July Empties

Another month, another empty post. I swear my empties are getting much smaller, especially in the candle department, which I shall explain shortly :) so here is everything I have used up in the month of July :) 

1. Vaseline Spray & Go Body Moisturiser  (£3.99)
I love this stuff, the only body moisturiser I have EVER finished. What a bold claim. It's just so good.  I use it after the shower, it just is so quick and easy.. makes my skin smooth with no effort. Win win. REPURCHASED

2. Estee Lauder Advance Night Repair (SAMPLE)  (£52.00)
Jesus this stuff is expensive. Such a huge product though, everyone raves about it, and I can see why... but I must admit I hate the smell of it. It's an odd smell... I just don't agree with it, so I am up for suggestions of something similar :) 

3. MAC Studio Fix Fluid (NC15) (£22.00)
My holy grail foundation is finished. *Cries* I have a few more to go through but I will be repurchasing this when I get a chance, I really really love it, such a good product.. even if it does smell like paint.... 

4. MAC Mascara (SAMPLE) (£19.00)
A little teeny freebie with a purchase last month, its just so cute and small. Mascara was alright.. nothing too amazing but does a good job :) 

5. Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer  (£5.49)
I love this concealer, such a good one. And fair enough to be actually useful with my pale skin.. YAY! Will probably repurchase at some point but I have a million others to use first. 

I love candles, and this month I have moved onto a burner. I love the way a burner can just last all day, the smell it gives off is just incredible. Yeah, I used about 10 tea lights... and the rest on a burner. Let me know if you want a more indepth post on the wax melts etc...

This month I have used a few wax melts, mainly a couple of the Yankee ones..Margarita Party are my favourite at the moment, they smell incredible! Then a couple different ones from Tesco. Another pack of the Airpure Vanilla ones (from home bargains) and an almost full pack of lavender... cause I cannot stand the smell of them. Time to just admit it and give them to my friend!

As for actual candles I have been using a few, one from Tesco (the white one) didn't burn well AT ALL. Seriously it sucks. Don't buy them. And another sucky one was the orange one from Matalan..  I mean I wasn't expecting much for £3, but the smell was AWFUL. Like orange scented bleach.. and it didn't burn properly either. Bleh. all round fail. But the little ones from B&M are still awesome. They come in a 4 pack for £1.99, they are fab.

Let me know which things you have used up this month? Do you use wax melts? Let me know in the comments below :)

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  1. How is this possible! Haha I haven't finished any products in the last couple of months and I want to finish some, I am sooo ready to buy new things I have in my wishlist! The Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair must be the one product that did an amazing job to my skin and I actually felt and saw the difference, but yes, it is sooo expensive. I used to buy samples of 7ml but not anymore.


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  3. Natasha and Emily14 July 2016 at 16:09

    Ohh I love the Rimmel wake me up concealer, especially in the summer time! I adore candles too but I haven't ever tried wax melts, but they do sound interesting so I might try them soon. Thanks for sharing!<3
    FloralsAndCoralsx//Our Blog

  4. I love the Wake Me Up concealer! You still finished way more than I have in the last month x


  5. I'm really into candles lately, too. I have one burning at the moment :D

    Corinne x

  6. Kate] Kate's Closet14 July 2016 at 21:17

    I love candles to and and wax melts, always need to buy more lol xoxo

  7. I kind of want to cry for you because you've finished the MAC studio fix. I think I'm close to finishing mine too!
    Charlotte // www.charlottespicks.com

  8. Miel and Mint15 July 2016 at 22:24

    Always enjoy a good empties post, hon. Oh, all the feels when that MAC foundation is finito. I couldn't relate more! The amount of candles I burn is crazy well but I really enjoy them all year round <3 Much love your way hon.
    xox Nadia

  9. Shireen L. Platt15 July 2016 at 22:29

    I still have that Wake Me Up concealer in my list to try but like you, I have a few to go through so it would be a while before I buy a new concealer.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  10. cielofronteras16 July 2016 at 00:52

    Love these Mac products too!!! Would love to try that Rimmel Concealer =)

    - Cielo
    Mermaid in Heels

  11. I definitely need a quick moisturiser because really.. who has time to moisturise their entire body !
    Kathy x


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