June: Goals, Wishes & Regrets

Another month another wish list. Welcome to June. This month is proving to be warm with weeks of rain. I have a trip to glasgow planned so a lot of it will be planning around that! :) 

GOALS //...

  • Loose 5lbs - this is always in my goals and it never happens. At least I can aim ok? lol
  • Hit 5,000 on IG - Currently at 4,680
  • Hit 6,000 on Twitter - Currently at 5,700
  • Hit 1.6K on Bloglovin' - I am at 1,502 got a while to go!
  • Wake up Early - I got so used to being up at 7am with college, but I feel myself slumping back into the routine of not getting up til 8.55am (for the School Run) and I don't feel better for it, I need to get back into a good routine again!

WISHES //...

  • Hourglass Ambient Strobe Lighting Blush Palette (£59.00) - I have been looking at this for ages now and I really want it. We are going to Glasgow at the end of the month so I may just need to get it! 
  • MAC Matte Lipstick "D is for Danger" (£15.50) - I always pick it up, I need to just get it. Sure it's summer, but I don't think I care I just love it so much! 
  • Zara Yellow Coat (£79.99) - I am so in love with the length of the sleeve, its perfect for my tiny height - and of course the colour, I love it! 


  • So a month or so back I decided I wanted to experience a "high end" candle. So I spent £30 on a candle. SERIOUSLY WHY! So dumb. The Home Bargains ones give off a better smell, the Yankee ones last longer, and if you really want a fancy candle go to TKMaxx and get one for a third of the price. Lesson learned. Don't burn your money. (but at the same time I really do still want a Diptique one)

What are you aiming for this month? Or wishing? Or better what are you regretting this month? Let me know in the comments below 



  1. Beauty Drama Queen10 June 2017 at 23:56

    I love that Zara coat! Having tried many many candles I always go back to Yankees x

  2. Lol that candle tho. I'm obsessed with candles but would probably never spend that much. ��. I regret not taking Instagram seriously years ago. It clicked this month that I should've have. Oh well

  3. Heather Nixon11 June 2017 at 13:16

    I want a diptyque candle but that price! x


  4. I totally agree with you about candles haha! Good luck with your goals :)


  5. Haha! I treated myself to a Jo Malone candle once & instantly regretted it. Everytime I lit it I kept thinking about all the makeup I could have bought instead!

  6. Danielle Alexa11 June 2017 at 15:42

    I am with you on the loose 5lb, I have just had a week in Italy so I am currently rocking a pasta food baby!

    Danielle xx

  7. I want that hourglass palette so badly! Would love a Diptique candle too but don't think I could justify the price of either! x

  8. BethanyAustin11 June 2017 at 19:16

    I definitely want to start waking up early again too! Since I've left uni I've completely got out of the habit.

    I loved reading your goals for this month - Good luck! I've just done a post about my summer goals and it's make me feel so inspired.

    Bethany | Curly and Wordy

  9. I'd like to be more organised this month xxx

    Zoe ♥ MammafulZo

  10. I always think that with burning expensive candles, but I got two mini ones a couple of years ago from Diptique in the sale which were amazing, and ever since I have wanted a full size one.

    Kristy | www.thevioletblonde.com

  11. Erin | herlittleplans.com11 June 2017 at 20:15

    I hope you reach your goals and got everything in your wish list x

    Erin Azmir Blog

  12. That blush palette is beautiful! I completely agree, you can find some amazing candles at TJ Maxx for a much smaller price x

    Beauty From Katie

  13. That Zara coat is so you! You should totally buy it x

  14. Love this post! Losing 5lbs is on my wish list too x

  15. That Zara coat is very you! Oh, and you need that Hourglass palette! xx


  16. That Zara coat is TOO GOOD! And I'm the same when it comes to buying candles... I only buy Bath & Bodyworks when they are having a killer sale :)


  17. I need to set mys of some goals for my he month like this - I should push myself more!

    Gemma x | flutterandsparkle.com

  18. Some really good goals here! I always set myself small ones on a monthly basis xx

  19. Back To You Beauty12 June 2017 at 15:27

    Awww it's great that you have lots of goals to aim for! Good luck!

  20. I will never pay alot for a candle, I am obsessed with Village Candles. Especially the warm buttered Bread scent.


  21. Laura Louise12 June 2017 at 21:15

    LOL I burn a lot of my money on candles - so bad but I cannot stop! Byredo is the maximum I'll go but I still feel it's wasteful - and they are better than Diptyque! Good luck on your goals x

  22. Cassandra Myee13 June 2017 at 09:49

    I don't think I could ever spend heaps on a candle, there's so many good cheaper ones!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  23. Love the look of that Zara coat! Gorgeous colour.


  24. The Sunday Girl19 June 2017 at 13:39

    I need to know what candle you bought haha! x


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