LilyPebbles Made Me Buy It

This was originally going to be a "YouTube made me buy it" but it turns out Lily (From LilyPebbles) is the main influencer when it comes to me spending my money. Of course it does include Anna, but for me it needs to be confirmed by Lily for me to run out and buy it. 

So here is just some of the things that Lily has unknowingly made me buy - hope you enjoy :) 

1. MAC Mehr (With Soar Lip Liner) £15.50 Her Post On
Who remembers this time last year when Lily became obsessed with this combo? She wore it every day for months.... well needless to say I fell in love too.. and Mac Mehr remains a firm favourite for me, (Although it has been beaten recently by Dior 772 (Swatches here))

2. Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel  £29.50  Her Post On
They should just give Lily & Anna shares in this product already. The hype is real around this one. I actually bought this the first time at a #BeautyChatLive event back in early 2015, I do love it - even if it smells like turkish delight :) 

3. ByTerry Ombre Blackstar in "Bronze Moon" £29.00 Her Post On
Ok, so I have mixed thoughts on this one. I totally agree with Lily, it is stunning, I love it. I use it all the time, it blends like a dream and it just sticks all day... BUT - its £29.00, and I cry just thinking I spent that on an eyeshadow pencil. *sobs* (If you want an exact doupe check out my post on the Kiko Pencils - Swatches Here (They are near enough exactly the same)

4. Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in "Diffused Light" £40.00 Her Post on
I really love this one, it took me a while to make a splurge of £40 on a setting powder, but it really is like magic, and it seems to be lasting so long too. I love how it just blurs imperfections. Well worth getting! 

5. Clarins Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector  £18.00 Her Post on
I really love this on no makeup-makeup days. It is the only gloss I will wear, because I hate sticky, and this just isn't overly sticky. Really beautiful product and I cannot wait to wear it all summer again. 

6. Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush in "Mood Exposure" £32.00 Her Post on
Lily has loved this one since 2014, and I got this late 2015. I am obsessed with this shade, it is the perfect subtle mauve colour for your cheeks which doesn't distract or stand out in an unnatural way - I love it, and it is without a doubt my most used blush - and Lily must love it, because she is still using it now. 

7. Bobbi Brown Full Coverage Face Brush £32.00 Her Post on
I bought this back in 2015 when Lily was obsessed with this, and used it exclusively for foundation until I discovered a sponge. Recently though I noticed Lily using it for cream bronzer, and well - its genius. Back into my everyday brush stash :) 

8. MAC Eyeshadow in "Woodwinked" £10.00 Her Post on
Lily has been loving Woodwinked since 2014, it was even in her only makeup you need video on her channel. I bought it last year. I finally gave in to it, and it is so nice, well worth picking up if you have a MAC palette :) 

9. Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy in "Full House" £6.99 Her Post on
I don't think Lily still has this, but a few years ago she was obsessed with this shade, and since then I have been too. It's the only nail varnish I have actually finished. 

10. It Cosmetics Full Coverage CC Cream £30.00 Her Post on
now.. this is my latest addition. It was this item arriving which made me think to do this post - because I never would have bought it without Lily & Anna talking about it for over a year. I give in ok? I now have it. *and it smells so good!* 

Which people influence you the most when it comes to buying makeup? Do you have a favourite YouTuber? Or have you tried any of these? Let me know in the comments below :) 



  1. I own & love a lot of these products too! I can't decide who my biggest enabler is - will have a think! xx


  2. amberatlanta8 April 2017 at 16:29

    MAC Mehr is gorgeous!! I honestly don't know who my biggest influencer is, but I love the concept of this post!

  3. Oh soooo many gorgeous items!!
    I want to try the It Cosmetics CC cream but not available in Netherlands... :/

    Fecebook | Blog | Bloglovin | Blogs Portugal

  4. Oh wow, you really got a lot products thanks to her. For me it would be probably KathleenLights. Maybe I could do the same on my blog. Thanks for the idea. :)

    Michelle Morchella

  5. That MAC lipstick looks stunning. I have been wanting to try the Hourglass Powder, sounds lovely.
    She Blushes

  6. I'll definitely check out the Kiko eyeshadow stick, as I don't think I can spend that much! The hourglass products are stunning, I really need to get my hands on them soon!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush♡

  7. I really like woodwinked too! I didn't actually get tempted by Lily but bought it nonetheless and always recommend friends to get it!
    Kathy x

  8. Seeing all these products now makes me wanna buy them all! Thanks for temptation!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. So many lovely things! As soon as a product becomes a 'blogger fave' I'm usually the next to run out and buy it! (except for the Nivea Shave balm trend!)

    Alice | Dainty Alice

  11. PaleGirlRambling10 April 2017 at 00:51

    Some great products! I'm desperate to try some hourglass powders they're just so crazy expensive!
    PaleGirlRambling xo

  12. Shireen L. Platt10 April 2017 at 19:06

    I have Hourglass Dim Light and it's so beautiful on the skin!

  13. I love Lily and her reviews! I totally also look mac woodwinked and hourglass blushes! I really want to try the hourglass setting powders and it cosmetics foundation but I just can't part with the money

    Lucy |

  14. I love how we are so influenced by others to make our purchases, shows the trust and faith we have in people! I've never tried any of these but mehr is beautiful.
    Charlotte / Charlotte's Picks

  15. Great post! I'd buy all of these if I had the money haha


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