Battle of the Yellow (Colour Changing) Lipsticks + Swatches

Just incase you missed the Memo, I REALLY love yellow. Like its worryingly unhealthy. I mean check my Instagram, the obsession is real. So when I seen there wasn't one but TWO yellow lipsticks I near enough squealed in excitement. 

So the original, the first, was always Lipstick Queen, they created the Green and Blue colour changing lipsticks too, both of which Barry M is also doing.... but the two are good, and I thought I would compare them, as I know that is what most people will want to know, are they the same?? 

Even from the picture its plain to see the colours are different. The Lipstick Queen Lipstick is definitely warmer in tone, it leans more orange. The Barry M is more of a true yellow. 

These colour differences then translate when applied too, The Lipstick Queen turns a very coral pink, which is beautiful on, and the Barry M turns into a bright pink, both take a minute or so to fully change colour. 

I would describe neither as a lipstick, I know - shocking. But they are tinted lip balms, I think that is a better description of them, they are a very fancy, colour changing, somewhat gimmicky tinted lip balm. They are nice, but lets not pretend they are anything else. 

With that in mind they are both moisturising especially The Lipstick Queen one, it feels incredible to apply, and there is no drying out your lips.

L: Lipstick Queen Morning Sunshine - R: Barry M Unicorn
Something to note also is they do stain your lips, lip stainy, lipbalms, that definitely are not lipsticks. Confused yet? 

So, I think I have decided I am happy I have them, and I will use them, I especially love the lipstick queen one, I love the shade and the feel of it, I love the colour and I am sure I will get plenty use out of it. Sure it is £22, but for me it is fab! Would I recommend it to everyone? No. It is a overpriced lip balm, but if you want something different and something cute, why not? 

As for the BarryM one it is good, I do like it, and for £5 its definitely the more purse friendly option, but I can see me keeping this one nice for IG, using it as a prop instead of actually using it. - but I may of actually used it if I hadn't paid the £22 for other one.. do you see the dilemma? lol 

You can purchase The Lipstick Queen Mornin' Sunshine here for £22.

You can purchase Barry M Unicorn here for £4.99

Would you buy either? Do you have either? Let me know in the comments below :)
