Lipsticks are without a doubt my favourite beauty product. I typically opt for higher end lipsticks, as when I want to treat myself, its typically done with a fancy lipstick, but there is some from the drugstore that I hang on to, the ones I use and reach for, so I thought I would share them with you - as they seem to survive endless declutters, and still remain among the favourites.

Maybelline Clay Crush £6.99
This is near enough the perfect dupe for MAC kinda sexy, and it is so nice. The Maybelline Matte formula is the closest dupe I have found to the MAC Matte lipsticks, and this shade is just lovely.
Rimmel Kate 03 £5.49
This shade is just beautiful, and the only not matte shade here. I have seen so many people wear this and suit it so much, it really is stunning! I reach for this on easy days, it just goes with everything!
Seventeen Mega Matte Roses are Red £4.49
The perfect matte true red lipstick, that just lasts ALL day. I love the shade and the formula of this, and its not often I will say I love a red, as they are so hard to get right!
Seventeen Mega Matte Looking Buff* £4.49
This shade is just utter perfection, and my perfect your lips but matte and pretty shade. I LOVE this, and this is the shade I will recommend over all the rest whenever I step into boots. I LOVE it.
Maybelline Devine Wine £6.99
This is the shade I go to every single autumn - it is wine perfection. I have so many pictures of this round a starbucks PSL cup, just writing this is making me wish it was October. AAAAH I love it, bring on the darker shades again!

So there we have it, my top 5, my only 5 drugstore lipsticks. And I LOVE them all. If you want to read the highend version check out this post here
What is your favourite drugstore lipstick? Have you tried any of these? Let me know in the comments below