January: Goals, Wishes & Regrets

A new format for my monthly wishlist, I hope you like it! Here is my aims and wishes for this month, and of course I will be including a few regrets too! 

GOALS //...
  • Loose 8lbs & Try to Eat Healthy 
  • Read a Book
  • Take AJ to the Cinema
  • Be Positive 
  • Hit 1100 on Bloglovin' (Currently 20 away) 
  • Hit 3,000 on Instagram
  • Use Pinterest
  • Interact more on Twitter 
So this month my goals are all around starting the year off well, I want to spend more time with my son and looking after myself, not just physically but emotionally too. 

For the blog, I just aim to grow, I aim to comment more, just relate and chat more. I need to build up good relationships with people, I can close myself off sometimes, so I just want to be a better follower. 

WISHES //...

I really love yellow. Like REALLY. For as long as I can remember I have loved it. My VW Beetle was yellow, my son's room is yellow... if I can choose a colour I typically choose yellow. It just makes me feel happy. So I have been managing a Mustard/Ochre obsession since the start of August this year, and to see yellow everything now everywhere.... well let's just say if I had my way (and had the money) my entire house would be yellow, and so would be everything I wore.... ok maybe not that excessive, but here are the bits on my brain 24/7 at the moment!

The new in Next HomeWare Range. I love Next Home, love Yellow, and this season they have an entire range. I could barely contain myself from buying it all when I seen it. My top picks will be this Yellow Pig Utensil Holder. I plan to use it for my Brushes, it WILL be mine (Along with the rest of the range!)

The Gucci Malmont Mini Matelassé Leather Crossbody Bag. Do I need to say anything? It's ridiculously priced, but I am allowed to dream right? LOVE.

I love irregular choice shoes, so to see yellow ones WITH bows. Oh my goodness. I really want these for a friend's wedding this year. These Nick Of Time's are PERFECTION! :)

  • Feeling guilty for disliking Christmas & New Year. It's ok. You spent it alone - it was shit, you don't need to love Christmas!
  • Not meal planning, I have thrown out so much food this month by not planning what I was doing. I really wish I had thought more about it. 

What are your goals for this month? Do you have any wishes? Or any Regrets? Let me know in the comments below :)

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too) 


  1. Good luck on your goals this month! I just saw the yellow piggy on your snapchat. Super cute!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

    1. Haha love my #snapchatfam, love how you already know <3

  • Good luck with all of your 2017 goals! I tried to help you out with your Bloglovin' goal but I'm already following you haha :) I don't blame you for lusting after the Gucci cross body by the way, dreamy...


    1. Aww thank you lovely! Yeah the bag is just perfection!

  • Love your goals! What book are you going to try read? I would like to make it to the cinema this month too, I'm dying to see When A Monster calls, it looks beautiful!
    I regret not food plaining this month too, but its got more to do with the fact that I just keep shoveling in crud because I have no food plan lol.
    Good luck with the goals this month lovely! xx

    1. Ooooo I will need to look into that! Thanks lovely! Think I will read what I always read: The Dark Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon - I love them!

  • Inspiring goals - Happy new year Erin! I really need to up my Twitter game and get involved in more chats too. I always miss the start times and it's so hard to keep up! Wow fab numbers on Bloglovin - I just followed you 😘😘😘xxx

    1. Thanks for the follow lovely! Pretty sure I followed you back, let me know if I didn't! <3

  • I need to start using Pinterest, too, and I always forget to tweet and post on Instagram.


  • Eating healthier is one of my 2017 goals and I am rubbish with meal planning too lool! Especially when I've taken packed lunch somewhere but I see nicer food lool, for home though, I use an app called My Fitness Pal that you might find useful as well? x

    1. OMG I do exactly the same, I hate packing a lunch then seeing something 10x nicer lol, Yeah I have MFP installed! :D


I would love it if you could leave a comment, I love reading them! I also love it when you leave your own blog links so I can go check them out too - But please make sure your clickable link is working - or I do need to delete the comment :(

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