is from my actual lip colour.

The Why Did I Buy That?

Morange (Limited Edition Packaging) Amplified "Loudmouth Orange"
Ok, so I know why I bought this one. The packaging. 100% it looks so cool.
Impassioned Amplified "Amped up Fuchsia"
This was actually my first ever MAC lipstick. I bought it at Glasgow airport on the way to Tenerife, and I haven't worn it since that holiday. Maybe this will just need to stay as my holiday Lipstick.
Saint Germain Amplified "Clean Pastel Pink"
No idea why I bought this. None. Nada.
On and On Frost "Deep Purple With Blue Pearl"
Ok so this one is really cool over a dark liquid lipstick on a night out. VERY cool. But don't have many chances to wear it.

The Reds and Purples

Opera (Limited Edition Shade and Packaging) Matte "Medium Dark Red With Cool Blue Undertones"
The only true red lipstick I own. I'm shocked to say I don't own Ruby Woo, but I barely use this one. I love the look of this though, I need to use it more.
Men Love Mystery Matte "Warm Lavender"
I really love this shade. To me this is a true purple, and I love how this looks on. Bring on Autumn so I can wear it all the time, pretending I am edgy and cool.
Leap Of Delight (Limited Edition Shade and Packaging) Matte "warm purple"
I thought I would have worn this all winter last time but I kept overlooking it. I need to wear it more this year though, it is such a pretty shade.
Captive Satin "Pinkish Plum"
This is new to my collection but I cannot wait to wear this more over the next few months. Such a beautiful shade, and I love the finish of it.
Darkside (Limited Edition Packaging) Amplified "Deep Burgundy"
My perfect autumn/winter shade. Looking at the swatches just makes me excited for it to become cooler this year! :)

As you can probably tell by now, 22 lipsticks later and a sore arm... I really like MAC lipsticks.
What is your favourite MAC lipstick? Let me know in the comments below.
You can Purchase MAC Lipsticks for £16.50 via Debenhams here.
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Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)