MakeUp Storage & Where I do my Makeup

The past month or so I have really been thinking about where other people do their makeup. I know we all dream of the perfect instagram-able vanity with the perfect make up storage, but is that the reality for everyone?

I know the main reason for why I think about this so much is the fact I do my make up in the kitchen with a mirror perched on top of the toaster. What a glam life.

The main reason for this is my bedroom doesn't have space for a pretty table, or any sort of display. But also I have a 4 year old son. Now I trust him now not to touch things, but if he REALLY needed a pen and couldn't find one... I couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't take it upon himself to use a lipstick. Rather be really safe and paranoid than sorry and crying over broken makeup.

Now, onto the topic of broken makeup... Those of you who have been reading here for a while I dropped my beloved Mary Lou. She smashed into a million bits all over my bathroom floor. Why? because I juggled a bunch of makeup through from my shelves and she fell. It was a sad moment.

On that day I decided I needed something to transport my makeup around my house to wherever I am doing it that day. It needed to be big enough to hold all my regular makeup, brushes and palettes. A makeup bag was never quite easy enough, then I had my brushes to deal with too, oh the problems of a makeup lover!

That's when I seen this copper basket in Next (£16.00) its just the right size to fit everything I need in it, and once I had put a bit of card along the bottom nothing was falling out of it.

I use 3 empty candle jars for storage. One for eye brushes, one for face brushes and one for regular items. In there I will keep various concealers, eye liners, lip liners, primers and the odd lipstick.

In the rest of the basket I keep my contour kit, setting spray and powder, foundation, highlight and blush. My UD Vice 3 palette is also always in here. Just because it has a HUGE mirror, and sits perfectly on my toaster, microwave, window sill. Where ever I am really.

The best part about using this is I can really focus on an item by just keeping it in here, want to make better use of a blush? pop it in here. The 6 steps to the rest of my makeup is too far when you have another option in the basket. I change it about every few weeks to make sure I am using my full stash.

What is the dream? Probably something like this from next. The Lulworth Dressing Table (£275) truly is perfection. I love how simple it is, how you can fold the mirror down and tuck it all away. I love the storage under the mirror and in the drawers too. I would love this in my room.

Everytime I am in next, this is the one I go to - every single time. I want it. Meh, maybe in my dreams right?

Let me know where you do your makeup and where you store it? Do you have a vanity or display? Let me know in the comments below. Also let me know what your ideal room would be?

If you liked this post check out my bedroom tour, :)

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  1. A makeup table is indeed great and a lovely accessory in your home!!! I would definitely buy that one. I'm the type who keeps everything in the bathroom the rest is stored in a malm kommode.

    Vicky | The Golden Bun - Instagram TGB 

    1. MakeErinOver10 May 2016 at 15:15

      Ooo that sounds good :)

  • Oooh this table looks perfect, I want it too for my room!
    I keep most of my make up in the bathroom stored in a few small pretty baskets but all of my lipsticks are in the bedroom. After a few disasters I also learned not to keep any of those things on the shelves...never again :)


    1. MakeErinOver10 May 2016 at 15:25

      oh no, im sorry you had the same disaster, what a nightmare!

  • That copper basket is so cute! I never thought of using empty candle jars to hold things, I usually use perfume boxes haha. My dresser has a lot of space on it and a mirror so I keep most of my make-up there. I recently bought a $20 dresser with five drawers so now I keep more products in there as well!

    1. MakeErinOver10 May 2016 at 15:30

      Aww wow that sounds fab for the price too :) you should do a post on your storage, I know I would love to read it :)

  • I definitely dream of having the perfect vanity with one of those hollywood style mirrors, but my ikea setting in front of my window works perfectly for the time being x

    Beauty with charm | Benefit Cheekathon Giveaway

    1. MakeErinOver10 May 2016 at 15:31

      Yeah that really is the dream isn't it! :)

  • All my make up is stored in an old Birchbox that I keep in a drawer, so I can just pull it out and get ready. My brushes are in a old jam jar and my palettes are lined up next to the Birchbox, I try and keep everything as paired down as I can and use up what I've got before buying new - I have to keep in mind the drawer really isn't that big! Plus it means things actually get used up!

    I love that dresser, a hotel I stayed at once had a similar one and it was wonderful to sit at and get ready, the storage under the mirror was perfect for hair styling tools!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

    1. MakeErinOver10 May 2016 at 15:31

      Aww wow that sounds like such a good idea, I need to try and control myself so I try to limit it too, but I definitely don't do as well as you at it :)

  • Shireen L. Platt9 May 2016 at 22:08

    My makeup takes over pretty much the whole wall shelves that I have in our master bathroom but my boy has since leaned to climb up the toilet bowl to reach for them. Ugh! And wow, if my Becca Champagne Pop or Hourglass Dim Light drops and break, I think I would cry a million tears.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. MakeErinOver10 May 2016 at 15:39

      Oh no! what a nightmare, get a lock for the outside of the door, my son and I had a fall out when he dropped my phone into the toilet, so he wasn't allowed in there until he was toilet trained, worth investing in, to save your makeup!

  • I love the basket you have! I store my makeup brushes in Ikea plant pots, and my makeup in storage drawers in my room by my desk and in various makeup bags all over my room too haha! I just sit at my desk with a little (broken) mirror and do my makeup! However, that's when I'm at uni - when I'm at home I do it in the living room, on the floor, with a mirror balancing on the sofa and my makeup spread all over the floor haha! That vanity looks gorgeous, but I don't think I'll be buying it any time soon at that price either!

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


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