1 in 100: Urban Decay Vice Lipstick BackTalk (swatches)

Just in case you have missed it... Urban Decay have done their biggest launch yet. They launched an epic 100 lipsticks to replace their old collections. They are all divided into different finishes and shades. It's pretty incredible.
So the time came last week for me to try and decide which one I wanted from them. It's not an easy task picking 1 from 100. But this is the one I chose, and the results.

I went up to the UD counter with choosing something different in mind, a red... or a shimmer. Yeah well that failed. After swatching what felt like all 100 on my arm I finally just asked the girl which one was her favourite. Her reply was BackTalk, which she then grabbed and swatched on me. It was love, even if I have several dusky pink matte shades already *sigh* here is a comparison to ones I have which are similar.

Backtalk definitely has a purple/blue undertone compared to mehr, and it really is beautiful on. From what I have seen so far this seems to be a very popular one so far... but it is plain to see why it is loved.

The comfort matte finish is very smooth, almost doesn't feel matte at all, doesn't dry out and very buttery, which is just nice.

What I would say as a downside is the packaging. The old UD packaging was heavy, this definitely feels cheaper in comparison, and the first few times you open it - its near impossible, I couldn't figure out if I was meant to twist it, but it is just a pull. The upside to this new packaging is the bullet shape. The older lipsticks were rounded, but this one is more of a standard shape, which just makes application of it so much easier.

I use the MAC Hip & Happy lipliner with this shade, which works perfectly :)

So here it is on, thoughts? Have you picked up one (or more) of the 100 yet? Let me know which ones you are after in the comments below :)

You can see all the shades here  for £15.00 Each
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  1. Natalya Amour12 July 2016 at 12:45

    That shade back talk is just so pretty

    Beauty Candy Loves

  2. I love these. Doll Parts has to be my favourite :) The cruelty free element means that UD and JS win for me everytime, though!

    Alice | Whiskey Jars Blog

  3. Oh man, Back Talk is gorgeous, I absolutely adore that shade! :) xxx

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

  4. I love the shade, it has such pretty undertones!


  5. Ramblingsofamakeuplover12 July 2016 at 18:45

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  6. I was going to try and not get drawn in to the Urban Decay lipsticks, but this shade is gorgeous! x


  7. I absolutely LOVE these new lipsticks! I have five of them (Backtalk included) and they are so comfortable to wear, as well as the pigment being really so nice. I have one of their older lipsticks before they stopped production of them and really still like it. But these are just really so nice!


  8. The Makeup Aficionado13 July 2016 at 00:43

    I love that shade of the UD lipstick, it looks gorgeous!


  9. Back talk is so nice and such a great pink shade you can wear everyday :)
    Kathy x

  10. I love the shade!! It looks very nice on you!! <3 Lovely post!

    Amelia | http://amelia-g.blogspot.com.au/

  11. 100 new lipsticks? Omg!!! Backtalk is lovely and really suits you, it would be perfect for every day! :)


  12. 100 new lipsticks? Omg!!! Backtalk is lovely and really suits you, it would be perfect for every day! :)


  13. BeautiliciousD13 July 2016 at 10:47

    I still haven't got my hand on Jeffree Star lipsticks but I'd really love too and it looks so good! I love the other colors as well :) Great post


  14. I love the one you've picked up it's such a beautiful shade!! I feel like it's such a beautiful pink that can be worn everyday!
    Charlotte // www.charlottespicks.com

  15. Wow it's a gorgeous colour. Gemma x

  16. Jasmine Stewart13 July 2016 at 18:56

    I love the look of this shade - it's right up my street! I've got a couple of the Comfort Matte shades and really love the formula and definitely want to try some of the other finishes :)

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty | US & Sephora Giveaway

  17. I just bought this too, it's such a lovely colour! I've got to keep myself away from UD before I buy more - I love the look of Crisis, Hitch Hike and Ravenswood!

    Laura Wardrobe // Laura Wardrobe

  18. Oooh! I've been eyeing up this collection for ages but there's just so many to choose from. This is such a lovely shade and Mehr by MAC is my favourite lipstick so this shade might be the one for me! xo


  19. Miel and Mint15 July 2016 at 22:48

    Those shades, babes <3 I am in luuuuuvvv! Plus, your hair looks incredible! I am so drooling over all three, you have no idea! UD definitely treats their customers well - 100 new lippies!!! O.o
    <3 <3 <3
    xox Nadia


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