Top 5 High-End Items Worth The Hype (& your Money)

Hypes are so common in the beauty world, every month something new is released and a new hype comes around, but which ones have truly stood the test of time? which ones can you honestly everyone still loves a year on?

So here is my top 5 items which to me, have been worth the hype.

1. Urban Decay Naked Palette (£38.50) Full Post with Swatches HERE
The original, of course. This has been hyped for YEARS. But the reason why it is always hyped is because it really is incredible. The pigmentation, the choice of colours, Half Baked.. ha. But really, it is the perfect palette for any newbie, always the first one I recommend and one I think everyone should have in their stash.

2. MAC Velvet Teddy (£15.50)
Velvet teddy was first hyped back in 2014 when Kyle Jenner first had her lips done. The obsession is real, instantly it had sold out at every MAC counter. But now almost 2 years on we are all still wearing it... why? because it really is beautiful, Kylie sized lips or not this is one you need in your stash. Your perfect nude lip.

3. Nars Sheer Glow (£31.00) Post Here
Nars have been on top of their foundation game for a few years now, but their best will always be Sheer Glow. It comes in countless shades and tones. It has the perfect mix of luminous yet not oily. It is stunning on - and it will last you all day - it honestly ticks every box. No wonder it is hyped. I have had this since the start of this year - and I can now understand the hype. I love it.

4. Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush (£32.00) Post Here
Back in 2014 Hourglass released the Ambient Lighting Trio limited edition blush palette and since then we have all been obsessed. My personal obsession is with Mood Exposure, the more Mauvey shade. It is the perfect mix of colour and glow. Cannot get enough of this one - I wear it daily. So much so I am tempted to spend yet another £32 on another shade.

5. MAC 217 (£20.00)
If you don't have a MAC 217 yet.. why? I swear everyone should own this brush, not only will it hold product when you want it to, it can blend in anything and everything. The perfect size, shape and texture of an eye brush. Without a doubt thee most hyped brush - but it is hyped for a reason, its good. So much so that I am tempted to buy a second.

If you liked this post I recommend checking out my "Top 5 Drugstore Buys" here.

Let me know your favourite items worth the hype? which items stand out to you? have you tried these? let me know in the comments below :)

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  1. I love my MAC 217 too, I use it religiously, and have done since I bought it! I've only recently started using the original Naked palette, but I honestly don't understand why I didn't get it sooner - I'm obsessed with it. Definitely my favourite Naked palette. Velvet Teddy isn't a good shade for me, at all, but I recently bought it for my friends birthday and she loves it so much - it's her first MAC product and I'm worried I'll have converted her and she'll end up with loads of their products and it'll all be my fault! My favourite high end product would have to be my Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation. It stays put all day and it's coverage is insane. I don't go a day without it!

    Em | beautyandbullshitt x

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:28

      I need to give double wear another chance. I have it but just never use it. I need to try it out again! I'm glad you love the 217 and the Naked Palette too, and don't feel bad for getting your friends hooked on MAC, it happens to all of us lol

  • Thanks for the suggestions! I'm not huge on high-end makeup, but I have been lusting over the UD Naked Palettes for years and am still hoping to get one someday :)

    Jasmine | The Sixth Disney Princess

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:28

      You should treat yourself and get one, you'll love it :)

  • Great picks babe! I haven't tried Velvet Teddy or the Hourglass blush, but the others are amazing products! The Naked palette is definitely in my top 3 palettes of all time... and don't get me started on Half Baked....I could use it all the time :D <3
    Nars Sheer Glow was the only foundation I took with me to London last week. I've been using it a lot lately. The coverage is just perfect.
    And the 217... I don't know how I ever lived without it :D I can't blend anything with anything else ever again haha :D
    Emma xxx

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:30

      Haha I'm glad you agree with my picks, you'll just need to get the other two now, the hourglass blush is so so worth it, you would love it! :)

  • I've heard great things about all these products. I really need to pick that foundation up as I keep seeing so many bloggers love it and I can't quite find one I've fallen for yet!

