June Favourites

Another month, another favourites. Hello July - almost. Here is everything I have been loving this month :) 

Top Nail Varnish For Summer

I love painting my nails, I love looking at the different colours, I love the fresh feeling of just painted your nails, and I love how much cheaper they are than getting them done at a salon. Even with my obsession with buying more and more colours or multiple shades of blue, I am still doing better than buying a set of acrylics! 

So here are my top tips for summer shades this year, and what I think you need to keep your eye on! 

Updating Skincare Storage

For so long my skincare has been unorganised and just madness, it was a big box of everything, no idea of what to use and what to try. So this weekend I decided to do a bit of an overhaul and clean out a cupboard to use. 

One of the highlights of being a blogger is getting the chance to try lots of different brands. I am extremely lucky to be sent quite a lot of different products to try out, so it doesn't take long for a small cupboard to be full, or for me to forget which products I loved using! So I thought organising them by function would be the best way to deal with it. 

Top 5 Drugstore Lipsticks (& Swatches)

Lipsticks are without a doubt my favourite beauty product. I typically opt for higher end lipsticks, as when I want to treat myself, its typically done with a fancy lipstick, but there is some from the drugstore that I hang on to, the ones I use and reach for, so I thought I would share them with you - as they seem to survive endless declutters, and still remain among the favourites.

What I Bought In Glasgow - Haul

I spent the day in Glasgow with Caitlin yesterday, so thought I would share with you the bits I picked up while shopping! Just a little haul, but worth while sharing. I'm in love with a bag! :) 

June: Skincare Routine

Skincare routines are so personal, and mine seems to be ever changing, but here are the things I am using all the time at the moment, some new, some old, some trusty, all the highlights! 

Spring Empties

Right now I am looking at all these photos, all these products and thinking HOW have I managed to use up so much stuff in 3 months. Then I got anxiety about writing this post. So here goes, lets go through all the empties! 

Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette Review + Swatches

Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette Review + Swatches

I feel like I have been waiting on Urban Decay to release a warm palette for AGES, I mean I did a whole post on it here back in January, and I must admit I was on the right track. I am in love with a warm eye, so I couldn't say no to this pre-release. 

This went live on their website at 11am on Tuesday, needless to say everyone was online buying them, like a bunch of crazed bloggers, so I know a fair few of us managed to get our hands on them. I was on the phone to Angela from BeautyByTheBunny at the time, we got ours together, then Caitlin from Bath'sBeauty got her hands on one too! 

So many of us managed to get one, so I am so happy Urban Decay sorted it out so if you wanted one, you could get one! So it will be nice to see lots of reviews from people who have bought it, rather than PR samples! :) - good move Urban Decay - I see what you did there! ;) 

Daniel Wellington Classic Petite Bondi Watch*

I am so obsessed with rose gold at the moment, I'm pretty sure all bloggers are. So when Daniel Wellington contacted me looking to collaborate for their brand new launch of the Classic Petite Bondi  in white and rose gold, how could I ever refuse? It is stunning. 

Wedding: What's In My Bag?

I think one of the big worries when you are a full day wedding guest is how much you need to take with you, do you pack light, do you pack everything? What do you do? So I thought I would run through everything I had in my bag for the wedding. Call it a wedding guest checklist?

June: Goals, Wishes & Regrets

Another month another wish list. Welcome to June. This month is proving to be warm with weeks of rain. I have a trip to glasgow planned so a lot of it will be planning around that! :) 

Battle of the Yellow (Colour Changing) Lipsticks + Swatches

Just incase you missed the Memo, I REALLY love yellow. Like its worryingly unhealthy. I mean check my Instagram, the obsession is real. So when I seen there wasn't one but TWO yellow lipsticks I near enough squealed in excitement. 

So the original, the first, was always Lipstick Queen, they created the Green and Blue colour changing lipsticks too, both of which Barry M is also doing.... but the two are good, and I thought I would compare them, as I know that is what most people will want to know, are they the same?? 

Instagram Morals, What Is Acceptable? How I Gain Followers

So recently there has been a lot of drama going on over Instagram and the morals behind it. Which ways is growing accounts considered as acceptable? Who defines these rules? Bloggers? Friends? Instagram? Who manages these?

Olympus Pen E-PL8 Review

I was really unsure whether or not to do a review on the E-PL8, simply because I am a tad camera clueless. I know how to point and shoot, and play around on the settings slightly, but I am no wiz when it comes to the specs or the tech, but I thought I would share with you my thoughts and first impressions, as most of us who are looking to by the E-PL8 maybe wouldn't have the best camera knowledge in the world, but may be looking to upgrade from their phone.

Face Of The Day: Wedding MakeUp

It seems odd to even post after what has happened today, but from last time, I know some of us were too sad to watch the news, and used blogs and youtube as a way to escape everything which is going on, so please understand I am deeply saddened by what has happened, and I am not trying to take away from that, but as a comfort to some, the post will go live as scheduled.

Last weekend I was at a wedding for my lovely friend, (you can view her wedding here, it was beautiful.) So I thought I would share what I put onto my face for the occasion, as some of you may be in need of inspiration for a wedding over summer! :)

So, Three Sent Me An iPhone...

Without a doubt the weirdest moment of my blogging life so far. Without any prior warning I had a knock at my door, parcel to sign for - open it up... and out falls a new boxed iPhone 7. I actually squealed "What the f*ck" and a "huh"