How to Fake Natural Beauty (Seventeen Makeup)

So I was in my local boots the other day and they FINALLY had the Seventeen new WOW concealer in stock in my shade (fair). So I celebrated by doing their 3 for 2, and bought two more items along with the concealer (as you do, you know?)

What I didn't realise was how well this trio would work together, and how they would make me want to try a new style of makeup... *gulp* NATURAL. I know. I never wear a natural make up look, I am a very all or nothing type of girl.

So here is how I have been using them, and mini reviews/first impressions on each one.

Swatched, Unblended
On my first try of the WOW Concealer (£4.99) I must admit I wasn't a fan, I used it instead of my NARS Creamy Concealer over my Estee Lauder Double Wear. I found it way too runny, not enough coverage,.. I then huffed and went back and used my NARS.
The following day I was just running into town - so I decided to use it without foundation. This is when it became a game changer. Somehow without foundation, it just covers and blends beautifully. It is the perfect natural finish, I would highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys a more natural look, or even for simple days, but if you are expecting high coverage or a UD/NARS doupe stay clear. I have heard others compare it to touché éclat (as the packaging is near enough the same) but in all honestly I haven't ever used it - so cannot comment, but it is a lovely finish, and worth picking up.
Swatched and Blended in using RT Sculpting Brush
Now the 3 way WOW highlight (£5.99). Oh my goodness. It is like crushed pearls. STUNNING. This is a pale girls dream, but I can see this working on pretty much everyone. Now, this can be used as a primer, mixed in with your foundation, or as a highlight. It works all ways, but I enjoy it most as a highlight.
All you do is pump it onto your hand, and I use it on the top of my cheekbones and up over my eyebrow, along my nose and on my cupids bow. Once it is blended you simply GLOW. In a non glittery way, next time you are in boots I recommending swatching this, I promise you will be admiring your hand all day. This is the best "drugstore" highlight I have found (I count Mary-Lou as Highend) 

The last thing I went for was the Cream Bronzer (£4.99), something I have never tried before (as I am usually scared of bronzers). I am surprised at how much I have loved using this. As it is cream -  it is much easier to work with than powder when it comes to blending.. and really has been giving my face some warmth - without making me look orange or dirty.

So here has been my go to look this week with the sun being out. No foundation, just these 3 items blended in with my Real Techniques Sculpting Brush. I will then add some mascara, brows and some lipgloss. Done, less than 5 minutes to do, quick and easy, no fuss and can withstand the heat. What more can a girl ask for over summer?

Oh and I have had people all week saying how incredible my skin is, and how "Lucky I am" yeah, I sure do love people thinking I look like this without any help! Thanks Seventeen!

If you liked this post you should check out my Favourite picks from Seventeen HERE

Let me know in the comments below your favourite things to use on "no makeup makeup" days, and if you have tried any of these :)

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too)


  1. Abbey Louisa Rose18 May 2016 at 20:57

    Love the look you created, super natural and you look like you're glowing! Great post ❤️

  2. theblogsocial.com18 May 2016 at 22:39

    That instant glow looks so pretty

    Beauty Candy Loves

  3. I am an all or nothing type of person as well when it comes to my makeup, but sometimes it's nice just to keep things to a minimum. The highlighter looks absolutely gorgeous, and it really makes your skin glow - so pretty!

    Hilary | The Beauty Collective

  4. Shireen L. Platt19 May 2016 at 01:48

    First of all, you are a natural beauty and frankly, you don't need much makeup. Your skin is gorgeous! This is another UK brand that I wish is easily available here in Canada. I swear US and UK have the best beauty products and Canada gets kick in the nuts or so to speak. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I love that highlighter! I, too, saw it in Boots and almost was tempted myself if I hadn't just brought one!

    I also can't use bronzer with ought looking as though I've just found face planted a heap of builders sand! I consider myself too pale for the please of bronzer.

    Lucy xx

  7. Kylie hadfield19 May 2016 at 09:06

    I love this natural easy look, thanks for sharing the review. i really should stop reading all the beauty blogs my makeup wish list is getting a little full!

  8. I haven't used anything from Seventeen for ages, I think it's time I go back and try them again! Your skin is flawless, I love a good 5 minute makeup since I don't have much time in the morning!


  9. I really like this natural look on you, your skin looks so healthy and with a subtle glow! Personally, I've always favoured natural makeup, though mainly because I don't trust myself to do anything more dramatic without massively screwing up haha!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice | Twitter | Instagram x

  10. This is a great post, plus you're absolutely stunning!

    Anika |

  11. The Fashion Folks19 May 2016 at 13:26

    Love the no makeup makeup look, so chic! Xx

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Carina Vardie19 May 2016 at 14:16

    Your skin looks amazing, very pretty and easy make-up look!


  14. I love the look of that highlighter, I've been meaning to try it for ages! :) xxx

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

  15. Great natural look, so flawless =)

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion and beauty blog

  16. A Slender Self19 May 2016 at 16:13

    This is perfect for everyday, especially now the weather is getting hotter and you don't feel like a heavy face of makeup. Love it! Xx

  17. Great post, your skin looks amazing!

    xo, Liz

  18. I'm super scared of natural make-up but these products do look amazing, especially the concealer! I wish Seventeen make-up was easily available in the US, your skin in the photos looks naturally flawless x

  19. I love the skin wow highlighter, its so good for adding a natural glow!

    (I'm also doing a giveaway right now too!)

  20. I'd love to try that highlighter! Natural make up is my favourite, especially for warm summer days :) And it takes me less than 10 minutes to get ready - I just put on my CC cream, highlighter, subtle blush, mascara and a red lipstick and I'm ready to go :D

    xx, Matea

  21. Carolina Pinglo19 May 2016 at 20:08

    i love natural makeup ! great post! :)

  22. I wear natural makeup a lot and people always compliment my skin, mwhwhwhhw suckers.

    Corinne x

  23. Kate] Kate's Closet20 May 2016 at 09:01

    I've not tried any of this brand but will defo check it out next time i'm in store xoxo

  24. I've never actually tried anything from this brand before but I've heard good things and the products are such a good price!

    Lauren Ashleigh xx

  25. Tamzin Swann22 May 2016 at 21:01

    That bronzer is the perfect shade! That highlight is a lush shade too, haven't tried Seventeen before! x

    Tamz |

  26. hair salons and beauty salons are now starting to carry their own selection of beauty products and supplies, so you might not even have to look very far. High school beauty tips


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