The Eyebrow Obsession

For as long as I can remember the beauty world has been obsessed with eyebrows, its either plucking them down to three strands, or wanting big bushy brows like Cara (Delevingne). I would love to have big beautiful brows. but unfortunately I have been blessed with long, uncontrollable yet thin brows. *sigh*

But still, I couldn't understand the big deal everyone had with eyebrows for so long, I just didn't get it. Sure I wanted Instagram eyebrows - but I just didn't understand the hype around them, the obsession. Well now I do. I find myself gazing at eyebrows all the time, I find myself constantly dreaming of big full brows with a big ass arch. I dream of an arch....

So I thought I would take the time to say... I don't think anyone is ever happy with their brows, ever. People like me want them to be wider and more controllable, hell I have even considered shaving mine off.... but no, I shall not. Even if I have considered tattoos brows instead.

But instead I experiment with waxes, powders, crayon things, so many different options.. none of which I am 100% on... now I am just growing them out - I'm pretty sure two will become one shortly too #smexy

psst. the eyeshadow is Charlotte Tilbury Dolce Vita

I feel like brows is something we have all been obsessed with, so tell me, what do you use on yours? Do you love yours? What would you change about them? Let me know in the comments below :)



  1. I had a bad waxing experience a few years ago leaving my brows completely different sizes! They're slowly growing back but in the meantime I'm definitely happy there are so many products out there to help me fill them in.

    xo, Liz

  2. I see quite a nice arch in your brows! :) Mine are thick and unruly, I have to tweeze them all the time. I'm so glad thicker brows are back in style, I would have never survived the three hair trend!

    Beauty From Katie

  3. I think you had lovely brows! My are okay but very fair, so I regularly get them tinted which helps to add a bit more colour to them x

    Everything But The Kitchen

  4. I think you have an arch in your brows! I try lots of different products but am currently loving a Benefit trio! xx


  5. Eyeshadow is beaut! p.s. microblading/tattooing is 100% worth it ;) x

  6. Girl, I would kill to have eyebrows like yours! Mine are so thin and light, so I always have to use brow products. I've been so intrigued with microblading videos on IG. It's something I want to get done!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  7. You have lovely brows, there is such nice arch in them! I always get comments about having light hair and dark eyebrows, but I don't fancy dying my brows haha!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  8. I don't do much with my eyebrows at all. I probably pluck them like once a month. I don't get why people care so much about them as I never notice eyebrows on other people unless they look stupid.

    Corinne x

  9. Danielle Alexa20 April 2017 at 20:55

    I really want to try some of the new Benefit brow products, at the minute I am using the Hourglass Arch Brow Pencil and it is incredible!

    Danielle xx

  10. Hev you tried Etude House's brow pencil? I swear by it!

    Angelie // Manicure Mondays: Faby Unknown Dimension

    1. omg, me too! I've used it for the past few months and have been so obsessed haha!
      Kathy x


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