2016 - The Blog Stats & 2017 Goals

So my blog has been running for about 18 months now, but the start of 2016 was the start of me deciding that I wanted to make improvements to my stats and blog, and I know I know - it isn't about the numbers.... but it kind of is, if you don't have the numbers, no one is reading, no one can see it, so as long as you are enjoying yourself and loving your content... there is no reason why you cannot enjoy the numbers too. So here is my numbers for the past year, my original goal set - and new ones for 2017. 

If you looked at the picture and loved it, I have done a full post on my Bullet Journal Here, where I talk about how I log my stats - and keep them looking beautiful :)

Start of 2016: 100 
End of 2106: 1,040 (+940)
2016 Goal: Reach 1,000 - Achieved 22/12/16 

Bloglovin' is SO hard to build, I have really been focusing on it a lot this year. I did a full post on it here, but I think it has really paid off. 

2017 Goal: 2,500 

Start of 2016: 868 
End of 2106: 2,532 (+1,664)
2016 Goal: Reach 3,000 (-468)

I really fell out of love with IG this year, with their new Algorithm and then Insta Stories it just drove me completely bonkers for the first 8 months, I stopped checking it or caring for a while, posting to maintain but just not feeling it as much as what I would typically. But since October I have been loving it again, realising why I loved it to begin with. I really hope to grow it quite a lot in 2017... now that I have my K on BL I really want it on IG too! 

2017 Goal: 5,000

Start of 2016: 64
End of 2106: 3,253
2016 Goal: Reach 4,000 (-747)

So yeah another one I didn't hit target on! This one really suffered when I started college back in September, I just didn't take the time on it that it needed. I have been getting back into the swing of it all though, so looking forward to taking part in more twitter chats this year and fingers crossed reaching my target! 

2017 Goal: 8,000

Page Views:
Start of 2016: 702 per Month 
End of 2106: 5,400 per Month 
2016 Goal: 3,000 - achieved in July
Total for 2016: 41,038

Page views have shown the biggest growth for my blog. It has been really amazing watching by blog grow and see people like it - so thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it.... it really does mean a lot to me! 

2017 Goal: 10,000 in one month. (80,000 total) 

This year has given me some of the most incredible opportunities to work with some amazing brands,   Spectrum, Vichy, Boots, Seventeen... honestly so many, and some incredible ones to come too! 

2017 Goal: To work with Maybelline and Urban Decay

Top Posts of 2016:

My top posts are simply down to google. Google seem to rank me quite highly on Jeffree Star posts, and they appear on the first page of google when you type in "Jeffree Star UK Delivery" and to be completely honest I have ZERO clue how I managed it, none at all... so would love to figure that one out lol.

2017 Goal: Learn SEO Techniques. 

My Main Goal: 
My main goal always with MakeErinOver is to enjoy myself and make friends. I love having a blog, I love the community and it really is an honour to be a part of it all. I just want to continue the journey and still love it as much as I do just now. Fingers crossed for 2017! 

Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope this one is better than 2016! :) Let me know in the comments below your goals for 2017! 

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too)


  1. The Makeup Aficionado1 January 2017 at 09:09

    Wonderful blog stats. I have the same goal for my blog. That's my main one on top of having a few extras. It's so important to focus on the joy of blogging and not get side tracked with numbers or comparing one's blog to others. Great post!


  2. You've achieved some amazing things this year... and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog posts:)

    Emily xo

  3. That's incredible! You achieved some incredible things this year, I'm new here on your blog but I'm definitely staying and hoping 2017 is even better for you and your blog! :)

    Happy New Year x

    Carmen | Wandering Banshee

  4. I'm so happy for you! You did a great job with your blog and achieved amazing numbers! You should be proud of yourself.

    Happy New Year!

    Michelle Morchella

  5. Danielle Alexa3 January 2017 at 19:55

    Well done, you achieved so much in 2016!

    Danielle xx

  6. Wow great post and congrats on making your goals! Following you on Bloglovin' and always like reading your posts :) I am trying to increase my following so much but Bloglovin' seems to be the hardest.

    Holly x

  7. Having your main goal to keep enjoying yourself is effing FABULOUS. It's so easy to get bogged down in stats that you forget the reason why you started! Looks like you've had an amazing year for your blog though, some amazing stats here girlie - well done!

    katie xx lacoconoire.com

  8. Wow, you did great in 2016! Congratulations! I'm pretty sure you'll reach your goals again this year, since you seem so determined and strong.

    Marti | paperplanepond.blogspot.com

  9. I love what you've achieved in 2016 lovely! I know you didn't achieve your Instagram and Twitter goals, but you were close! Those can be hard platforms to increase. I wish you all the best for 2017 though, I can not wait to see where it takes youu.

    Gemma | www.anoceanglimmer.wordpress.com

  10. JustKatieeBlog11 January 2017 at 21:31

    I love this post and your post about Bloglovin is so so so helpful. I always feel like my bloglovin just doesn't get the following I want so badly but then I think to myself and I'm not putting enough engagement in. I will definitely be following some of your tips ! Thanks :)

    Katie | www.justkatiee.com

  11. The growth on your Bloglovin account is amazing! I'd really like to hit 1k by Summer.
    I really wish Instagram would do an experiment where they'd let people decide whether to use the Algorithm or not. And then maybe change it back if enough people didn't use it or just let people have the choice!!

    Anu♡ | Based On | Bloglovin


I would love it if you could leave a comment, I love reading them! I also love it when you leave your own blog links so I can go check them out too - But please make sure your clickable link is working - or I do need to delete the comment :(