The Christmas Voucher Haul

Haul Chanel Dior

Every year my sweet gran gets me some vouchers for Christmas, and as always they were spent by boxing day! So I thought I would share with you what I picked up over the past week or so, hope you enjoy :) 

1. Lancome Grandiose Extreme Mascara Set £16.66 
This was a last minute grab in boots, but well worth it in my opinion, this came with the little liner and a makeup remover. The main reason I bought the set was for the Mascara. It alone will set you back £25.00 *gulp* I don't think I could spend that on a mascara, but £16.66 felt better! Really looking forward to trying a high end mascara again, it has been so long! 

Chanel 174 Rouge Angelique Dior Matte 772 Classic Swatches

2. Chanel 174 "Rouge Angelique" £26.00 
Chanel lipsticks are definitely not the first thing I would go ahead and recommend to anyone, but there is just something nice about owning one, the classic packaging and the luxe feel. They are just nice. So I finally decided on a shade I liked and splashed the cash (or vouchers) on one. 

3. Dior Matte 772 "Classic" £26.50
This was a complete impulse "OH MY GOD I LOVE IT" shade. Do you ever just see a colour and think *wow*, yeah this was this for me. If you follow me on snapchat you would of seen me obsess on this one already. two luxe lippies, oops! 

4. MAC x6 Palette & Insert £5.00
I decided 15 palette was too big, 4 wasn't enough, so I just had to have a x6. I love how flexible MAC palettes are. 

5. MAC "Blanc Type" £10.00 
One thing I do not own yet is a MAC pale matte shade, I love this one. It's soft, creamy and super blendable, I have high hopes for this one in my larger palette. 

6. MAC "Red Brick" £10.00 
I had a dream of the perfect MAC palette and this shade has completed that dream lol, I love it, and it is the perfect finish to my creation (which will but up on the blog shortly!) 

I LOVE this stuff, it's so nice. I thought Ro's Argan was my favourite, but this one has quickly out ranked it. I already own and use this, so the link is to my original post on it (as it is no longer available via Lush) 

8. Snow Fairy Shower Gel £22.95 £10.50
Ok the obsession is REAL. I love this stuff and now I can continue to smell like it until about April. #winning. 

So I am done shopping for a while! Done! haha, But - while you are reading this I am hopefully on route to Stobo Castle (Aka Heaven) so make sure to give me a follow on snapchat and instagram, because it will be all over both, and trust me you don't want to miss it. I am "MakeErinOver" on both :)

Have you tried any of the bits I picked up? Let me know in the comments below :)

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too)


  1. Nice haul! You picked up some lovely things. I'm loving the look of those lipsticks :)

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  2. Love the colours on the pallet. Great acquisition :)

  3. Your nan sounds like a gem! That red brick shade seems so beautiful and one I'd reach for quite a bit! Snow fairy makes my mouth water it's so amazing!!
    Charlotte / Charlotte's Picks

  4. Victoria Pease4 January 2017 at 09:59

    Lovely picks Erin, I'm too indecisive when it comes to vouchers - I only spent last Christmas' Debenhams one on a Naked palette after finally deciding which one I wanted in November! I love that Dior lipstick, it's just gorgeous and you're right about the Chanel lipstick - just owning one would make me feel chic!

  5. Oh my god that Dior shade is to die for! I'm on a spending ban but I neeeed it

  6. Jasmine Stewart4 January 2017 at 19:57

    Angelique looks gorgeous! I half-attempted the Lush sale but was unsuccessful haha

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  7. You picked up some beautiful things! Snow Fairy is amazing, isn't it?!

    Hilary | The Beauty Collective


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