Growing up with just my mum and I in the house, I cannot remember once my mum wearing make up. I'm sure she did at one point, but not enough for me to notice or have any real enthusiasm over it. The first time I ever remember using makeup was from the S Club 7 magazine. It came with a big box - and every two weeks you got something new. All I remember is a lot of glitter, body glitter, eye glitter ALL THE GLITTER. Seriously it was crazy.
There was also a range from Asda I was completly obsessed with, it was Mary Kate and Ashley's makeup line, I remember it being purple and sparkley. I was clearly really into glitter early 2000s haha. (If you fancy a throwback you can see picks of it here)
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Seriously, blue eyeliner? top and bottom oh Erin. 2007 |
At high school I did notice other girls wearing makeup, but I never really got into it - I mean I loved a lip gloss but it wasn't until about age 15 that I started to buy things from boots/superdrug.
I still remember the first things I bought. Rimmel stay matte, in a square package with a mirror. The Rimmel concealer stick (the one that looks like a lipstick) and a black eyeliner. I'm pretty sure I owned a mascara and foundation too, but wouldn't be able to tell you which ones. I also owned one single lipstick - my mum gave it to me after a Virgin Vie party we had at home, it was a shimmer purple colour - and I loved it.
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From there my makeup didn't expand at all, I loved eyeliner blue or black, and I bought a few sleek palettes back when they first came out, but realistically my makeup bag didn't change from age 15 through to about 23.
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Seriously why did I ever think neon eyeshadow was a good look? 2008 |
In that time frame, the only time I ever wore makeup was on a night out, and once I became pregnant and had my son I just didn't wear any.
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October 2011 |
When 2014 hit I lost a lot of weight, I hit the gym hard, and really began to get to know myself and my body again.With that came a new love getting dressed up and going out again. I still remember getting ready for a hawaiian night out and thinking I should treat myself to a new lipstick. I remember standing in superdrug, being absolutely terrified of the stands and having no idea what to buy. I felt like such a girl fail, surrounded by teens who clearly knew 10x more than I did. I came away with a coral lipstick, Mascara, Powder and a concealer.
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Weightloss & August 2014 |
From there I realised I quite liked my face with makeup on. But still had no idea how to apply it. I was on YouTube one day, and an advert for something came on with Becca Rose. I instantly liked her, then went on to watch all of her videos... from her I then found LilyPebbles, ViviannaLovesMakeup, KandeeJohnson, basically the whole beauty community.
Then I was hooked. I had NEVER bought anything highend up until the end of 2014. My first highend purchase was the Urban Decay Naked 3 palette. I loved it. I then got a MAC Lipstick & YSL lipstick on holiday, from then on its grown to what it is now.
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August 2014 vs May 2016 |
I think this is why I am very much an all or nothing type of girl. I either have no makeup on - and will more than happily go out without any on - or I have a full face on to do a weekly shop. To me I enjoy the process of putting it on, I love the way it makes me feel. I love taking my time... it truly is art, something I take pride in, so if I don't have time to enjoy it - I simply wont wear it.
If you could have anyone in the world do your make up, who would it be?
I honestly don't know, there is so many to choose from! I would love Jaclyn Hill, but in all honesty I would probably go for someone like Jeffree Star, or Raja from Drag Race, I just love over the top bright make up, and their abilities are incredible. Plus it would be a good laugh too!
What's your top make up tip?
My top makeup tip is probably not to be afraid of fall out. When I first started using eyeshadows I would freak myself out with all the makeup on my face, on my cheeks etc. Eyes should look a bit of a mess before they are all blended out and wiped away. I would always recommend doing eyes first if you are doing a bold eye, you can then do your base after once the fall out has been wiped away!
What's one skincare item you couldn't live without?
100% my favourite skincare item has to be Una Brennan Vitamin C Clensing Oil, it smells and feels incredible, plus my skin loves it. Cannot get enough of this, and a small bottle goes a long long way!
Special shoutout to the Lush lip scrub though, even if I do practically eat it *om nom nom*
What are you worst at when it comes to applying makeup?
Without a doubt eyeliner, I have only just figured out how to do it on myself without looking like coco the clown, but do not ask me to do it on anyone else, you will end up looking silly. lol
I'm also terrible at doing a cut crease, I really need to practice more, as I love the way it looks - I just suck at it!
I hate how I cannot go into a debenhams or a beauty hall without makeup on and get help or be spoken to, yet the minute I walk in with a full face everyone is asking me if I need a hand, surely it should be the other way around?
I just feel like you should be able to buy something from MAC with a bare face, and not look like a crazy person.
My favourite type of product to buy has to be anything limited edition, I am such a nightmare for a MAC launch, but that has to be lack of self control.
What I have far too many of is browny gold eyeshadows. I am a sucker for them, and never seem to be able to own quite enough of them!
What's your underdog product?
I am loving so many Seventeen products (Boots own brand) The quality is just fantastic, and they always seem so under hyped. My top picks are the single eyeshadows and the contour kit, you can see my post on them here
What's your biggest product regret?
I hate to say this, as I know so many people love it - but Estee Lauder Double Wear. I have it, and will use it on occasion, but I just don't love it - I don't go for it. With MAC Studio Fix and NARS sheer glow on my shelf I just never want to use the double wear. I don't know what I dislike about it, probably nothing - it just doesn't excite me!
What's your favourite make-up product of 2015?
Out of all of the things I tried in 2015, that is really hard. But I would probably say either MAC Studio Fix Foundation, or MAC Honey Love. Both used constantly in 2015! Both of which star in my 2015 favourites too.
What's your favourite item of 2016 so far?

Let me know in the comments below your first makeup memories? did you love makeup from the very beginning? Did you have any mary-kate and ashley makeup? haha oh and what was the first thing you remember buying? Let me know!
One of my pet peeves is definitely going to a counter and being ignored by the sales girls. It happens every time I walk into the Make Up For Ever store in debenhams in birmingham and so every time I've gone there with the intention to buy something, I haven't because I've just been ignored. It's awful!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your story! You look incredible both bare and made up, I love that you chose a bold lip in your photo, haha!
Em | beautyandbullshitt x
IT's so annoying isn't it? I really wish people would understand that you can love makeup and still leave the house without wearing any lol
DeleteOh man our beauty stories are so similar! I wore makeup in high school but never foundation, just mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner and some gloss or lipstick. I actually only started wearing foundation 3 and a half years ago! The scene look was so rampant between 2004–2008 huh? You look so sophisticated now (and I mean that in a good way) and congrats on the weight loss!
Thank you so much lovely :) Yeah foundation is totally new to me - no wonder I am now obsessed lol