    Corinne x

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:30

      You'll love it just go for it :)

  • hiyaitsashley6 May 2016 at 23:05

    Love this post! I've had the Naked Basics palette for a while and have always been tempted but the full sized original Naked palette as it's so pretty! Velvet Teddy is one of my holy grail lipsticks, I think it's the perfect nude shade for anyone!

    Ashley |

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:32

      Velvet teddy really is lovely :) I'm glad you love it too, and you so need to get yourself a full naked palette :)

  • I cant believe i have only tried one out of five of these items, they are all talked about all the time. I was debating whether to get the Hourglass ambient lighting powders but i could only buy that or a Becca highlighter and I couldn't resist getting champagne pop. I have also wanted to try Nars sheer glow for years, im yet to find a foundation to give me the finish i want, and to stay on me all day. I have to travel quite far to visit Nars, as i wouldn't wan to to get it online incase i was the wrong shade! X

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:33

      Aaaah I so want champagne pop! That is on my wish list at the moment lol, no wonder you went for that, you should get the hourglass one next time though :)

  • I need to get myself all of these products! They all sound so great and I would love to have them in my collection. First on my list is defs the urban decay naked palettes
    Kathy x

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:34

      Yeah you definitely need the naked palette! I love it so much!

  • I have so many Nars products on my wish list but somehow never have enough money to actually buy them...but I will, soon :) And yes for the Naked palette, I just love Urban Decay!

    Have a great weekend and thanks for visiting my blog, I'm following you now on bloglovin! :)

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:35

      Haha I know your pain for not having enough money to buy everything!

  • I don't really buy much make, just stuff I'll use daily and not a lot of high end as the majority isn't cruelty free. But, back before Urban Decay was bought out I got the Naked palette (and I have a couple other UD palettes) and I think they are just so useful! They last me forever with not using them loads too. Definitely worth the money.

    - Danielle xo

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:37

      Aww no is UD not cruelty free anymore? that sucks :(

  • MAC's Velvet Teddy is a shade I intend on picking up soon - it seems to suit everyone and as you've said, it's the perfect nude!

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:39

      It really is and you wont be disappointed :)

  • vvnightingale7 May 2016 at 22:03

    Definitely agree about Mac Velvet Teddy, it's such a great wearable colour! And ah I am yet to try a Naked Palette but I definitely need to jump on the bandwagon! x

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:39

      yeah that is one bandwagon you need to be on you'll love them :)

  • Miel and Mint7 May 2016 at 22:33

    Couldn't agree more about NARS Sheer Glow hon! And Velvet Teddy... don't even get me started - it's perfect <3 MAC 217 - you got me intrigued, girl. Loved the post, gave me lots of amazing ideas for future beauty purchases ;)
    xox Nadia

    1. MakeErinOver7 May 2016 at 22:40

      You need a MAC 217, it is so worth the money, it can blend anything :) And it was partially you that got me to buy sheer glow! Obsessed!

  • I bought Velvet Teddy but it looks a bit weird on me :( I think my lips are just to pink naturally for it! I am loving Mehr atm though! And I've ALWAYS wanted the Naked palette but haven't caved yet... I think you may have just tipped me over the edge!
    Rebecca x -

    1. MakeErinOver8 May 2016 at 11:12

      I love Mehr too, its so lovely. You will love the Naked palette I promise :)

  • I've been wanting to try Sheer Glow for ages but I always end up buying a newer foundation instead! Great picks x

    1. MakeErinOver8 May 2016 at 11:14

      I know what you mean, I was all set to buy the new chanel one until I changed my mind and went for this instead! So glad I did :)

  • Fictitious Fashion9 May 2016 at 07:51

    Loving it!

    Maybe you have time to see my new outfit post White Hearthood

    Follow me on Google Plus


  • You are so right! I have all of these except the original NAKED palette (I know, how can I call my self a beauty blogger!). I keep meaning to buy it because it is so beautiful and I know I would love it! All of these are just good quality staple products, I'd recommend to anybody.

    corrie |

  • I love Nars Sheer Glow but mine is unfortunately too dark for me at the minute so I can't wear it, so sad!

    Lauren Ashleigh xx

  • The Makeup Aficionado11 May 2016 at 06:53

    Great post. I personally found that the nars sheer glow foundation was kinda over hyped, for me it just didn't work super well with my skin type.

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