My Bright & Multi-Coloured Living Room

To me there really is no place like home, and I love being able to relax on my couch with my feet up, so design in my home is more around comfort than looks - but even with that considered I like it to look as good as it can - even if my taste and style is a bit odd.  

My flat is also rented, and old. My walls are all a bit squint, and I didn't have a huge budget to plaster my walls, or change the flooring or the couch, but I still enjoyed painting it and picking out new bits! :) 

This post is going to be pretty picture heavy, but I hope you enjoy anyway, I will try to link as much as I can at the end! :) 

bright Livingroom
Hello Canvas Map
Hello Canvas Map
bright Livingroom
next home
bright rug

So 3/4 of my living room is finished, but there is a wall and a bit that is driving me bonkers. I have one small space which is almost finished, I just need some more frames and artwork to put up - I am thinking a print? Thoughts? 

Then I have my big wall with my unit against it. This was is completely bare, and is awaiting my McCoo, my mum has bought me one, but I don't get it until my birthday - if you are thinking what the hell is a McCoo, you can view them here - they are AWESOME! :) And I really feel like it will finish the room perfectly. 

I also need to invest in some more bits and pieces for the unit, and a new lamp :) 

Photo Frames, Pegs, pig planter 

All Cushions, Cactus Vase and Candle Holder, Yellow Jones Clock, Candle 

Candles, Merman, Giant Pink Pig, Pineapple Candle Holder

Map Canvas: 
Hello Canvas 

Tesco (2014 - Sorry!)

So there you go, a look around - I told you it was a bit weird. I love colours! :) If you want to see some real home inspo check out FashionForLunch, her home is GOALS.

Have you made changes to your home recently? 



  1. Cassandra Myee26 August 2017 at 04:48

    Love all the different colours you have going on! Mine is quite minimal but need a bit more colour I think!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

    1. Thank you so much lovely! I couldn't do the whole minimal thing, I'm too messy!

  • I think it looks really cosy and I love the rug x

    1. Aww thank you so much!

  • It's looks so cosy! Definitely your style x

    1. Haha yeah, totally bonkers! It used to be brown and I hated it - I'm really not a brown person 😂

  • I love the colors and your passion for yellow!


    1. Aww thank you so much Hannah! I love yellow 😂

  • The Girl In The Tartan Scarf27 August 2017 at 15:07

    Ah I love it! So bright and cheery yet cosy at the same time!!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

    1. Yes! I love how bright it is :)

  • I don't know why, but I totally expected your house to be bright and full of yellow accessories! I love all the pops of colour. My house could definitely do with a fresh coat of paint, there's little paw prints all up the walls!

    1. Haha, yeah it is covered in yellow bits! I really wouldn't handle it not being a bit yellow!

  • This room is fun and quirky-I love how different it is.Just looking at all the pops of colour makes me feel happy x

    1. Aww thank you so much lovely! I love the colour of it :)

  • Lauren Catherine28 August 2017 at 16:32

    Loving all of the pops of colour you have going on Erin xx

  • Your living room looks amazing! I love all the colour you have included x

  • It looks so quirky! I love it. Xx

  • Wow I love it and all the bright colours! I also have a map of the world to keep me daydreaming and planning x

  • I love all of the pictures on the wall - my walls are so naked!

  • Oh wow! I love all these pops of colour. Makes such a difference to the room.

  • The Sunday Girl29 August 2017 at 17:03

    I love it - it is homely, bright and so very you! x

  • I love how colourful this is and you've really added a personal touch to the room :)

    Rachel | Hey Rachieface

  • I have that map and I love it in our kitchen - it's definitely a talking point x

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