Wedding: What's In My Bag?

I think one of the big worries when you are a full day wedding guest is how much you need to take with you, do you pack light, do you pack everything? What do you do? So I thought I would run through everything I had in my bag for the wedding. Call it a wedding guest checklist?

  • Money 
  • Cards, ID, Emergency Card (In a small purse) 
  • Keys 
  • Phone 
  • Portable Charger, Cable (Charged) 
  • Glasses/Sunglasses
  • Perfume 
  • Lipstick
  • Foundation (Top Up, Just in Case - In Sample Pot) 
  • Powder (To Remove oil) & Brush
  • Suncream 
  • Camera (Olympus Pen E-PL8) 
  • Tampons/Pads (Because Karma, if you take them - it won't happen - hopefully) 
  • Paracetamol 
  • Hair ties/Kirby Grips 
  • Tissues

If I could take more - I would. I am the person who would have a suitcase given the chance! But I must admit I did use most of it.

Do you pack light for weddings? What are your must haves? 

If you want to see more wedding posts check out: 



  1. Michelle Croft12 June 2017 at 01:16

    Hello lovely, I can't believe I haven't followed your blog yet! Great Post by the way.
    Michelle xx |
    IG: @shellie_belle_

  2. I've only ever been to around 3 weddings in my life and don't find myself nearlly prepared enough. Great list, a camera is always needed!
    Kathy x

  3. You must have had a big bag! I'd be doing well to bring lip products, cash & perfume! xx

  4. You're so organised! I normally take blotting papers, lipstick, perfume vial and phone hehe x

  5. beautyqueenuk12 June 2017 at 07:49

    Now that is being organised! I am always grab everything last minute! Then stress about what I've forgotten!

  6. That's incredibly organised but I've only been go one wedding where I am sure I pretty much had my phone, purse, and a lipstick.

    Kristy |

  7. Beauty Drama Queen12 June 2017 at 08:46

    I don't think I can add to this list. Next wedding the bride will be my best friend and I'll be responsible for her makeup, so other than everything you mentioned, I'll also be packing a full on makeup kit with me... yep!

  8. I haven't been to many weddings but the checklist is so handy! X

  9. Last year I went on two weddings and except the foundation and sunscreen I had the same things, haha.

    Michelle Morchella

  10. Heather Nixon12 June 2017 at 11:37

    I LOVE the Essence fixing powder x

  11. I usually have a little clutch bag and find myself only being able to bring my phone and a few bits of makeup. I've even forgot to bring money before so this post is great for me haha!

    Corrie | Corrie Arnold

  12. I'm not one to carry a big bag, just a few bits. Lipsticks are always a must to have x

  13. You're so prepared! I usually just grab a few things on my way out the door haha

  14. The last weddingI went to I took a stupid box clutch that had space for literally just my phone! I had to organise it all so flat so it could close. Next time I will be planning a little better and getting a decent size bag so I can fit all this in! X

  15. Leah Marriott12 June 2017 at 13:39

    Love that camera! I try to pack as lightly as possible all the time but it always fails!

    Leah x

  16. Last year i went to 3 weddings and i always find myself forgetting something! Mostbof the time, it is the portable charger!

  17. I normally don't take a lot but next month is my first wedding with Penny so I think I'll have to take a lot of provisions.

  18. Back To You Beauty12 June 2017 at 15:44

    blimey! That's a lot haha, I take my phone and a lipstick!

  19. I need to try the Essence powder.

  20. My must have would be a pair of flats for when I can't take the heels any more but want to dance!

    Gemma x |

  21. Laura Louise12 June 2017 at 21:16

    I try and pack really light as I always end up losing stuff - makeup in particular!x

  22. It depends on the size of my bag but phone, charger, lipstick & camera would be definitely in there xx

  23. Cassandra Myee13 June 2017 at 09:44

    You have got all the essentials and some! Always gotta have lipstick, charger, phone and blotting powder or paper!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  24. I try and pack as light as I can when it comes to weddings. Last thing you want is to carry a suitcase of stuff around with you!

  25. Tips Capsule13 June 2017 at 16:20

    Aaah, I can't go to weddings without a little snack haha, yes I may be an adult but Asian weddings can last a life time and the girl gets hungry. I usually end up packing sweets, nuts and a whole host of other things lol!

  26. Jasmine Stewart14 June 2017 at 20:24

    I don't know what I'd do without my portable charger! I also love the Olympus Pen for special occasions as it's so good but just portable enough :)

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  27. The Makeup Aficionado15 June 2017 at 10:44

    I'm quite lazy when it comes to putting up touch up makeup in my bag when i go to weddings. All i ever bring with me is a blotting powder and the lipstick i am wearing.

  28. The Girl In The Tartan Scarf18 June 2017 at 17:39

    Laughing at your tampons is SO true though!!! hahah!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  29. The Sunday Girl19 June 2017 at 13:39

    You are so organised - I'm so jealous x


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