July Favourites

I do love a favourite post, I just feel like it rounds up the month perfectly. Tying all the ends and moving onto something new. I also love looking back to see all the things I have loved, it just feels final, Goodbye July, hello August *gulp*

So here are the things I have been loving this month :)

1. The Mac Book Pro £1599.99 (Full Post Here)
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Seriously, its so good, I love it so much, and I just keep remembering that everytime I think about how much it is. Dang lol.

2. Iolla Smiths in "Rust Fade" £65.00 (Full Post Here)
Cannot get enough of my Iollas, they were delivered end of last month and I just cannot stop wearing them (true they also help me to see, but still) they are light and super comfortable. Highly recommend Iolla if you need new glasses :)

3. Urban Decay Naked Basics £23.00 (Full Post Here)
Love this little palette. I use this daily for my brows and this month I have been opting for a more natural look. This is the perfect palette for a basic no fuss eye look.

4. Bourjois Bronzer (Festival Edition)* £5.99 (Post Here)
With summer here my pasty skin is looking for some glow. I have been using this just to put some life and sun into my skin. Plus the packaging is super cute for summer :)

5. Sensational Polish to Gel* £15.00 (Post Here) 
This is a game changer. I stopped getting my nails gelled because I missed using my own polish, this means I can change my nail colour weekly... yet get no chips. Not a single one. NONE! Love it!

6. Sleek Highlighting Palette £9.99 (Full Post Here)
It's so so beautiful. No wonder there is a hype around this one. It looks so odd in the palette, but these colours are PERFECT for us pale girls. My favourite is the peach one. It is lovely.

7. Charlotte Tilbury "Sexy Sienna" £23.00 (Full Post Here)
I don't think I have ever worn a lipstick so much in one month. Just to show you my love for it here is it compared to Hel's Bell's.. which I have also worn twice this month.. just to show you the bullet change. ha! I do love it. It's the perfect coral pink tone, which is bright but not bold and hard to wear, its just perfect.

8. Candy Kitten Sweeties 
Ok, so these are very blog friendly, I mean you can buy them in topshop, very "on trend" but they just taste so flipping good! My favourite ones are the watermelon ones, but I ate them too quick for them to be in this picture *oops*

9. TV: Big Bang Theory
I have been rematching Big Bang Theory again! I am so excited for the new season to come out now, have you seen who is going to play Penny's Mum? Her Mum from 8 Simple Rules - Katey Segal. SO EXCITED. Cannot wait.

10. Random Favourite: Tati 
If you haven't found Tati on YouTube yet where have you been? she is AMAZING. Seriously. I have been binge watching here like mad this month. I love her "OMG" series, and she is just totally flawless... If you haven't followed her yet, I suggest you do.. trust me you will be hooked!

I have also been obsessed with snapchat this month, so if you haven't added me yet, make sure you do, I snap daily :)

What have you been loving this month? Let me know in the comments below :) 

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too)


  1. You got the Mac Book! YAY! Im super jealous! Can you believe I still dont have any Charlotte Tilbury? I need to sort my life out haha.
    Great post as always x

  2. Gosh - the CT lipsticks are up there on my list, they look so good!
    Ambar | Her Little Loves

  3. Abbey Louisa Rose30 July 2016 at 09:48

    I'm obsessed with my MacBook Pro as well haha, it's definitely the best computer I've ever owned, it's so easy to use! 🙌🏼 Naked Basics seems like such an idea palette, I really want to buy it! Got to add you on Snapchat too! 💕

    Abbey ✨ www.abbeylouisarose.co.uk

  4. Love your Charlotte Tilbury picks, such lovely colors.

    | www.noirettediary.com |

  5. Jennifer - Barely There Beauty30 July 2016 at 10:07

    I really need to try the CT hot lips, your picks both look like gorgeous colours. And wild strawberry sounds absolutely delicious, I want them right now!

