SpaceNK Haul

I refuse to call this a mini haul, but seriously its tiny. Sob.

I have been hunting for a new foundation since the start of the year. (You can view my guide here if you are looking to buy one)

I had narrowed it down from the several hundreds available to the YSL Touche Éclat or the Chanel Les Beige. You can view my mini review/comparison/swatches here.

So I was all set to go for the Chanel, when SpaceNK sent me an email with £15 off £60 and free delivery. I had been looking at the NARS Sheer Glow now for months, everyone raves about it (seriously I have never seen a bad review). But NARS don't have a counter here, so I have never had a chance to try it. So I caved and plucked up my courage and went for it. The chance to get it cheaper was too much to pass.

After ages of going through swatches I settled on the shade Gobi which is "Light 3, with yellow undertones" which is a perfect match for me (NC15 MAC & 1N1 Estee Lauder) I also just had to have the pump... even if it angers me that we have to pay separately for them!

Next in the basket was the NARS Creamy Concealer in Chantilly. I have had this before in the wrong shade, so happy to pick one up that is pale enough for me - which is hard to find on the high street.

So with the basket sitting at £56.50 I had to buy something else. It was in my basket before I could even think to myself I was crazy. £29 for a stick of eyeshadow, I must be completely bonkers, but its just so pretty! 

Say hello to the By Terry Ombre Blackstar in Bronze Moon. Yes its extravagant, crazy priced. But it is beyond beautiful, and I have completely justified it.

So in total my haul came to £70.50. for 3 things, ouch. But they are 3 very beautiful things, funnily enough I also purchased them when my "how to save money and still buy makeup" post went live. So I have a new one to add to the list - Don't sign up for emails, they are dangerous!

Also a quick apology for my lack of activity anywhere over the past week - I had an operation on Wednesday to remove my adenoids - so my nose is hurting pretty bad, and really can't face doing very much on my meds. But on the mend now and will be more active over the next week.

Let me know what you all have been hauling lately? Have you bought a new foundation recently? let me know which one in the comments below :)


  1. I've also only heard good things about the Nars Sheer Glow! I've considered it so many times but I prefer medium-full coverage. The eyeliner stick looks gorgeous as well!

    1. I have really been loving it, and normally I am the same (preferring a higher coverage) definitely worth checking out :)

  • Jasmine Stewart21 February 2016 at 18:29

    I managed to resist this deal but it was hard haha. I love the Nars concealer/foundation combination - it's just perfect. Although I love and use my By Terry Ombre Blackstars and wouldn't say I 'regret' buying them or anything, I probably wouldn't get any more because of how identical the KIKO ones are for about £7 xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. Haha well done for resisting, I was doomed the minute that email hit my inbox lol. Yeah I don't think I would pay £29 for it without any discount, and I'm not sure I would buy another, but I must admit I am really tempted by the Lancôme ones, they look fab! And a Kiko haul is bound to happen soon! :)

  • I bought the Nars sheer glow not too long ago aswell! I really like it although it's slightly too dewy on bad skin days for me. But in general I love it! I think it was really wise of you to get the pump too, I didn't and everytime I apply the foundation I wish I had :D
    The ByTerry eyeshadow stick looks really pretty. And I'd also love to try the concealer!
    Aww babe, I hope you're feelimg better after the operation<3
    Emma xxx

    1. Thank you so much lovely, loving sheer glow so far, have a funny feeling I will be the same on bad skin days too though :(

  • That is so strange I bought sheer glow & the creamy concealer on my last trip to SpaceNK too! I'm loving the concealer but I have mixed feelings about the foundation considering the price.

    Roxie | The Beautiful Bluebird

    1. SpaceNK is dangerous! :) Hoping that the foundation really does agree with my crazy skin! Need to properly test drive it this week :)

  • What a gorgeous eyeshadow that is!! I plucked up the courage to finally purchase the nars sheer glow foundation not too long ago and omg I love it, I was only disappointed with myself for not getting it sooner haha I'm trying to use it more when I go out etc but I love it so much I want to wear it every day! Great haul Erin! :) xx

    1. I'm so glad you love it! Really hoping I love it as much as everyone else seems to! and the eyeshadow really is :)

  • Nars Sheer Glow and concealer were my favourite, I want to repurchase but need to save up first so it has to wait :) I love the look of By Terry sticks but paying that much for an eyeshadow stick is not gonna happen. Since I won't get it, my Kiko stick has to do the job :)

    I hope you're feeling better now

    Ela BellaWorld

  • The post is fantastic! I love it so much:)
    Have a nice day!


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