200th Post: My Top Favourite Bloggers/Blogs


To Celebrate my 200th post on my blog I decided to do something a bit different to the usual here. I decided to share my favourite blogs, the ones I automatically go onto, the ones I remember the URLs for and await post notifications for (or stalk twitter for new post updates)

This post is not an advertisement or sponsored in any way shape or from, the bloggers had no idea they would be featured (so I am sorry if this surprises or upsets them in any way, shape or form)

Hope you all enjoy, and let me know your favourites, or leave me your blog link at the bottom and I will come say hi and explore!

1. The Sunday Girl
Without a doubt my go to. If I turn a computer on hers is the first URL I type in - before anything productive, like food shops, work etc, its automatic. I even follow her on the Blogger Dashboard, which I know she finds very amusing and pretty nostalgic.
I just find Adrienne very approachable, you can ask her to do certain posts, compare products and she will more than happily chat away and give you an honest opinion on products. Not to mention she posts more than daily, as of writing this post now, she has posted an epic 51 times already in 2016. If there is something new, (or old) you want - there is a good chance she has reviewed & swatched it. The hub of all beauty knowledge.

2. Lily Pebbles
I must admit in 2014/2015 I had a slight fixation with all things LP. Her recommendations are always on point. I trust her opinions still - which is a rarity over the past year falling out of love with the youtube community. Our makeup preferences are different, but she reviews honestly so you know what to expect regardless of differences in taste or hypes. I blame her completely for a large number of my favourite products. (Eg the Bobby Brown Full Coverage Face Brush - it really is amazing) She is one of the handful of people I still watch on YouTube.

3. ViviannaDoesMakeup
You cannot have Lily without Anna, and you cannot have Anna without Lily, like the Ant & Dec of the youtube community, only less funny more fabulous. I go to Anna if I need reviews on products, or something a bit different, like a lifestyle post, or a cooking post. You also know if they are both raving about something... you are going to need it too. 

4. FrockMeI'mFamous
I've been following Hayley for a while now - her style & fashion posts are amazing. But my main obsession with her blog began when her and her partner split up (odd I know), and instead of moping around she decided to make the most out of the situation, she ditched her job and grabbed her passport. Every time she travels somewhere new I am in awe, her pictures are beautiful, and the locations... wow. Basically she turned her life instagramable (yes that is a word lol) my personal favourite was when she went to Thailand. This post in particular, I cried a little - beyond perfect. She lives my motto of "sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right" Now she has committed to 12 countries in 12 months, I cannot wait to see where she ends up. Want to escape? go visit her blog :)

5. JasmineTalksBeauty
I have been following Jasmine since I first started blogging, I found her on Instagram & fell in love with her pictures, then her blog. Jasmine's makeup tastes as pretty much identical to mine, so quite a lot of things she loves, I love too. Quite often we have ended up with the same products in our favourites, like the Ambient Lighting Mood Exposure Blush... MAC Shades, MAC Lipsticks.. I could go on and on. The danger for me is if she loves something, I will probably love it too, so she has me obsessing over MUG shadows, Inglot Palettes and the Lorac Unzipped palette.
Her blog has very recently exploded with followers and views, the best bit? they are well deserved. Jasmine puts her heart into her blog and her followers, she is super nice and will always reply or make the effort to come visit your blog and leave comments. She is all round lovely. If you don't follow her already, you really should :)

6. Miel and Mint
Nadia is the sweetest. I found her through her finding my blog, she commented on one of my posts months ago now, I then went onto hers and fell for her blog style and posts... and we have been blog friends since. I love her more personal posts with her husband, their travels or their home tour over Christmas. Recently she has done advice posts on blogging which are definitely worth checking out.  

7. ElaBellaWorld
Met in the same way as Miel and Mint, She is lovely. One of the nicest people I know in the blogging world. Her blog's star is the photos... her picture quality is incredible, and I love her layout and post topics, she always has something interesting to read and catch up on. Worth following just for her lovely personality.

8. Arabella Golby
Arabella was the first blogger I ever followed and surprisingly enough I only found her because of YouTube. Back in 2014 I never used makeup - ever. I then discovered Becca Rose and it was like -  finally at 23 I wanted to use make up and be a girl.
At this point Becca and Arabella were never apart, they did everything together. Arabella didn't have YouTube, she was a "Blogger" I had not a clue what that was. So I found her. I then followed her on google+ (didn't have a clue about Bloglovin' either)
Still her blog is timeless, I love her unique style and beautiful timeless pieces. She recently got a YSL bag that has broken my heart a little, its so beautiful I could cry. But she is definitely worth following if you want something a bit different :)

So who is your top go to in the blog world? let me know in the comments below :)


  1. AAA thanks for sharing I'm always on the hunt for new blogs to read:) Do you want to support each others blog by following each other? Please let me know so I can follow you right back:)


  2. Congratulations on your 200th post :) I hope there will be many more! Thank you so much for all these sweet things you said, you made my day :) You're one of the first bloggers I've started following when I started my blog and enjoy reading your posts :) I follow most of these bloggers, and totally agree with what you say about them. Anna and Lily are my favourite, I've been following their YT channels and blogs for years. I adore how good they are together. x

    Ela BellaWorld

  3. I'm such a big fan of The Sunday Girl! Well done on hitting 200 posts lovely xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  4. I love Jasmine Talks Beauty too! My top blogs are London Beauty Queen, Becky Bedbug, Dorkface & She Might Be Loved. Congrats on posting your 200th post!

    Roxie | The Beautiful Bluebird

  5. I love all of these bloggers, although Jasmine Talks Beauty has to be one of my favourite reads! Congratulations on 200 posts! x

    Jodie // Jodie Loue

  6. Congrats on your 200th post! I love some of these blogs too, and you've given me some new ones to check out!
    xo Kiki

  7. Jasmine Stewart7 February 2016 at 20:54

    Aw thank you so much for including my blog in this (alongside the greats! haha) and for your lovely words! Congrats on 200 posts <3 xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  8. You are such a sweetheart for including my blog to your faves list, hon! Thank you so so much! Congrats on your 200th post and keep them coming! I always love reading what you have to share, love. <3
    xox Nadia


I would love it if you could leave a comment, I love reading them! I also love it when you leave your own blog links so I can go check them out too - But please make sure your clickable link is working - or I do need to delete the comment :(