April Favourites

Another month, another Favourites. This time its April  -and I have been obsessing over a few new bits - so here they are :)

MakeErinOver Turns 2! (My FULL MakeUp Collection Video)

So I kinda forgot my blog turned two this month #fail! So to celebrate I thought I would do something I have been meaning to do for a really long time.... I video'd my makeup collection.... so here it is, disclaimers included!

8 MakeUp Packaging Complaints

Packaging Complaints

I love Make Up, I love buying it, looking at it, using it - you name it. It is something that brings we great amounts of joy in life. BUT.... there is some things about it that really, really irritate me. And I just wish brands would listen to us when we say WE DO NOT WANT IT.

So here are a list of things that irritate me to no end, I hope you enjoy....

The Blogging Community

Ever since I started blogging I have heard comments like "Oh the blogging community just isn't what it was" Constant doubts of the bloggers, or the number of us now. This is typically said by bigger YouTubers or bloggers, missing the good old days where it was some sort of exclusive club... *eyeroll* I hate the exclusive vibe they wanted to keep, like somehow being new means you are not worthy, or wanted... To be honest I didn't take much notice of it, I just seen it as them being huffy over their club being open to all.

The Eyebrow Obsession

For as long as I can remember the beauty world has been obsessed with eyebrows, its either plucking them down to three strands, or wanting big bushy brows like Cara (Delevingne). I would love to have big beautiful brows. but unfortunately I have been blessed with long, uncontrollable yet thin brows. *sigh*

Trying Out New Brands & Products*

I love trying new makeup, and I love trying new brands... so when you are given the opportunity to try new things, it really is the perfect partnership. Needless to say I was thrilled to try out some new bits from Vichy, Bagsy and Elemental Herbology - all of which I have already heard such good things about.

Why I Buy High End MakeUp

Buying high end makeup is something that people either understand - or they don't. Just like how I will never understand my Gran's need to collect expensive plates, my mum's need to spend all year in her garden obsessing over vegetables and plants, or my friends obsession with anything pug - its just one of those joys in life that you find yourself needing more of, the things you find yourself looking at day in and day out.

Make Up: The Spring Edit

I love looking at which items people are using at the moment, especially as the weather changes! So here is all the bits I have been using this spring, my typical face all in one post :)

Gourdie Croft: Beefeater Kingsway West Dundee Review*

So a few weeks ago the Beefeater chain contacted me and asked me if I would like to come along to their newly renovated restaurant in Dundee - so how could I refuse? I love food.. so I took my mum along for lunch and we ate way too much good food, and had a good gossip. 

April: Goals, Wishes & Regrets

April so far is going well, for once this year things are looking up - And I am so excited to have new things to look forward to so here are the goals I have set myself this month, fingers crossed I can stick to them! 

LilyPebbles Made Me Buy It

This was originally going to be a "YouTube made me buy it" but it turns out Lily (From LilyPebbles) is the main influencer when it comes to me spending my money. Of course it does include Anna, but for me it needs to be confirmed by Lily for me to run out and buy it. 

So here is just some of the things that Lily has unknowingly made me buy - hope you enjoy :) 

The April Spending & Alcohol Ban

I didn't think I would ever put myself onto a spending ban, ever. I always swore I wouldn't, I hate restricting myself like that.. but after watching practically all of Kimberly Clark (Clark Clark)'s videos, I now find myself singing "What I'm not gonna buyyyy" I joke. But I also find myself thinking  "I Don't need it? I'm not gonna buy it?"

Benefit Cheek Parade Review & Swatches

Benefit Cheek Parade Review & Swatches

Get ready for a very picture heavy post. But can you really blame me? This palette is perfection. So I thought I would take the time to swatch and review it, after me impulse buying this a few weekends ago!