February Wish List

Every Single month I pick something new to obsess over - I will then decide if they are worth the splurge, then save up to buy them. Its a hard life being a shopaholic on a budget! So here is this month's obsession. 



You can view the full post for my January Wish List here

1. Too Faced Chocolate Bar - PURCHASED. Bought the orriginal. Love it. 
2. Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick - I still need to own this, and I will 
3. The Topshop Dress - PURCHASED. Love it. 
4. Gurlain Perfume - I can never make up my mind, its now changed to wanting Stella 
5. MAC Cinderfella - PURCHASED. Love it. 
6. BECCA Highlight - Still need, but I think I need to swatch and buy instore. 

February Wishlist  


1. TU Yellow Rain Coat (£30 Sainsbury's) 
. last year Iain got me my Khaki Green raincoat and I swear I have worn it every single day since. It's all over my instagram. Needless to say its looking pretty tatty now.. so I am eyeing up something new. This caught my eye straight away. I love yellow. Topshop had one like this over Autumn, and I wanted it so bad but didn't grab it when I had the chance - so happy to see this one at half the price. Sainsbury's also do 25% off promos all the time, so hoping to get this at the end of Feb with a good chunk off the price :)
 2. Too Faced Born This Way Foundation (£29.00 Debenhams)
 I haven't quite decided what foundation to try next, and as I am so close to finishing my bottle of Studio fix I need something new. Right now its between this one, the new Chanel one or another bottle of MAC. (would love suggestions!)

3. Adele 25 (£9.99 Amazon)
 I'm pretty sure I am the only person still not to own this album. I need to fix this asap. 

4. River Island Wrap Blouse (£36.00)
 I'm not gonna lie, im pretty poor all the time, so the price of this is horrifying. It's odd though, £30 for a foundation? no problem, the same for clothing? hell no. Maybe I should recheck my priorities lol. 

5. Topshop Sleveless Khaki coat (£45.00) 
I love the idea of having a maxi thing just to put over a tshirt and leggings, I don't even know what this type of thing is called. But I want one.
6. Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer In Fair Medium (£17.50 Debenahams)
 I love my drugstore concealers, but they are never quite pale enough. So really up for trying a pale one from UD. This one is meant to be the best, so looking forward to trying it out. 

So there is the things I am after this month. What do you have your eye on? let me know in the comments below :) 

All these photos do not belong to me but I have linked them in posts.


  1. Manc Over Matter10 February 2016 at 15:10

    Great picks, I've also been lusting after the UD Naked Skin concealer for a while too!

    Toni x

  2. Adele's new album is amazing, I hope you like it! I've also heard amazing things about the Born This Way foundation.


  3. I also crave that concealer hon! And yes, you need Adele's new CD in your life, babe!
    xox Nadia

  4. I really want to try the Urban Decay concealer and the Becca highlighter. Great post :)x


  5. I'm not really a big fan of yellow, but I love the look of that coat. I always find TU clothes are pretty good quality too! x

    Jodie // Jodie Loue

  6. I have UD concealer on my wishlist too, everyone is raving about it so it must be good! You should get Adele album, it is great!

    Ela BellaWorld


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