Let's Talk: Trusting Media Influencers

I have been reading a lot of posts and Twitter rants lately about media influencers, mainly by bloggers and how they are changing the media and how advertising was used up until this point.

It seems now with social media - regular people can now become famous. Bridging the gap between celebrity and regular. Their is now a big grey area inbetween, which lies people like bloggers and YouTubers. People that from a perspective can be seen as just a normal girl.... A normal girl who is getting paid a not so normal amount for endorsing a product or an event, but somehow doesn't quite gain that "celebrity" title.

While I have zero issues with people doing sponsored posts and collaborating with brands, I have noticed the appeal to run out and buy a product a normal girl is endorsing is much higher than what it would be if Beyoncé was doing it, I mean she is out of our league right? But someone sitting in their bedroom chatting about an item is more relatable... even if that item is a Chanel bag unboxing - as if its a new release straight out of Primark.

Basically the issue I have with it all is its not "normal" being able to buy an item like that - it isn't typical. Most girls will dream of such an item, and if extremely lucky will be gifted one for a big birthday, or will save up for years for it. Hell, a lot of us will live a long and happy life without such an item, but these girls are making it look as if its a normal thing to buy - like hey "look at my new chanel bag, I impulse bought it in Paris" You impulse buy a new River Island dress.. not a £2000 hand bag.

And I know, the automatic response to any post like this, is "they work hard, they deserve it, they have built up a channel, you are just jealous"

Am I jealous? I think its human nature to look at something like that and think "oh I wish.." but is it to the point I am bitter? no. I love my life, I work hard for what I own, and I have zero problems with my income and I have no desire to be at their level. More on that here.

My main issue with it all is they are being paid a celebrity amount of money, to influence us. That is there role. I suppose I am now part of that too - trying to influence you all into buying things I like too. But at what point should we question their loyalty to us as their viewers? Or are they becoming more loyal to their status, brand, bank balance etc. At what point do you stop seeing them as a normal girl, and more like someone who wants us to buy their latest release or colaberation.. or are only promoting something for the cash incentive?
At what point do you look at a YouTuber and see they don't see this as fun, they see it as a way to maintain their new lifestyle? Or to promote other things they have been working on?

What has really been upsetting me recently is seeing some of them not post for weeks, then do a post promoting something. Like a chit chat get ready with me, or just a vlog isn't worth their time anymore. So I have actually been unfollowing them, I just don't want to watch someone who has no enthusiasm, but doesn't want to just quit. It's not pretty to watch, and it makes me doubt everything they are saying.. I mean would you have posted this video without being paid? Probably not.

What has caused this post is another post very similar, and a few very very large YouTubers taking offence by the honesty. Deeming it "slander" FYI, Slander is a legal term, "the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation" which she didn't do. She made a point similar to mine, about what "normal" is, and how their lives are out of the ordinary. But many took offence to it, as if it wasn't correct.. but us as people, have the right to say things on the internet, as long as they are factual, and not completely horrible (cause that's just not nice mm'kay)

I just feel that posts like this they will deem as "bullying" but is it? being honest about how they make their money? Is it something they are ashamed of? I am all for women working their asses off and doing as well as men, but I feel this is something that not only effects the women on YouTube, but the men too.

So do not feel like you need to support everyone on the internet, and do not be afraid to speak out and say "you clearly don't like that product, hell you haven't even used it" (true story, favourites video with a pair of shoes, which still had clean stickers on the bottom dispite the quite of "I have worn these ALL month" mmmhm.

So my point is, we don't always have to love and support everyone all the time, you can say "hey I didn't like that" but just be careful online... Take them with a pince of salt, and all the good ones will be honest with you, or answer any issues you may have straight away. They won't accuse you of bullying, and they wont accuse you of slander if you are asking a simple (but polite) question.

What they shouldn't do is draw attention to your tweet and then accuse you of slander/bullying, which I have seen done, its not pretty or nice. If anything, that is them using their influence to bully, which can essentially destroy someone. Not nice.

I am going to take the time to say this isn't directed at anyone in particular, just a lot of happenings over the past year or so. Just food for thought, and I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below, have you ever doubted a youtuber? or felt like they weren't loving it anymore?

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