    www.Barely There Beauty.com | British Beauty & Lifestyle blog


  6. I love favorites lists! Everything is so nice on yours! I would def have to keep reminding myself that i love the macbook too! Plus you're using it, it's not like it's just sitting in a corner! :)
    x Kenzie // Kenzieblogslife.blogspot.com

  7. Macbook love! They glasses are fab, too :)

    Corinne x

  8. Shireen L. Platt30 July 2016 at 15:29

    Yessss! You got the Macbook Pro, I love mine too! It's pricey but so worth it. Sleek really need to get in stores here in Canada so far they are only available through online and the shipping kills me.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  9. obsessed with my mac pro as well! i need to get that sleek palette, hopefully it's still being sold when i'm in the uk in a couple months!

    danielle | avec danielle

  10. Noor Unnahar30 July 2016 at 17:31

    YAY for Macbook! I really want to invest in one before uni starts. IT'S SO PRETTY INNIT?!? I am a little unsure how I would feel switching from Windows since I have used it allllll my life but it's compatibility with iPhone should help me

    Noor | Noor's Place

  11. I love the Naked Basics palette! Though I can't decide if I like the first or second one better.


  12. Jasmine Stewart30 July 2016 at 22:38

    I love my Macbook Pro and although it was an initial investment (I did get it at un though so got a student discount!) it's still going strong 4 years later so I can't complain :) I never miss Tati's videos either - she's so consistent with producing great new content

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  13. Just added you on snapchat! I've been obsessed recently too :)

    Edye | Http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com

  14. I love tati! Her youtube channel is so real and all her reviews I truly believe to be 100% honest, love her!
    Kathy x

  15. The Sleek palette has sold out again where I'm from! Ahhhh. Can't get a hold of it. Seriously lemming for it.

    Jorj | Mad Cherry

  16. The UD Naked Basics palette has been a long time favourite of mine! Great picks! :)

    Nicole | In The Life of NM // Enter My Giveaway!

  17. Ooh I really need to check out the new Bourjois powder - the packaging is gorgeous xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  18. Natasha and Emily31 July 2016 at 17:49

    I am so with you on the sleek palette - It has been an absolute staple for me this month! It is gorgeous x

    FloralsAndCoralsx // Our Blog xx

  19. Carina Vardie31 July 2016 at 19:34

    Awesome favourites! I need to try that Sleek highlighting palette and the Bourjois bronzer.


  20. Once you go Mac you never go back! I really want to try Charlotte Tilbury lipsticks, they don't have them here in the US except for maybe at Nordstrom...they look super luxurious with gorgeous shades!


  21. emma langlands31 July 2016 at 22:01

    I bought a Mac Book last year and it was the best decision ever, also love the Sleek Palette xox


  22. Ooh, some really gorgeous favourites :) 'Sexy Sienna' by Charlotte Tilbury is SUCH a pretty lip shade!


  23. ElaBellaWorld1 August 2016 at 12:41

    I want to get my hands on rose gold air, I love how sleek it looks :) I still haven't tried that sleek highlighter palette, I should swatch it!

    Ela BellaWorld

  24. Them sweets look amazing and I love the lipsticks. Gemma x

  25. I love the packaging of that bourjois bronzer!
    Charlotte // www.charlottespicks.com

  26. That Sleek highlight palette is gorgeous! I wish it was readily available in drugstores here in the States. I'd snatch it up real quick!

    Nida | Caked To The Nines

  27. Danielle Beautyblog1 August 2016 at 20:47

    Love the Naked Basics palette! Your MacBook Pro looks amazing, I need a new laptop so bad but I don't think I can take the plunge haha!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  28. Miel and Mint3 August 2016 at 22:43

    Your favourites look incredible, hon! Soooo many fab pieces I don't even know where to start commenting :) So glad you got the laptop & that it's Mac Book - isn't it just the best? :) The Sleek highlight palette & UD Basics are stunning and those lippies - I'm in love <3
    xox Nadia


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