Summer Ice Lolly Mould Recipes

Up in Scotland the weather has been pretty amazing (Yes highs of 19*C is considered HOT here lol) so we have been at the park pretty much all week. After the park AJ is always wanting something to cool him down, so I bought these Annabel Karmel ice lolly molds to play around with.

Needless to say AJ & I have have been living off these ice lollies all week, we have been experimenting in flavours and colours, so we thought we would share our favourite options with you!

1. Tropical Raspberry
ingredients: Tropical Juice & Raspberries
This has been my favourite so far, the tropical juice tastes incredible frozen, and mixed with the frozen raspberries it really gives it something different. AJ wasn't a huge fan of the frozen raspberries, but he will happily eat just a tropical juice one.

2. Strawberry & Yoghurt
ingredients: Low Fat Strawberry Yoghurt & Fresh Strawberries.
These ones were made as the yoghurts were going off, and I was so glad we tried it! Frozen yoghurt is very creamy and melts well. The perfect alternative to ice cream (especially if you are on a diet) one yoghurt typically fills 2-3 lollies too, so not very many calories.

3. Fruity & Creamy
ingredients: leftover strawberry yoghurt, blueberries & mango coulis 
in these ones we just put everything in. was feeling adventurous. But the Mango coulis really does taste amazing in it, really good for something a bit different.

4. Just Plain
ingredients: Any Flavour of Diluting Juice or Fresh juice.
This is my go to for after tea treat. Not only is is really quick and easy, it has zero added sugar and really inexpensive. He thinks he is getting a treat, and I know its just Apple & Blackcurrent juice & he won't be bouncing off the walls by bedtime :)


AJ's Favourite:
5. Haribo & Ribena
ingredients: Strawberry Ribena & Haribo Star Mix
AJ was over the moon with these. He would happily have one a day all summer. But even I must admit they do taste pretty incredible. The sweeties go slightly hard, but just extra chewy. He loves the eggs and hearts in the lollies. The ribena just tastes even better frozen, but Ribena is a treat in our house, so this one is extra special.

My Favourite:
6. Malibu & Pineapple
ingredients: Malibu (alcohol) and fresh pineapple juice
Yup, I put alcohol in my sons ice lolly moulds. #badmum. but on hot summer nights this just tastes incredible! I know this has made me want to try out different ones now, gin lime & lemonade ones next maybe?

These moulds are Annabel Karmel ones, you can find them here on for £3.

I picked these ones mainy due to their price. But also because they can be individually seperated, which is excellent for heating them up under the tap to be able to remove the ice lolly. highly recommend them.

Have you done these recently? which ones are your favourite? Are you tempted to try them? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Yay for us Scots finally getting some decent weather, hoping it keeps up!

    Oh I definitely need to try a few of these out! I've been eyeing up some ice lolly moulds but I think next time I'm in Tesco I'll give these a try! The Ribena and Haribo ones sound fantastic and something my partner would like (the hearts and eggs are his favourite in the starmix!).
    I think I'd likely try one with either diluting juice or low fat yoghurt, something nice and light to have as a wee treat!
    If I end up making any of these I will definitely let you know how I got on with them!

    Jasmine |

  2. I think number six sounds right up my street... LOL. I love making lollies with the kids so I will definitly give these a shot. Thanks hun xx

  3. The tropical raspberry and strawberry yoghurt ones sound so nice, I just bought some ice lolly moulds recently so I will definitely have to try these!

    Lauren Ashleigh xx

  4. Oooh Malibu and Pineapple...sounds like a dream, it's definitely my favourite and so perfect for summer days! :)

    xx, Matea

  5. Oh these look so delicious. Gemma x

  6. Class and Glitter16 May 2016 at 16:52

    Wow, so easy and simple!

    Parie x

  7. Yum! I love popsicles! Even before it was proper spring, I broke out my popsicle molds :) Thanks for all the recipes!

    Mili | Sharmtoaster

  8. Looks yummy! I love popsicles!
    Mademoiselle Coconath

  9. These sound so yummy - I definitely want to try an alcoholic popsicle :) !!

  10. Shireen L. Platt16 May 2016 at 21:04

    Oh my goodness, it's like you read my mind! We had a great barbecue with friends yesterday and she made iced lollies for the little ones and my boy loved it. I'm actually looking for recipe to make some at home and voila! you have everything in this post. Bookmarking!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  11. Wow these look soooooo delicious! My favourite is the yogurt+strawberries, thanks for writing down the ingredients to use, makes the whole procedure easier! Cannot wait to try them! x


  12. Yum!! Perfect for summer!

    Take Care Doll! Kisses,
    BLOG | Taislany

  13. ALittleKiran17 May 2016 at 10:07

    Such a cool post! I actually hate ice lollies haha, I love ice cream much more.

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin | Instagram

  14. A Second Swatch17 May 2016 at 11:52

    This is such an amazing idea, and much more creative than anything I could have come up with! Malibu and pineapple sounds yummy :) xx

  15. In Ella's Element17 May 2016 at 12:07

    These sound so good, I love the sound of the Tropical Raspberry one. These will be perfect for summer, great post!

    Ella xx

  16. I spotted a snap of these on your Instagram and instantly fell in love - they look so colourful and refreshing, yum! I haven't thought of picking up lolly moulds in years; such a great idea!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice | Magazine Subscription Giveaway x

  17. Haha, I totally want to make alcohol ones now! The haribo ones also look fab :)

    Corinne x

  18. Personally, I love plain orange juice ice lolly but I'd love to add some strawberries and blue berries! They seem wonderful! <3

    xx Bash |   go say   H E Y   B A S H

  19. This looks absolutely delicious, nothing better than a good popsicle in these hot summer days!

    My Vogue Style |

  20. Thedignst Oriert18 May 2016 at 09:33

    I adore everything about this post. it's basically my life. me time = best

  21. The Sunday Mode19 May 2016 at 13:27

    I love that you call these ice lollies, we just call them icy poles here!

    I always love ice creams with a yoghurt taste (have since I was a kid!) so I think I'd probably love the strawberry and yoghurt variation of these the most.

  22. Lucy Elizabeth19 May 2016 at 13:42

    ohh these sound amazing and perfect for hot days! Will definitely be trying them when the sun comes back xx

  23. they look delicious! actually bought these molds a couple of weeks back, gotta try these recipes (:

    Life in Pastel


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