July: Wishes & Regrets


I swear this month has been interesting. I feel like I have spent thousands of pounds... but not really bought very much.. even though I have bought alot.. *sigh* So here are the things I have been dreaming of this month... and the things I really wish I hadn't bothered with! 


This months wish is a pretty huge one. And I'm guessing a bunch of bloggers are the best people to ask advice on. I am considering making an Apple Investment. But I cannot decide if I would rather have the:
13" with Retina Display MacBook Pro 2.9Ghz Processor 512 GB Storage (£1399.99)
15" with Retina display MacBook Pro 2.2Ghz Processor 256 GB Storage (£1599.99) 
21.5" with Retina 4K display iMac 3.1Ghz Processor / 1TB Storage (£1199.99)

 I'm pretty sure I want a laptop and not a desktop, but still I cannot ignore the price vs proformance when it comes to the iMac... help. I need help choosing. Do you have one? which one do you have? Do you think they are worth their huge pricetag? Let me know below :)
Other than that the only thing I am dreaming of is the next sale, potentially another huge spend. Due to hit stores next weekend I am a tad excited... and will be there for opening.

Regrets are a simple one this month. NEVER EVER dry shave your legs. Something I seem to forget about once a year then become a scaley scratchy monster for a week. IT BURNS so bad. Do not do it. Ever. You will regret it lol

Let me know which things you have been wishing for this month, and which things you have been regretting? Let me know in the comments below :)

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too)



  1. This is so original and different! I love it! x


  2. Kate] Kate's Closet10 July 2016 at 20:34

    I would love anything Apple mac but I will sadly be sticking to my laptop, they are so expensive, I would defo go for a laptop one if I could xoxo

  3. I loved this. Cant help with the MAC situ as i user Acer laptops great processors. Yes dry shaving ouch you poor thing😘


  4. I was wondering which apple product to get for a long time! After years of research, I finally bit the bullet and decided to buy the macbook retina 13 inch. Here's my blog post about it.


  5. I want a MAC too... But I'm the same and just dont know where to start. I made the mistake of shaving my legs with some seriously cheap razors last week, omg, my legs look like i've walked through thorning bushes!
    We live and learn ay. x

  6. I have a laptop which I love! It's so easy to take in your bag when you're out and about on the go, travelling etc! The only thing I regret is not getting more storage, I'd definitely recommend spending more on extra storage as it's SO worth it in the long run!

    Hayley xo

  7. BeautiliciousD11 July 2016 at 17:22

    Why is Macbook so expensive x( oh and I don't even wanna mention iMac (cry).
    Great post ^^ x hehe


  8. Shireen L. Platt11 July 2016 at 18:46

    I have a 15" Macbook Pro and it was one of the best investment that I have ever done, totally worth it. Yes, it's expensive as hell but I will never go back to normal laptop again.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. I agree. My 13" Macbook Pro is still with me since 2010. Although it is definitely slower now, it has not given me any problem to date. No trips to the technician (yet).


  • You should have got a mac with 20% discount. I almost did last week haahah. Look into a Mac Mini. I bought mine 4 years ago and have it plugged into a 32 inch TV and use it as a desktop. It does everything I need it to, including running final cut pro and photoshop!

    Corinne x

  • ALittleKiran12 July 2016 at 10:05

    I love using hair conditioner to shave my legs it makes my legs silky smooth and then I use some baby lotion afterwards to sooth them and they're good to go, shaving legs is such a tedious task. I hate it xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  • I would definitely recommend getting a 13inch Macbook Pro. I would find the 15inch terribly annoying and too big to lug around and the iMac's only down side is that it isn't portable which is why a laptop is what I would go for. I have the 13inch Macbook pro 256gb and also have an additional hard drive as I found the space wasn't enough :)
    Kathy x


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