The Ultimate Mauve Pink Lip: Dior Matte 772 Review & Swatches

Have you ever walked up to a makeup counter, seen a shade and just fell head over heels for it on the first swatch? Well this happened to me with Dior 772. This is part of their new lipstick collection, and I am OBSESSED! Seriously I think my snapchat and instagram are sick of the sight of it. (A few people bought it too - what an enabler I am!) 

I think what makes me love it so, is simply the shade, I own nothing else like this - but it is close enough to MAC Mehr to have me all *emoji heart eyed* 

It has the same effect as Mehr, you know the one where you apply it - turn on the pretty filter and you can almost see yourself looking like Kylie Jenner... just me? Oh... lol. 

But still, the colour isn't the same, its darker, bolder, redder but not red. I own nothing like it, so I recommend you getting it too...... because its a need. 

So I thought I would compare some shades which I have which I think are similar - so I am sure you can get the idea of the shade.
MAC Mehr 
Urban Decay Backtalk 
Jeffree Star Doll Parts 
Revlon Devotion

So the obsession is real. Chances are if you see me at the moment this is what I am wearing - for good reasons too - it is lip perfection, and well worth its high price tag!

Pick up a Dior Matte 772 here for £26.50

Have you fallen in love with a New Lipstick recently? Which one? Let me know in the comments below :) 

Make sure to follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too)


  1. Ooh, that shade looks brilliant on you! I've yet to try anything from Dior -- trying not to break the bank! Thanks for sharing, I'm definitely intrigued.

    Sara |

    1. Dior is definitely pricey! But the lippy is so worth it - and normally I wouldn't say that! :)

  • I love mac mehr so I'd probably love the dior lipstick! Thanks for sharing :)

  • The Sunday Girl14 January 2017 at 18:07

    It is such a lovely shade on you, I can't really pull of MAC mehr as a blonde so I'm gonna have to skip this shade but a cheeky visit to the Dior counter may be on the cards...

    1. There is some stunning shades from the new range, so worth nipping along for a quick look! Thanks for stopping by, made my day :D

  • Danielle Alexa15 January 2017 at 09:37

    Wow, the Dior Lipstick looks gorgeous, I am going to have to pick one up!

    Danielle xx

  • I love this colour. When I first say the post title I thought it was going to be a big list of 772 reviews and swatches you've done in the past!

    Corinne x

    1. oh my goodness! I have a lot of lippies but 772 is the goal lol, Didn;t even notice that with the title until you said! :)


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